Summoning the Kingdom of Erusea

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 – The ‘Super Power’

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January 11 1639
Runepolis, Holy Mirishial Empire

Runepolis, the capital city of current world Super Power, the Holy Mirishial Empire. The high rise buildings with a fairly weird shape, streets that are illuminated by the magical lamps, and public transport systems on the street that were adopted by other countries particularly those on the Mirishient Continent. On the streets, a man carrying a bag on his back can be seen walking on the sidewalks. After turning to the right, it clearly can be seen that he was heading towards the Ministry of Countermeasures Against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire building.

"I'm from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there are serious problems I need to discuss!" Said the man to the guards.

"Understood, please wait. I will ask about it first. "

The man was waiting for some seconds before the guards gave him an answer.

"You are allowed to enter. The Minister is in his office." The guard replied.

"Thank you."

The man from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs then entered the buildings, and stopped walking after he saw the Minister of Countermeasures Against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire.

"Welcome the Head of Department of Affairs With Mu Continent."

"Thank you for your warm welcome."

"Your welcome, may I guide you to the room?"


After they're now inside the room, both of them sat on the chairs there, and started chatting. Minutes later, two staff opened the door and walked towards them. One of them then picked a glass of tea from the tray, and placed it in front of the Minister, and another one for the Head of Department. While the other one placed some snacks like biscuits. After finishing placing food and drink, they quickly walked out of the room, and closed the door.

"Please enjoy it, Murda."

"Thank you very much for this treat, Minister Harman."

"Your welcome, it's nothing compared to yours Ministry and the Ministry of Defence treat after all. Anyway, can we talk about why you came here?"

The man that is now identified named Murda takes a deep breath. He picked a bunch of documents from his bag, and put it on the table. Minister Harman began to guess, what was said on those documents, another Ancient Sorcereus Empire weapon found on the Mu Continent?

Murda then pick a picture.

"Minister, there were some incidents on the Mu Continent quite recently, and all of that was caused by the same thing. This giant plane." Murda said while giving the pic to Harman.

Both eyes of Minister Harman were widened when he saw the pic. A giant plane, and the description said that this thing also carried another small plane that was unmanned, but can fight like an ace.

"Minister, we need to confirm if this thing was created by the Ancient Sorcereus Empire or not. Because if yes, we should begin to prepare ourselves as soon as possible. "

"I...I understand."

"Alright, you can tell it to us at the next meeting. Anyways, there is another thing that we need to discuss right now."

"Like what?"

Murda then pick a picture with the small white flying thing on it.

"Like this, the unmanned aircraft. Does the Ancient Sorcereus Empire can create it?"

January 15, 1639
Albion Castle, Runepolis, Holy Mirishial Empire

Albion Castle, a castle where the Emperor and his family resided. A platoon of the Royal Guard can be seen patrolling around the castle to ensure the safety of the Royal Family. A small base located on the north of the castle also can be seen, that was the Quick Response Forces, just in case if something bad happened. The Castle also served as the place for the Imperial Meeting. The Meeting usually includes all Ministers, which can be seen right now in a certain room.

"Agra, can you tell us about the results of our recon? "Ask an old man with a white beard to Agra.

Agra, the Holy Mirishial Empire Minister of Defense stood up before he said, "Yes, Your Majesty! "

Agra was answering to the old man, who was the Emperor himself, The Milishial VIII. Then, he sat back and started to read the report from the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

"Our reconnaissance aircraft had taken a photo about a large number of Muan bombers stationed on Gerald Air Bases, there are 30 bombers on there. Another one near the Muan capital city, Otahheit has 22. The Imperial Intelligence Agency had estimated that the Muan currently has more than 100 bombers currently, and the numbers would keep growing to 500 after 3 years, based from available data about their industrial capacity. "

"That was a big number already! Do we have any weapons to deal with it? " The Minister of Interior ask.

"As the super power of the world, our armed forces has prepared itself for anything. Although, mostly based on the lessons we learned from the...previous war. "

The words of 'previous war' make the room become grim, because it reminds them of the infamous war.

"So that horrible war at least gives us something. " Said the Minister of Interior.

