Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The wet-forest is a tiring place, but many things thrive here on the meat of the tired

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I do not understand many things.


I do not understand why paradise is a place that we must go to.


- Why is every place not simply paradise? Would that not make more sense?


I do not understand why the not-birds were so intent on finding my friend, back across on the east side of the great-water.


- Is she a creature of particular concern? Or was the hunt of the not-birds more indiscriminate? Were we simply always caught up in its midst through sheer happenstance?


I do not understand why I am a sunflower.

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- Perhaps there is simply nothing better to be?


This seems like a reasonable assumption.


We have left the waters of the river and have continued our journey through the wet-wood for a day and for a night longer.


My friend grows more powerful, as do I.


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