Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The land is dry, but my spirits are high. It is good.

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I do not understand what we are looking at.


My beautiful butterfly-friend and I stand in a thicket and stare out and across a dry meadow.


It is yellow. It is good.


Atop the yellow meadow is a thing. It is a thing that I do not understand.


- It reminds me of her cart. But it does not move.


I turn my head, looking at her wary eyes and then back at the not-cart.


Someone exits from inside of it, coming out onto the meadow. We duck, hiding low down in a bush.


I do not like it in the bush. The sun can not find me here.


The thing on the meadow looks like a cave, but if it was a cart.


A cart-cave.


How unusual.

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We watch as the creature, one of her ilk, wanders around the grasslands, plucking and picking of the many dry brambles and dead bushes around its shelter. A forager, male, old and gray.


I do not see any other sunflowers.


My friend is indecisive. I can see it on her face, I can tell by the tenseness of her body.


- Relax. The sun is out. It is a kind day. It is good.


My butterfly-friend comes to a decision and then turns away, quietly skulking off back into the wildlands from which we had come. Apparently, she has decided that contact with her own kind is best not made.


I understand.


I am not much of a talker either.


I am a sunflower, after all.


We return out to the other side of the thicket and keep on walking, though to where exactly, I do not know. But it is a large, beautiful world, so I do not really care.


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