"How about the Gra Valkas Empire, do we have any new information about them? " Ask the Emperor who doesn't want the situation to last longer.

"We haven't saw any of their bombers since there are no bases that we can use on the East. But, we had taken a picture of one of their fighters, and the IIA is still analyzing it. "

"Anything special from it? "

"Apparently, they have a double delta wing aircraft. "

The Minister of Industry's eyes suddenly widened. He also felt lightning crackle through his vein, when he heard the words of, 'Delta Wing'.

"De... Delta wing!? "

"Apparently, yes. While we had been researching it, we still cannot apply that wing concept on our aircraft."

All Ministers in the meeting room were still shocked, and after a moment they began to discuss the true capabilities of the newly discovered country called the Gra Valkas Empire. Their Emperor , Milishial VIII, is still calm outside. While inside, his legs were shaking, his teeth also chattering. But, his face still showed a serious expression, and no one noticed it.

A Minister then speaks and break the fuss.

"A delta wing aircraft, whatever is that delta means, doesn't show that they're also an advanced country! Their air force probably is, but I am still doubtful about their other branches since we still don't know about the shape of their country. Whether they was a land based country or islands in their old world, it's needed to predict their true capabilities. " Said the Minister of Industry.

After finishing, he sat back in his chair, then looking around. Many of the Ministers there nodded their heads and agreed to his arguments.

"Minister Andre, we should not underestimate the Gra Valkas Empire. " Luciano Edward Hollerein De Milishial, the Emperor of Holy Mirishial Empire said.

The eyes of Minister of Industry, Andre were widened. His breath also became a bit uncontrolled after the Emperor himself disagreed with him. The other Minister's were also stunned after they heard it. It was the first time the Emperor straightforwardly disagreed.

"We, as the decision makers of this Empire, shouldn't make the same mistake that we did to the Muan Empire. The results of that underestimate was... "

The Emperor's reminders about the Muan-Mirish War make the room's atmosphere become grim. As the war lasted longer, very long than they expected. It was such a disastrous war  that severely weakened and destroyed the reputation of the Imperial Armed Forces. At least, the Mirishial first true operational jet fighter increased their reputation back.

"Your Majesty, please pardon my rudeness but, the problem about that war was more into the lack of Intelligence service back then. "

"Yet, we still cannot gain any useful information about the Gra Valkas Empire. That's why, we shall approach the Gra Valkas with great careful ness. "

"I... I understand. "

After a silence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, looking at a Minister on his left, that Minister was Harman, the Minister of Countermeasures Against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire.

"Hah, I understand Reiga. " Said Harman to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which was named Reiga.

Harman then stood up, asking for attention.

"Is there anything you want to say, Minister Harman? "

"Yes, Your Majesty. It is about an event that recently happened on the Mu Continent. "

"Interesting, it must be so important that you bring it up here. So, what's it about? "

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that the Ancient Sorcerous Empire has come back. "

The whole room was stunned

"What!? "

"Are you kidding me Harman? " Andre asked.

"No, I'm serious. "

The Emperor then sighed, "Harman, you shall give us a proof since the Emor Kingdom hasn't said anything about it. And even then, they will do the ritual about it some years from now. I'm waiting for it, your proof. "

"Yes, Your Majesty. Reiga, can you? "


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Reiga then stands up and gives everyone papers with images of giant aircraft and small weird shaped planes on the next page. The title said it was a 'Mysterious Plane From the Mu Continent'.

"Your Majesty, it was the recent event that I'm talking about. This plane, as can be seen here , was carrying around 80 unmanned aircrafts. It was a super weapon that we haven't seen before. "

"Did you said that the small aircraft was unmanned? "

"Yes, the Leiforian and Muan Air Forces were the only air forces on the Mu Continent that had to deal with it before. And, they also said about the same thing, it was unmanned and the giant plane had a magical shield. "

"What!? "

"So, is it the only proof you have? "The Emperor ask.

