Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The wet-forest is pleasant, but also very damp. It teems with life, but so do we.

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My friend is staring at me.


In a way, I have grown accustomed to her doing so. In another way, I find it bothersome. After all, I have taught her to gaze not towards me, but rather, towards the sun.


- Perhaps she is confused today? Perhaps she thinks that I am the sun?


How flattering.


We are taking a break to rest. After arriving on the distant shore on the west side of the great-water, we had walked for the remainder of the day and then we stopped.


Now, another new morning has come, but my friend seems to be a little strange today.


Doing the unthinkable, I turn away from the glow of the sun to look at her.


She sits there with crossed legs and just stares.


What is it, friend?


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