Supreme Empire

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 A New Beginning: The Birth of William Gray

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A New Beginning: The Birth of William Gray

The room was grandiose and opulent. A woman with golden locks and emerald eyes was lying on an ornate bed, surrounded by two people; one man, who appeared to be a doctor and one woman, who seemed to be a nurse.

The nurse was doing her best to soothe the distressed woman, attempting to calm her screams as the doctor's stern voice could be heard urging her to push.

After what felt like an eternity of the woman's cries and the doctor's commands, a tiny bundle was finally placed in her arms. Just as the new mother was admiring her newborn, a man with silver hair and sapphire eyes burst through the door, his expression one of frenzied panic.

The physician hastened to the side of the handsome man and relayed the joyful news of the successful birth of his child.

The man, now visibly relieved, rushed to his wife's bedside and tenderly enquired after her well-being, "How are you feeling, my love?"

The woman, the man's wife, responded with a warm smile, "I am well, my dear. Look, our son has inherited your hair and eyes."

The man chuckled, "Indeed he does. But his face, it reminds me of yours."

The woman suggested, "We shall call him William Gray, from now on."

(MC pov)

As I stirred awake, a familiar sensation tugged at my consciousness, though I couldn't quite place it.

After a moment, a bright light at the end of a tunnel caught my attention, and before I knew it, I was out.

My eyes needed a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness, but when they did,

It took me a moment to adjust my eyes to the sudden light that filled the room, but eventually, my vision cleared and I took in my surroundings.

I found myself cradled in the arms of a stunning blonde-haired woman, her gaze fixed on me with a look of warmth and affection. It was clear that this woman was my mother.

My mother looked at me with a hint of amusement in her eyes and spoke, her voice soft and gentle. "I can already tell you will be quite the ladies' man when you grow up."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at my mother's words. I must have inherited some good genes from her, at least."

As I looked around, I couldn't help but be impressed by the luxury of my surroundings. It seemed that I was born into a life of privilege. I couldn't help but wonder if all the women in this world were as beautiful as my mother, who was truly a stunning woman.

My thoughts were interrupted as I realized that my father was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help but wonder if my mother was a single parent, that would be bad.

Just as I was lost in thought, the door to the room opened and a middle-aged man with white hair strode in. He quickly made his way over to my mother and the two began conversing.

As I was lost in my thoughts, the white-haired man gently picked me up and spoke, his words foreign and unfamiliar to me.

Despite not understanding the man's words, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was my father.

It wasn't until a moment later that I noticed a young boy peeking over the door, his blond hair and blue eyes mirroring those of his father and mother.

The man and woman in white coats quickly packed up their things and bowed to my father before leaving the room.

The sight of the two strangers bowing to my parents made it clear that they held a high status in society, likely as nobles. The luxurious room we were in only further solidified this realization.

The words "mother" and "father" felt too formal and distant, so I decided to call them "mom" and "dad" instead.

Time flew by and before anyone knew it, two years had passed.

A young child, no more than four years old, laughed and played with a striking woman by his side.

"Will," the woman, who I now knew as my mother, said with a smile. "Did you know that this world is full of amazing things? People can fly through the air and make the most beautiful colors explode in the sky. Would you like to know how they do it?" I looked up at her with wide eyes, eager for her to continue.

"It's because of something called mana," my mother explained. "It's a magical energy that surrounds us all. We use it to fly and create beautiful displays ofcolor in the sky, like fireworks."

My initial conclusion about this new world was correct, there is indeed Mana magic present! My mind raced with possibilities as I thought about the stories I had read in my previous life of characters who could harness the power of Mana through their imagination and create incredible spells, both destructive and beneficial. However, as I attempted to sense the presence of Mana, a question arose in my mind and I couldn't help but ask, "Mom, why can't I feel this Mana thing?"

She let out a soft chuckle "Well, Will," my mother began to explain, "when a person reaches the age of 8, they start to develop the ability to feel Mana around them and can then absorb it into their body to make either themselves stronger or cast magic spells."

"Hey mom, how do people make magic spells? What are the different kinds they can make?" I asked excitedly at the new world of possibilities ahead of me.

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"Well, Will, there are many ways a person can manipulate their Mana," my mother replied. "They can turn it into elements of nature such as water, fire, earth, and air. We refer to these as the elements of nature."

