Supreme Empire

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Reincarnated into a New World: The Beginning of an Adventure

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Reincarnated into a New World: The Beginning of an Adventure

The sky outside the window is a deep, foreboding shade of grey, casting an eerie light onto the room of an ordinary-looking teenage boy. He sits on his bed, lost in thought as the rain patters against the windowpane.

The peaceful silence of the room is abruptly shattered by his mother's voice calling through the door, requesting that he run a quick errand to the local grocery store. The boy reluctantly tears his gaze away from whatever had been holding his attention and gets up from the bed, feeling a sense of dread at the thought of leaving the safety and familiarity of his room.

The boy trudges down the well-lit streets, his mind numb and his bags heavy in his hands. As he approaches the familiar streets of his neighborhood, the sound of screeching tires suddenly pierces through the air, causing him to freeze in his tracks.


Is the last thing our MC hears, as he passes away on the spot.

The sound echoes through his mind as the world goes black, and the boy's body crumples to the ground, his last breath escaping him as he passes away on the spot.

In a vast, empty darkness, a single, brilliant white sphere hangs suspended, the only point of light in an endless void.

Suddenly, from the blackness, a small, dark shape hurtles towards the sphere at an incredible speed. As it draws closer, it becomes clear that it is a meteorite, no larger than a tennis ball.

As the meteorite collides with the sphere, both begin to merge and fuse together, becoming one.

The fusion of the two creates a new, grey orb that hurtles towards a distant planet, hurtling towards a grand and imposing looking house.

From that point on, the course of events is set in motion, and the fate of the new grey orb- and possibly, the world itself- is sealed.

As the nameless protagonist comes to, he finds himself enveloped in darkness and a sense of clammy dampness surrounds him.

The air is thick with the musty scent of dampness and he can feel the chill of the ground seeping through his body. He struggles to sit up, but his head is swimming and he collapses back down, groaning. He wonders where he currently is, and how he got there.

The MC's ears pick up on a faint, mechanical sound and he turns his head, searching for the source. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he can make out a faint, blue light. It's coming from a holographic panel-like thing that hovers in the air in front of him. The panel is displaying a message, scrolling across its surface in bright, white letters.

The message on the panel reads: [Supreme System establishing...] The MC watches in confusion as the letters continue to scroll, one line after another.

The message on the panel continues: [World Data Scan commencing...] The MC can feel his heart pounding in his chest as he tries to make sense of the strange words.

Suddenly, the message changes to: [Completed] The MC holds his breath, waiting for the next message to appear.

The message on the panel now reads: [System Activated] The MC can feel a sense of unease creeping over him as he continues to stare at the panel.

The message on the panel now reads: [Welcome to the Supreme System you have been reincarnated into a different world of Swords & Magic] The MC's mind reels as he tries to process what he's reading. He's been reincarnated? Into a different world? One filled with swords and magic?

The panel continues to scroll, displaying its next message: [The System will be sealed into three parts, which will require certain conditions to be fulfilled to be unlocked] The MC can feel a sense of dread building up inside of him as he reads the words. What kind of conditions?

The panel displays the first condition: [Condition 1 - Visit a library] The MC's mind races as he tries to make sense of the requirement. Why does he need to visit a library?

The panel displays the second condition: [Condition 2 - ???] The MC's heart sinks as he realizes that he doesn't know what the second condition is.

The panel displays the third condition: [Condition 3 - ???] The MC's stomach twists with uncertainty as he realizes that he doesn't know what the third condition is either.

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As the holographic panel finishes its message, our MC's mind races with confusion and disbelief. How could this be possible? He had been living a normal life as a teenage boy, and now he finds himself in a dark, damp place, with a mysterious system informing him that he has been reincarnated into a different world of swords and magic.

The MC's thoughts are jumbled as he tries to make sense of the situation. He can't believe that he is actually dead, and now he is reborn in this strange, unfamiliar place.

As the reality of his death sinks in, the MC feels a wave of emotions wash over him - shock, sadness, and even a hint of fear. He can't help but wonder what his new life will be like and what challenges he will face.

The MC struggles to come to terms with his current state, unable to move or speak. He can only assume that he is in the form of a fetus, and he can't help but feel a sense of helplessness.

As the MC reflects on his previous life, he finds that he doesn't feel any emotional connection to it. He can't help but wonder if this is a normal reaction to being reincarnated, or if something else is at play.

The MC's thoughts turn to his future family, and the society he will be born into. He knows that in a world of swords and magic, it is likely to be a feudal society. He can only hope that he will be born into a loving and supportive family.

The MC's mind is filled with questions about the Supreme System and the conditions that need to be fulfilled to unlock it. It all seems like something straight out of a wuxia novel, and he can't help but wonder what kind of impact this system will have on his new life.

The MC is curious about the first condition that needs to be fulfilled to unlock the Supreme System - visiting a library. He can't help but wonder what purpose this serves and what kind of information or abilities he will gain by fulfilling this condition.

The Mc remembered all the things that had happened in his previous life, he realized that he still had his Hyperthymesia ability. He knew that this ability would be extremely useful in this new world.

The Mc remembered all the knowledge he had gained in the modern world, specifically in engineering and medicine. He was happy that he had capitalized on his amazing memory and had learned the basics and even advanced concepts in these fields. In his previous life, it had been easy to learn these subjects and it had been beneficial for his future.

The Mc thought about the possibilities of what he could do with his knowledge in this new world. If this world wasn't very advanced, he knew that he could use his knowledge to gain huge advantages. He even entertained the thought of starting a big business that could cover the entire planet.

The Mc reminded himself to not get too carried away with his thoughts, he was still not even born yet. He decided to put these thoughts aside and just hope for the best for now.

The Mc wondered about his age, He knew from his medical knowledge that a baby starts to be able to move for the first time when it's around 4 months old. He wanted to know how old he was in this new life.

The Mc decided to test his ability to move by trying to kick his legs.


I tentatively try kicking my legs and to my surprise, I can do minute movements. This means I have at least 5 more months until I am born.

As I lie here, I can't help but wonder what my gender will be. I hope it's male, like my previous life.

I decide to let fate and luck take its course. There's nothing I can do in this situation anyway. I close my eyes, ready to drift off to sleep.

[Dear readers,

I'm thrilled to share the first chapter of my story with you, and I hope you're as excited to dive in as I am to share it with you. As you read, I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on how I can make this story the best it can be. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, and I'm eager to know what you liked, what you didn't like, and what you'd like to see more of in the coming chapters. So, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. I can't wait to continue this journey with you!

Best regards,

- B]

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