Summoning the Kingdom of Erusea

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – Bird

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Mu Continent
January 9 1639

The Mu continent is where the 2nd Civilization countries are located. It consisted mainly of the Superpower Mu, Great Power Leifor including their protectorate Paganda, and one regional power called Magicaraich. All countries on the Mu Continent are a technologically advanced nation, with a mix of magic and science usually.

On the western part of the continent, there was located the Leifor protectorate, Paganda. Paganda initially was an independent country decades ago. But, after an invasion from Leifor, their King immediately surrendered. He was then allowed to keep the throne, but didn't enjoy a freedom like he was used to back then.

The Leiforian then either used the former Pagandan military bases, or built a new one. Some needed to be built, like Air Forces bases for their new aircraft based on old Muan aircraft that they successfully smuggled, and then successfully reverse engineer it some years later.

And then, currently there are some things that can be seen flying in the sky, which can be identified as Leifor aircraft, Adolf C. VIII, a biplane.

"I can't believe we can build these things! " Shout a young pilot.

"Haha, yes! Wuhu! Mom, I can fly! " Said his friend who was on another plane.

"Yes, but be calm kids. This is a new equipment that I'm really sure is pretty expensive to build. So, don't do any dangerous things. " Said a man who appeared to be in his late 30s.

"Yes, instructor! " Both of the new pilots answer at the same time.

The instructor then continues to give some instructions to the new pilots. The other instructor also gave instructions to the new pilots that were on the same plane with him. But, minutes later, the new young pilots looks a bit confused.

"What's wrong Alamo? " Ask the instructor.

"There's something wrong, I can feel it. "

He then turned his gaze to the north, then focusing his eyes on a large white flying thing. Initially, he thought it was a cloud. But, after some seconds later, "A plane? "

The others then looked at it, and finally also noticed it.

"That's too large to be called an aircraft. " Said another instructor.

"No. I'm pretty sure that was an aircraft. "

"How so? "

"Look at its wings, there are some propellers on it, like that one on the Muan fighter plane and our biplane. "Said the instructor with binoculars in his eyes.

"Ah, now I can see it. But, I doubt Mu can built that thing. "

"I will contact the air control to intercept that thing. "

Alamo meanwhile, looking again at the large plane. He then realized something.

"Instructor, that thing is so big. No, it was super big! The country that can build it must be super rich! "

"Yes, I know. I just don't know what to say about it and what we can do, so we will give the job to the interceptor team. "


Some minutes later, they continue their training session. And a fighter squadron can be seen starting to take off to intercept that flying thing, a total of 11 biplanes. Helmuth D. II, is the biplane name, a fairly new aircraft that this Island squadron is very lucky to operate itit this early.

"Dear God, that aircraft is so large! Is it really a Muan aircraft? " Said Aria 11 after he realized how big that plane was.

"Not only large, it was also very wide. What kind of country that can build this monster? "Said Aria 5.

One pilot was looking at the plane wings, and since he was still on the bottom of the plane altitudes, he was dumbfounded after seeing something.

"I-It has 8 propellers!? How in the God 's name can it happen?!" Said Aria 7.

"Eight? Are you sure Aria 7? " Ask Aria 5.

"Look! On each of its wings, there are 3 propellers, it's 6 already. Added by another 2 large propellers on the center, now there are 8 propellers. 2 big and 6 small. "

"Although you said it was small, it's still bigger than our biplane propellers...haha...hahaha...."

"Dear God, that's even still bigger than the Mu propeller. What kind of country that can create this behemoth... " Said Aria 9.

Aria 6, after realizing how crazy their mission is, said, "And we're gonna intercept that thing? Goddammit!"

"Everyone, I also don't know about it but, we must identify it, sir please. " Said Aria 2 trying to make them calm.

"Yes. All callsign it's Aria 1 , we will intercept it! "

"Roger that, Aria 1! "

"It's crazy. " Said Aria 6.

"Hopefully nothing bad happens. " Said Aria 3.