"Mom, what would happen if a person could use all the elements at once?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"I don't know, Wil," my mother shook her head. "There has never been a case of a person who could use all the elements at once."

"Hey mom, I want to study more about it. Can I visit the library to find some books about it?"

"Even if you were to visit the library in our home, Will," my mother said, "you wouldn't be able to take those books as they are too thick and heavy for you and you might hurt yourself."

"Okay, mom," I said, feeling a bit disappointed.

"Alright, Will," his mother spoke softly as she tucked him into bed, "it's time to put the toys away and get some rest."

As Will lay on his bed, his mother's words echoed in his mind. He couldn't visit the library yet because he was too weak for the books. He knew she was right, at only 2 years old, his body was still quite weak.

But as Will lay there, an idea came to him. Why not start training in some basic exercises to build some muscles? He decided to give it a try and see what he could do. With determination, he got out of bed and prepared to do a pushup.

After a desperate struggle, Will collapsed to the floor, huffing and puffing. He couldn't even do one pushup. He felt frustrated and tired, but he didn't give up.

After resting for a bit, Will tried to do one pushup again. Despite his best efforts, he failed once more. The feeling of frustration and fatigue took over him, and he began to feel drowsy. He eventually fell asleep in his crib, feeling defeated but determined to try again tomorrow.

The next day, Will woke up to an uncomfortable sensation on his lower body. A wave of annoyance washed over him as he had a pretty good idea of what it was.

(2 years later)

Will finally found out what his parents' names were. His mother's name was Grace Gray and his father's name was Albert Gray. He also found out that his father was a Grand Duke of the Gloryfield Empire, which was an incredible revelation. He was just one position below the Emperor!

The young white-haired boy, Will, walked down the luxurious hallway with a sense of importance. The guards, adorned with the Gray family insignia of a howling grey wolf and moon, bowed respectfully as he passed.

Wil was led by Alfred, the chief butler of the Gray household. The old man, with his neatly combed white hair and beard, was dressed in a traditional butler uniform, exuding refinement and class.

"Young Master, we have arrived at the library," Alfred said, turning to Wil. "Would you like me to accompany you in case you need help reaching any of the higher shelves?"

Wil smiled confidently at Alfred. "It's quite alright, Alfred. I can handle it on my own."

Will had been asking for permission to enter the library for a long time, and he was finally able to convince both his father and mother to let him enter.

It had been two years since Wil had first done is first pushup. In that time, he had grown four years older and had become much stronger. He could now do around five pushups in one attempt, which he personaly found to be quite an impressive achievement.

Wil remembered the first time he had attempted to do pushups and how miserably he had failed and He was proud of how much his strength had improved since then.

Wil stared at the giant door in front of him as the guard opened it. He dismissed Alfred, the chief butler of the Gray household, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of completing the first part of the system unlock.

Wil eagerly anticipated what would happen after finally gaining entry to the library.

Will couldn't contain his excitement as he stood in front of the massive library doors. The guard stepped forward, opening the door with a creak, He had been waiting for this moment for so long, and now, finally, he would get to see what lay beyond the doors.

Will took a deep breath, his heart racing with anticipation. He had been asking for access to the library for years, and now, finally, he would get to see what secrets it held.

As Will stepped closer to the threshold of the library, he was hit with the familiar scent of old books. It was a scent he had not smelled in a long time, and it brought with it a strange feeling of nostalgia.

As Will entered the library, he took in the sight of the tall bookshelves that lined the walls. The room was filled with rows upon rows of books, and Will couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. In the corner of his eye, he noticed a comfortable-looking sofa and table beside the window, giving the room a relaxing feeling. And there was a ladder that seemed to be used to reach the higher books.

Will took a deep breath, his heart racing with excitement. "Well, let's get this done," he thought to himself, determined to Finnaly accomplish the First Task the system had given him.

Will takes one final step, crossing the threshold into the grand library. As he enters, he hears a familiar sound, the sound he had once heard 4 years ago, The system's Ding.

He knew he had done it, he had finally unlocked the first part of the system. He couldn't wait to see what lay ahead, what secrets and knowledge the system held. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey, but he was ready for whatever came his way. The young master of the Gray family, Will, had unlocked the first part of the system and nothing would stand in his way.

[I truly Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter, Let me know your thoughts in the comments I would love read through them ????]

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