"Apparently no, Your Majesty. I had reread the books wrote by the Dragonfolk regarding the Ancient Sorcerous Empire war strategies, they're put a weapon of terror on top priority, instead of more practical one. One of the results was the Pal Chimera class Flying Battleship. "

The Pal Chimera, those words remind them of a super weapon that the Holy Mirishial Empire had spend their money into it to make the other 5 flying battleships can be used. The Holy Mirishial Empire, before the Muan-Mirisho War, was operating 7 Pal Chimera Class Flying Battleships. After the war, there were only 3 left, due to the Flying Battleship armor and shield unable to do anything against the Muan 381mm round fired from the Francesco Andreano Class Battleship main gun. The lesson learned from the war about the impracticality of Pal Chimera weapons had forced the Holy Mirishial Empire to design a new super weapon. The Minister of Defense at that time said, "We can't defeat the Ancient Sorcerous Empire if we cannot even defeat the Muan Empire armed forces. "

Thus, the Holy Mirishial Empire decided to design a new equipment using all knowledge they learn from the Ancient Sorcerous Empire technology and knowledge.

So then, when they learned about this Flying Aircraft Carrier, most of the Minister here expected that this one was also useless against modern forces. Although, the technology seems so far more advanced compared to them.

"So, we all know that this one is also like Pal Chimera, right? "

"I think yes, Your Majesty. This is more to the weapons of terror, since it was a big target, regardless of the magical shield that protected it. "

"But, Your Majesty, how can we know for sure if this is the Ancient Sorcerous Empire? "

"No nation in the history of the world has the resources to research and develop equipment that was so big and the efficiency was so questionable, except the Ancient Sorcerous Empire."

"Understandable, Your Majesty. "

"If they weren't the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, then they must be their subordinates. " Said Minister Harman.

"What, how is that even possible? "

"It was like the Nosgorath and all monsters under the Ancient Sorcerous Empire commands. The book also said that there were some humans and elves that fought the Dragonfolk for the Ancient Sorcerers Empire. They're using a device called Mind Control Device."

The whole room was stunned after hearing it. All of them knew about Nosgorath and monsters as the Ancient Sorcereous Empire subordinates. But, humans and elves were new for them.

"Understood. So then, we must prepare ourselves to fight the Ancient Sorcerous Empire. But before that, Reiga! "

"Yes, Your Majesty! "

"Invite the leaders of Emorish, Muan and Leiforan to a meeting two days from now in Nicopulus. I want to make sure if it was really the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, or not."

"Yes, Your Majesty! "

"Then, is there anything we need to discuss? "

"Yes, Your Majesty. It was regarding our country, and the military. Such as our Alpha-4. "

"I'm listening. "

23 August 2019
15 January 1639
Farbanti, Erusea

The capital city of the Kingdom of Erusea, Farbanti. The city looked okay, apart from a part of a district was submerged due to the Ulysses impact, and some buildings destroyed or damaged due to the Osean attacks. Nevertheless, even though it was affected, Farbanti was still used as the capital city. The city was divided into three districts by the river that traverses it. The government district was situated around landfills, and is south of the river.

The Erusean Prime Minister, Nicolas Paul Jacques Súható de Botáh can be seen drank a glass of coffee on his office, together with other 3 people. Since the sudden transference into this new unknown world, the Erusean Royal Army has been ordered to maintain the situation. As can be seen right now, a Magach 7C Gimel tank was placed on front of the building together with some infranty around it.

"What an odd event. " Said him after his eyes catching a sentence on paper in front of him.

What his eyes read was, 'Our Satellites Confirmed That the Kingdom of Erusea Is No Longer On Earth'. This report was made after they lost contact with other Strangereal countries, added by the Usea Continent was turned into sea. A plane sent to do a recon mission also saw a mythical creature, dragon, or probably it was wyvern actually.

"Good thing is that the Osean satellites we hack are all here. '' Said Súható to himself.

His ears suddenly heard a very well known sound from a TV played in the next room.

<< I am Princess Rosa Cossette D'Elise of the Kingdom of Erusea. Today... >>

"It's good that her speeches are able to make our citizens calm. " Said the Minister of Defense.

The Erusean Princess, Cossette, was a godsend for the Erusean people. Angelic, was what a certain Belkan scientist who worked on Erusean Air and Space Administration said about her. Could be true since some enemies even idolized Cossette just by heard her voices.