"Unidentified aircraft, this is a Leiforian Army Air Forces aircraft. You have violated our airspace. Please state your intention or turn away! "

There's no reply from the aircraft. So then, they decided to get closer. Using a magical engine that they smuggled from Mirishial, their aircraft has better speed compared to their Muan counterparts. And now, they were about to finally reach the plane. Suddenly, from its wings, there are many white painted things dropped from it. But, it's not keep going down to the ground. Instead, it flipped and they suddenly had wings, then flying directly onto them.

"What was just I saw with my eyes!? "

"What was that? "

"Did my eyes see it correctly!? Wait, it was real! "

Aria 8, who saw one of white flying things fly right on the left side of him, can see that it doesn't have a cockpit at all.

"They don't have a pilot! How can those things fly!? "

"What!? "

All white flying things are flying past them and doing an incredible maneuver. They're like dancing on the sky, above and around them. All of those incredible maneuvers made all Leiforian pilots stunned and amazed by it. One of the Leiforian biplanes was flying faster than the others,and suddenly, a blue thing appeared, surrounding the large plane. The pilot realized it, but....

"What is this blue thing? A curtain? "

He keeps going, and then, his biplane suddenly explodes out of nowhere. The others hearing it quickly turn their gaze to the source of the explosion, and they see a blue colored things surrounding the white large aircraft.

"That must be a magical shield! All planes evade it! "

While they're avoiding it, one of the pilots asks, "Magical shield, Mu doesn't possess it right? "

"Yes, only Mirishial could possess it. But, idk why their plane is on here. "

Aria 10 initially had his plane almost hit the magical shield, but now he is safe. He then turned his head to the back, and watched the magical shield.

"It's crazy! This behemoth is already big and wide, can carry a super maneuverable unmanned plane, now it has a magical shield!? "

While they're talking, some of those white things begin to fly straight at them, and sounds of the gun being fired can be heard from most of it.

"I'm hit! The engine cannot be started, I'm gonna jump! "

"Shit! All aircraft shot those white flying things! "

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"Roger that, Aria 1! "Said Aria 5 that quickly hunted those white flying things. When one of them was in his sight, he quickly fired his gun. The thing that's in his sight quickly evades. And with it's super agility and maneuver, it was already on his back, and shooting at his biplane. A bullet hit his head, and the biplane now is going down.

Aria 6 after seeing it, his morale quickly dropped, and said, "You want us to fight those things? Hell no! I'm gonna retreat, you all should follo-ahh.... "

The rest of Leiforian biplanes started to fight the white flying thing that was attacking them. But, the difference of power and agility are so wide.

"Damn, they're so agile! And there's so many of them! "Said Aria 3.

"Don't worry Aria 3, we will live through this! "Said Aria 1.

" Hopefully. "

Aria 3 is pushing his biplane at the max speed, 200km/h. Yet, the white flying things aren't his match.

"How can those things be so agile like an ace, even better? They don't have a pilot goddammit! "

"Aria 1, we're being surrounded! We must retreat, right now! "Said Aria 2.

Aria 3 looking around, he sees one of the white flying things flying straight at Aria 1 from the top of him. Seconds later, a hail of bullets can be seen being unleashed from its autocannon, which then most of it hit the biplane engine.

"Aria 1, one of them is on top of you, evade! "

The plane quickly evaded, but, the agility of those flying things made them easily follow it. And then, most of the bullets hit their target.

"I'm hi-"

The engine exploded, and the biplane was going down with the white flying thing flying over it. Then, with it's super agility, in a matter of seconds it's already flying over the Aria 1 biplane, ready to hunt the others.

"Damn it. I'm now in charge. All planes, retreat now! "

"Copy that Aria 2! "

The remaining of the squadron quickly turn their aircraft back to the bases. Some of the white flying things were still attacking them, until some minutes later. From 11 planes that Leifor sent, no plane successfully returned to the bases, only some of their pilots can come back alive, although all of them are wounded. All planes that were in the sky had been ordered to land before. So, the number of casualties has been greatly reduced.

