Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The long journey over the great-water is good, if not unhygienic

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I have been to the wide grasslands and I have been upon the vast shore. I have been to the deep forest, as I have been inside of the dark cave.


Now, I am upon the great-water. This is a place that I will one day be able to say, that I also have been.


This is not something that many sunflowers can boast of.


- Though, I do not like to boast.


The boat sways, rocking slowly as we float adrift, carried by the gentle current and the nudges of the western-bound winds.


To our left, there is water. To our right, there is water. Below us is water and, above our heads, presumably, is water.


- Or at least there will be, when it starts to rain.


But for now, it is sunny, warm, and dry, at least as far as the sky is concerned.


Everything else is water.


Such is life.


Everything is water. I am water, my roots and petals and stem are flush full of it. She, my wolf-friend, is water, her flesh and blood are thick with it.


Water truly is amazing.




We float for what is the second day.


Water sure is something.


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This is incredible.



My friend does not move, apart from the heaving of her chest. Though it is impossible to say if this heaving is from her whistling breathing, or from my roots, which burrow and nest inside of her core.


- She is warm.


My wolf-friend is a good friend.


Her flesh keeps my roots warm during the cold nights on the water and in turn, I sustain her with my precious sugars.


True friendship.


What a blessing. What a thing for a sunflower to experience.


While I do appreciate that she is quiet again, I do miss the sensation of her walking. I do miss the one odd sentence that she speaks to me a day. I have become accustomed to seeing and hearing new things.


But here, everything is blue.


I look around myself.


Everything is quiet.


At least the sun is out in force. So I am at peace.


It is calm.


It is good.


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