"Yes, but I'm not sure it would last long. "

Súható then stood up and walked to where the other 3 people sat. He then sat on a chair in front of the Minister of Defense.

"Sorry to make all of you wait. "

"It's okay. So, what's your plan, Your Excellency? " Said the Minister of Internal Affairs.

"There are two big island and a continent located west of the Gunther region. So, I think we must build a relationship with countries on there. "

"I understand the necessity but, do we have any information regarding the civilization there? It's needed to decide how we will approach them, I think. " Ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Súható takes a deep breath. His eyes looked at the floor for a while before he stood up and walked to the desk. His hand then took a document from there, and gave it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"That's what all we know currently, Mr. Conigir. " Said Súható to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that is now identified as Conigir.

Minister Conigir looking at the documents with a 'CLASSIFIED' mark on the top right of the cover. His hands then turned the cover in order to read it.


25 August 2019
17 January 1639
Farbanti, Erusea

The Erusean people were still confused about what was actually happening. The Erusean News Network initially broadcasted that this was the effect of Osean secret weapons that make the illusion like they're cut off from the rest of the world. But, after the information that all units outside of Erusea came back to their bases mysteriously, the Erusean News Network quickly became dumbfounded. And the mythical creatures founded by people living on Gunther and fisherman contributing to the confusion. Now, the Erusean were waiting for the Government's explanation, especially since the Government currently held a cabinet meeting.

Inside of a certain room, there are 16 people's surrounding an oval shape table. Those people are the current part of the Erusean government cabinet, although some Ministers weren't on there due to some problems. On the northern part, it was the Prime Minister. On right of him was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Conigir, who was reading a report.

"Based from satellites imagery and air reconnaissance, civilization on East of Gunther Region are similiar to 1900s civilization. Thus, we shall approach them with a big warships to show them our strength. Since we know very well, people's on that era thought big warship were a symbol of an advanced civilization. " Said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Conigir.

"The problem is, it's more into Battleship. And our last battleship, the Tanager had been sank by the Independent State Allied Forces. "Minister of Defense Aryye said.

"I know, but still, we should send big warships to show our strength. Or, they would look down on us and that could cause some problems. "

"The problem is, what type of warship could work? " Ask the Minister of Interior.

"Destroyer, Cruiser, Amphibious Assault Ship, and Aircraft Carrier. But, I could guaranteed that the Alicorn would absolutely work. "

The Erusean Prime Minister, Súható immediately turn his head to Conigir. Just like everyone on the Cabinet, he knows very well that Alicorn, the giant submarine, has 600mm railguns cannon. The railguns caliber itself would dwarf any cannon this world battleships has. The problem is, was sending the giant submarine a good idea?

"Minister Conigir, I am afraid that sending Alicorn wouldn't be a good idea. I think we should send other ships, like Dysnomia Class Battlecruiser. " Minister of Defense Aryye suggested, when he remembered about the captain of Alicorn, the Hero of Comberth Harbor.

"Dysnomia could work as well I guess, judging from its size. "

"Alright, so now, do we agree to send one of the Dysnomia class? " Ask Minister Aryye.

All Minister's immediately raised their right hands, was what Súható thought until he saw one of them wasn't raised his right hands, that Minister was the Minister of Economy.

"Any reasons, Minister Andy? " Súható asked.

Andy sighed, "Yes. To use one of that battlecruiser from the reserve, I'm pretty sure that would need a lot of money. So then, judging from our current economic situation, I disagree. "

When Andy said that the battlecruiser would need a lot money, that was actually, kinda true. Prime Minister Súható then looking at the Minister Aryye, who then said, "The battlecruiser that are on Mothball Fleet all are preserved in good condition. So, they could be quickly reactivated should they be returned to the navy."

Súható nodded, then looking at Minister Andy.

"I understand about your worries. But, it's needed for the sake of our country. "

Minister of Economy, Andy, who also understands that the 20th century country loved big ships, especially their guns, only can sigh.

"Alright... I...I also agree. "

"Good. Now, we need to prepare one of the Dysnomia class and her escorts. "

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