Supreme Empire

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 The Eve Of Awakening

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The Eve Of Awakening

As James made his way to his room, his attention was caught by the bustling activity in the main hall. The hall was filled with maids and butlers, all busily shuffling everywhere with items in hand preparing for mist propably James his brother's  Awakening ceremony,  Jamesbecame curious wondering wheater he was right or not, so he approached, Alfred.

"Good afternoon, young master. What brings you here?" Alfred greeted James with a courteous bow.

(James Pov)

"Oh, nothing," I replied nonchalantly. "I was just heading to my room. Is this the preparations for my brother's Awakening Ceremony?" I asked, pointing towards the maids and butlers who were moving tables and chairs, and putting decorations up on the walls.

"Yes, young master," Alfred confirmed with a nod.

I simply nodded, Despite the grand preparations for the ceremony, I was not particularly excited about it. In fact, I found the whole affair to be a bit over the top and unnecessary,  I was only looking forward to the actual Awakening.

He simply nodded his head at Alfred's confirmation and continued to his room.

Upon arriving in his room, James felt a sense of restlessness. He had been studying for so long and his body was itching for some physical activity. So, he decided to exercise to alleviate the tension in his muscles. After exercising, he took a much-needed bath and finally went to bed, exhausted but looking forward to the Awakening the next day.

The next day, The sound of knocking echoed through the room, stirring him from his slumber.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed hurriedly. "Young master, you need to get up and get dressed for the ceremony today," the maid called out from the other side of the door.

I he looked around, taking in my surroundings, A quick glance out the window confirmed my suspicions - I had overslept. The bright sun shining in through the windows indicated that it was already late in the morning.

I couldnt help but sigh in annoyance as I realized I had overslept. I knew I shouldn't have exercised again last night. I ended up feeling completely exhausted because of it." I quickly got out of bed and fixed my pajamas to look presentable.

"Okay, I'm up," I called out in response.

The voice from beyond the door called out once more, "Young Master, may I come in?"

"Yes come in" I called out in allowing the maid from the sound sof her voice entry.

The maid opened the door and walked into the room with a black cloth covering something in her hand. "Young Master, your mother has prepared a dress for you today. Would you like to see it?" she asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.

I looked at the Black cloth and understood that, That must be the Dress mom had prepared.

And I couldn't help but be curious, eager to see the dress what mom had prepared. "Can you show me?" I asked, a hint of excitement in my voice as I eagerly looked towards the maid.

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The maid's response, however, dampened my spirits. "Unfortunately, your mother specifically instructed me to tell you to take a bath first before you can see and wear the dress," she said.

I couldnt help but groan a little in annoyance, feeling like I was being treated like a child by making me complete such a small task just to see a dress. But then I remembered That I was still a child!

P4: "Can you at least give me a hint?" I asked pulling of my best smile hoping to atleast get a glimpse of the dress due to my child like  curiosity getting the better of me, I did not want to continuously wonder what the dress looks like even when I'm taking a bath afterall.

Despite my best efforts, the maid remained firm in her decision to not show me the dress, leaving me no choice but to accept defeat and head towards the bathroom grumbling in frustration.

Soon After I was done with the bath I exited the bathroom felling fresh thanks to the bath with a white towel wrapped around my waist along with my hair neatly combed back with a strand or two hanging around.

As I gazed around the room, my eyes landed on a stunning dress laid out on the bed. The dress was a pure white color, adorned with the Grey family insignia on the left chest. It had a black shoulder cape that was held in place by a white thread with golden rims. The edges of the cape were lined with silver fur, adding to its regal appeal.

I rushed over to the dress, my heart racing with excitement and wonder. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Wow, this is amazing!" I thought to myself, admiring the dress. "Mom really knows how to choose a dress with style." I smiled to myself, knowing that no one was around to hear my thoughts.

I found myself struggling to put on the dress by myself. Mom had told me to let the maid help me, but I didn't like the idea of having someone else dress me. It felt awkward and strange. However, I pushed my reservations aside and managed to get the dress on.

The struggle was worth it as when I finally caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My combed hair and the elegant dress made me look like a million bucks.

I let out a chuckle, feeling confident and attractive in my new attire. "Look at me, I'm one handsome man!" I thought to myself.

Just then, I heard a series of knocks on the door.

The knocks were followed by the maid's voice calling out, "Young Master, may I come in?"

"Yes come in" I answered back to the Maid.

The maid opened the doors and walked in and was looking away from me as she spoke staring at the floor "Young Master may I assist you in wearing your dress, It is a more difficult dress to put on singlehandedly"

I let out a chuckle when I heard and spoke back to the maid "That wont be neccesary as i am already done dressing up"

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