Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Life is full of surprises, but also calmness. Today offers a calm surprise

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A most curious creature stands before us, resting beneath the cooling shadow of a tree.


A pair of beady, black eyes stare our way. They remind me of a bird’s eyes, they remind me of a hobgoblin’s eyes.


Burch takes a step back, lifting her hands and I watch in curious fascination as the thing, the animal, the monster, which looks exactly like a very big mushroom, begins to move. It is much larger than a normal mushroom, by a good measure. Its head reaches up to Burch’s waist and far more interestingly, it is able to move.


Most mushrooms can not say the same.


- Wow.


Mushrooms sure are strange things, aren't they?


Nyah~!” shouts the strange little-large mushroom monster as it lunges towards Burch with angry eyes.


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