Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Life is good, but you shouldn’t trust others. They will only try to eat you.

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I am not my past.


The actions of days now gone are inconsequential to the actions, which I might yet take in the future. The sunflower, who I have once been, does not need to define the sunflower who I will be in the days to come.


- Most poetic.


This rule is true for a sunflower. But how does it apply to a Burch?


I am afraid that I can not say.


However, I find myself most curiously… overwhelmed.


This is very unusual for a sunflower.


Burch has run straight towards the city, straight through the giant rocks, which surround its perimeter, like walls of a house and now, we stand amidst its population that pays us surprisingly little mind.


Wow. There are hundreds of them. Perhaps even thousands.


- The latter is more likely.


Night begins to fall over the world as Burch wanders through the buzzing labyrinth for a time and the many others who wander the paths and ways begin to dwindle, as they duck away, one by one, into different houses.


I never knew that a colony of creatures could get this large.



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Houses surround us by the hundreds, tightly packed together, like rocks in a pile. Glows of all color come from their openings, bathing the road and ourselves in their warm, inviting hues, as we walk.


Burch speaks to nobody and nobody speaks to us.


She does not play the part of a scavenger or a frightened rabbit as she usually would.


We simply parade on through, as if we belonged here and, oddly enough, nobody seems to take offense at us doing so.


I understand nothing of what the creatures here speak of, their tongues making noises that are indecipherable to myself. I assume the same can be said of Burch, as she looks around with doe-like, lost eyes that would be most unfortunate in any other environment.


- The confusion that they clearly signal might identify one as prey.


We wander through the city as the night comes to consume it.


It is cold.


Burch does not notice the tall female of her ilk, who is following us.


Oh well.



It is a new day.


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