Supreme Empire

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Unlocking the System and Training for Improvement

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Unlocking the System and Training for Improvement


[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the first part of the System]

[Unlocked features]


Strength: 2

Speed: 1

Dexterity: 1

Mana: Nil

Brain Power: 5]

Will closed the door behind him, but not before telling the guards not to allow anyone access to the library until he is finished. He took a deep breath and turned to the glowing orb in front of him. "Alright. So system can I communicate with you through my mind?"

[Host can indeed communicate with the system through his mind]

"Okay, so what should I call you? Because it feels a bit awkward saying or thinking 'system' every time I need you."

[Host can call me anything]

"Okay, hmm, how about Emma?"



"Emma can you explain what Brain Power means? Because I can understand what strength, speed, dexterity, and mana mean as it's very standard but this Brain Power thing I've never seen before."

William had thought much about the naming as he picked the first name that came to his mind and continued to speak about what wa son his mind however when the System spoke William heard a very beautiful and smooth to hear voice resound in his mind. It was like a melody that he couldn't help but listen to.

[Host before I answer what would you prefer, I called you?]

"Just call me William or Will."

[Okay Will, the Brain Power Stat applies to the functions of your brain, such as your ability to process things and your mental capacity. Brain power can be enhanced naturally by reading or doing activities that exercise the brain by putting a strain on it. Brainpower also includes your creative and logical skills, along with any other ability related to your brain.]

"Okay but Emma, if that's the case, why is my Brain power 9 when my other stats are 1's?"

[That is because you have reached the peak of Mortal Realm Brain Power and any more points will lead you to be a supernatural being. Your strength Stat is 2 because of your constant training from the age of 2, the basic level is 1 for your age.  The Speed Stat is still at the basic level as you haven't done any relevant exercise to increase it while your mana is Nil because you cannot sense mana or make it a part of you yet]

"Okay, that makes sense. So, to improve my stats, I just need to keep increasing my strength, as well as start running and doing leg exercises to increase my speed, correct?"

[That is correct Will]

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Feeling more confident and determined, William then proceeded to get off the chair he sat on and exits the library. As he walked down one of the brightly lit corridors, a maid came up to him to inform him that his father is calling for him and to go to his study. William thanked the maid and made his way to his father's library.

As he approached the beautifully designed dark wooden door with the family Signia of the howling wolf on it, he knocked and said, "Dad, you called for me?"

"Yes, come in Will." His father's voice came from within.

Opening the door, Will could see his father sitting behind a desk filled with papers, stacked ruler high.

Standing up, his father gestured to the sofa to the right of the study and sat opposite of William.

"What's the matter, Dad?"

"Well, you see your big brother James is going to be turning 8 years old in a few days, so there is going to be a ceremony... Many Nobles will be in attendance so I hope you can get along with your brother, just for a day."

"Dad, it's not that I don't wish to get along with big brother, but for some reason, he just avoids me like a plague. The few times we talked were just.

Dad pinched the part between his eyebrows as he rubbed it, letting out a tired sigh. "James, just try to avoid crossing paths with him tomorrow. It would be an embarrassment to our family if he were to do anything bad to you."

James had always struggled with self-control, a tendency to act impulsively paired with a superiority complex it wasnt even hard to notice.

"By the way, Dad. Can I enter the training ground?" I asked, causing him to look up slightly in confusion.

"Why do you want to go there?" He asked, curious.

I just want to see what goes on there and maybe even try some training," I explained, causing him to let out a soft chuckle of amusement.

"Sure, just don't disturb the knights while they're training," he said.

"Okay, bye Dad," I said, waving at him as I left the room, closing the door behind me.

Now that I had permission, it was time to get some running in. After all, time waits for no man.

I then started heading towards the training grounds, asking for directions from some handmaids who were cleaning the windows in one of the inner halls.

Stepping out of the building and into the training grounds, I could see many knights of my family training.

Just then, I heard a rough voice from behind me. "So, what brings Young Master William to the training grounds?"

I turned around to see a muscular man with short red hair, a full beard, and standing at 2 meters tall. He had a scar running down his left eye.

Will's memory takes him back to a a few years ago, when he was just a child, and his father had introduced him to the family's knight army. The man standing before him now, Mr Reid, is the commander of that same army.

Will greets the Knight Commander using his name, catching him off guard. "Hello Mr Reid, I came out here to train myself by doing some light running around the grounds," he says, his voice steady and confident.

Will can see the surprise on Mr Reid's face as. But the expression is quickly replaced by hearty laughter. "Hahaha, you still remember who I am. I thought you would've forgotten by now cause; you were so young back then. Kid you've got one hell of a good memory Haha..."

Will can only stand there, staring blankly at Mr Reid as he continues to laugh. But Mr Reid notices Will and stops laughing, looking at Will with a smile on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just surprised to see you here, that's all."

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