Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Life is complicated, but it is also very simple. It is simply complicated.

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The spider has eight eyes.


- Something skitters and Burch turns to look at the strange creature, at the spider that follows us.


Burch has two eyes.


The spider is, by all accounts, a perfectly normal spider. It isn’t very large, being about the size that one would expect a spider to be. It isn’t very threatening, always holding a reasonable distance from us.


But, this spider differs from all the other spiders that we have seen before, in that it follows us.


Burch turns to keep walking and the skittering from behind us continues.


- I care for spiders.


They eat the little insects and creatures who would nibble on my roots and who would nibble on my petals. Spiders are the protectors of flowers.


I have no eyes.




Despite the spider having eight eyes, it clearly sees us.


And despite Burch only having two eyes, she clearly sees it, as well as myself.


And I?


I, with no eyes, see the both of them just fine. One might question what the purpose of eyes even is, in such a case?


Can the spider with its eight eyes see better than Burch?


And can she, with her two, see better than myself?


- A conundrum.


We walk, as I am lost in thought.


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The two of us sit by the fire, which we have made with wood, dragged into the cavern from the outside. The spider has followed us into it and now, it has made itself a web, hanging between the rocks.


- What a curious thing.


Hello, little spider.


Why are you here?


Why are you following us?


I can not say. It is not for a sunflower to know. From the looks of things, Burch can not say either.


- She had tried to squish it before, with her magic.


But the spider simply skittered away, only to return a little while later, always skittering and scampering a good, safe distance from her. But never far enough that we can’t be aware of it.


It sits there on its web, disturbed by the gentle breeze of the rising heat of our fire, which escapes the cavern. Its emerald carapace, dotted with ruby marks, glimmers in the light of the flames.


The spider is a most captivating creature.


Burch is wary of sleeping.


However, I do not quite understand what her difficulty with the situation is?


Rest, friend. The spider and I will watch over you for the night.


I am not sure if she hears me or not, but, sparing a glance my way, Burch lays down and rests, but does not remove her eyes from the spider.


As for me, well, I do not care much for being inside of a cave, let alone a cave at night.


- Right now, for myself, the sun is further away than ever before.



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