The Leiforian officer and other personnel that saw how the battle happens, only can be dumbfounded by the super agile unmanned aircraft.

"The fact that those aircraft were unmanned, that must be either Mirishial or Ancient Sorcerers Empire planes...."Said the officer.

" Yes, but why was the Mirishial aircraft on here? "The other officers asked.

"I don't know. But, if that was Ancient Sorcerers plane, I can guarantee we are already dead right now. "He replied while sweating nervously, imagining if that monster plane was controlled by the Ancient Sorcerers Empire.

"Cannot agree more. "

All military personnel and civilians then watch the large flying aircraft passing their airspace without can do anything. They cannot communicate with it, and intercepting it was impossible. It was also on out of their anti air gun range. So then, they can only take a photo for evidence, and send it to the government.

January 10 1639


The capital of the Leiforian Empire, is a beautiful city. Being a coastal city, there should be many ships from other countries visiting it. But, since the city was located on the western part of the continent, there weren't many ships from the Third and Outside civilization area visiting it. They're either unloading their load on Magicaraih, Nigrat, or Sonal to then send it via land route. Still, the city is very lively and so populated for 2nd Civilization standards.

As a capital city, Leiforia is where all of the government buildings are located, that's including the foreign embassies. And at the Holy Mirishial Empire embassy, there's a car stopped in front of it. A guy that was dressed in black and white uniform came out from the car. On top of his left shirt pocket, a Leifor flag can be seen, a sign that he was part of the government.

"I'm the Leifor Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I want to meet the Mirishial ambassador. "Said the guy that was now identified as the Leifor Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the guard.

"Understood. I will inform the Ambassador first. "

After a while, the guard allows him to enter the embassy.

The Holy Mirishial Empire embassy has a futuristic architecture, a sign of his status as the World Superpower that uses the Ancient Sorcerers Empire technology. Oddly enough, they are also the one who build their embassy building, the same can be said for their other embassies all over the world.

The Leifor Ministry of Foreign Affairs then sat at the chair on the right. While waiting for the Mirishial Ambassador, an employee came and placed a cup of coffee on the table, which he thanked for it.

"Damn, it tastes so good. "

"I'm glad that you like it. The coffee was brought right from our country for your information. "Said a man that appeared to be in his late 50s.

"No wonder why it tastes so good Mr. Ambassador. "

The man that was identified as Mirishial Ambassador now sits in front of him.

"Yes. Now Mr. Morgan, may I know why you come here so suddenly, without any announcement it must be very important right? "

"Yes. It's about this giant flying thing, Mr. Ambassador. " Said the Leiforian Minister of Foreign Affairs named Morgan.

Photos of giant white flying thing are given to the Ambassador. And, after seeing it, his eyes widened. He was amazed and dumbfounded after seeing the description of this giant flying thing, which can carry a super maneuverable unmanned plane.

"A plane carrier!? "

"So you know about this Mr. Ambassador, is it one of Mirishial equipment? Because this thing had killed some of our pilots. "

"No, no no no! We only have Pal Chimera. This thing, we have never seen it before. Or... "

"Or? "

"There's a possibility that the Antiquities Department of Ancient Arms Analysis Tactical Operations had found another Ancient Sorcerers equipment. But, if that happened, I would have been informed about it. "

"So, whose aircraft was it if Mirishial doesn't possess it? "

"I will ask the government about this. So, if you excuse me, I will ask about it now. And I will inform you about this later. "

"Alright, thank you for your cooperation Mr. Ambassador."


Morgan then walked back to his car, where the driver was waiting for him.

"Mr. Morgan, here's a mail for you. Someone gave it to me when you're inside the embassy.'' Said the driver while giving a white coloured mail to him. It said the mail was from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that Mu and Irnetia also saw the same aircraft, based on their description.

"This is bad. A country that dare to messing with three countries at once, only means one thing...they're too confident."


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