Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: We hide in the grotto and eat of the fat fruit of the cave-trees. I grow stronger.

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It is peaceful.


I sit between the rocks, my roots are buried into what little loose soil there is to be found here.


It is an unusual place for a sunflower to be.


She crunches.


I turn my gaze, looking at my wormy-friend. She is clean again. She has washed herself free of the red.


- I liked the red.


It made her look beautiful, like it made the rock look beautiful. It almost made the two of them look like the sun.


That was most pleasing.


But now, we are somewhere else. A new moon and a new sun have come since the day with the not-birds and now we are in a place that I find…


- Unusual.


She crunches again, eating of the rich fruit of the fat trees, who grow in a most strange place for trees to grow.


My gaze rises up towards the rays of sunlight, streaming in through the massive hole in the rock above our heads.


You are reading story Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG] at

We are in a grotto.


It is a most unusual place for a sunflower to be.


Still water fills the center of the room, rays of resplendent sunshine coming in to bounce off of the calm, almost disturbingly blue pool.


I do not care for caves.


But I suppose that this one is fine, the sun can find me here.


I spread out my leaves, enjoying the feeling of the sunshine as I bask in its love.


My wormy friend, still wet from the cave-water that she has washed herself with, continues to eat, gorging herself on the fat fruit of the many heavy-laden trees around us. I do not know why they choose to grow in such a place, with such limited soil and sunshine. They are odd trees.


But I am being judgmental again, I suppose.


- A bad habit.


Eat well, friend. Perhaps if you eat enough, you will become beautiful too, like myself.


The sun kisses my face.


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