Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Life is a treasure and is full of many sensations, emotions and feelings

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I find glass to be a most interesting thing. I do not quite understand what it is. It is hard, like the face of a smooth rock. Yet it is cold and transparent, like the depths of the great-water.


- Very interesting.


I like glass.


Burch does not seem to like the glass. Much like she does not seem to like water anymore. Or crystals. Or gems, which are often hidden behind the glass of the city.


- An oddity.


I notice that my friend, Burch, simply does not seem to like to look at anything that might reflect herself. Perhaps my negative thoughts about her appearance have finally reached her, after all of this time?


I lean downward, slowly pressing my stem against the back of her head.


Do not worry, friend.


I was mistaken.


You are not a horrible, disfigured monstrosity. There is nothing to fear.


My friend does not reply. But she does nuzzle her head from side to side, her long hairs on the back of her head, rubbing against my stem.


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- A token gesture of acknowledgment.


Ah. Success.


Burch looks up towards me and smiles a smile, which seems unusually heavy on the corners around her cheeks and beneath her eyes.




I do not find it as pleasing, as I have found her other smiles. Perhaps I am just being selfish, however? After all, I have gotten a free smile.


What more could anyone ever want from life?


Burch turns back to look out over the city that we still remain in. Weeks have passed since our arrival and the attack on her.


- If my friend gives me a good smile or a terrible smile, perhaps I really ought to be grateful for both?


Just like I am grateful for the shine of the sun, even on a cloudy day like today.


Only a little of its grace reaches me. But I am thankful for even that. So, thank you for smiling, Burch.


I am an appreciative sunflower, imperfect, but beautiful.


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