Supreme Empire

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 The Grand Awakening

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The Grand Awakening

As the sun began to set and the evening approached, a parade of magnificent carriages, each accompanied by a proud butler, started to roll up the driveway of the family estate. The sound of hooves clacking on the cobblestone echoed through the air as people dressed in the finest of noble attire stepped out of the carriages and made their way into the grand hall.

When all the guests had gathered in the hall the doors inside the Hall creaked open, revealing the grand Duke and Duchess Albert and Grace Gray, walking arm in arm, with James and William following close behind.

The guests who had gathered in the hall, took their seats and fell silent as the Grand Duke's family enter.

The Grand Duke, Albert, walked to the front of the podium with a warm smile on his face and greeted the guests, who were all dressed in the finest of noble attire and holding glasses of champagne. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you all to my first son's Awakening ceremony. I hope that you will have a wonderful time here tonight." he said, his voice ringing out in the spacious hall.

"Let us first take a moment to indulge in some delicious cuisine, and then we shall move on to the main event of the evening." said the Grand Duke, clapping his hands together in anticipation.

As the Grand Duke's words echoed through the hall, the two side doors of the Grand Hall burst open, revealing a procession of butlers led by Alfred and maids carrying platters of delectable dishes and desserts. In a synchronized fashion, they made their way to the center of the podium where they intermingled, creating a male-female pattern, with Alfred leading the way. The butlers and maids then descended the podium, splitting up to serve the guests with the finest of foods and drinks.

The room was filled with the soft murmurs of conversations as everyone gathered around the table, elegantly dressed and eager to begin the meal. The guests soon seated at the elegantly decorated tables, were served plates of delicious food and drinks, and Willaim and his family took their seats on the podium table as everyone began to eat with etiquette and manners.

The Grand Duke's Family held a high social standing, commanding respect and authority among the other families present. The distinction between the Grand Duke's Family and the others was palpable, their power and influence clearly established just by the seating arrangements of everyone.

The meal came to an end, and James' father stood up from his seat, lifting his glass to make a toast. The crisp sound of a metal spoon tapping against the crystal glass echoed through the room, commanding the attention of everyone present.

The butlers and maids who had been waiting in the wings sprang into action, efficiently clearing away the plates and table settings of the guests. With practiced precision, they quickly cleared the tables and made way for the next part of the event.

Alfred and his team of maids approached the Grand Duke's Family, removing their plates and table and In its place, they set down a large, polished granite slab, with intricate green veins running throughout its surface. The slab was an impressive sight, and everyone present was eager to see what would happen next.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for!" James' father announced, his voice ringing out through the room. "James, please come up to the platform and let's see if you can absorb the Mana." There was a hush of excitement as James stood up from his seat.

James, dressed in a thin top, stepped onto the platform, his nerves palpable. Taking a deep breath, he sat cross-legged on the granite slab, surrounded by the silent anticipation of the crowd, His face Filled with concentration as he shut his eyes.

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Suddenly, a network of green veins appeared across James' skin, spreading from his feet and slowly disappearing upwards. James' eyes flew open, a look of amazement on his face as he exclaimed "I can feel it! The Mana is coursing through my body!" The audience gasped in surprise, excitement building within them as they watched James' attempt unfold.

(William's Pov)

"James, follow your instincts," Dad said encouragingly, "let the Mana flow to where it wants to be stored. Trust yourself."

I watched in awe as a soft grey glow began to radiate from James' chest, forming into the hilt of a weapon. The crowd gasped in amazement as the transformation took place, their eyes fixed on the glowing hilt.

The crowd erupted into applause as the hilt finally took shape, everyone cheering and congratulating James on his successful awakening.

Dad was beaming with pride, Mom was overjoyed, but no one seemed as thrilled as James himself. He was practically bouncing with excitement, his eyes alight with happiness.

James' gaze swept across the crowd, his proud smile lingering on me for an uncomfortably long time. He gave me a smirk that seemed to say, "Look who's the most talented now!"

The grey glow gradually faded, leaving behind a sleek black hilt. It was impossible to determine what type of weapon it would be, but the excitement in the air was palpable.

The black hilt was enigmatic, its purpose and form a mystery to all. But everyone was eager to find out what kind of weapon it would be as James grew stronger and unlocked it once he found the weapon he felt was right.

As we walked down the podium, I could feel the people getting closer and closer to us, the atmosphere was electrifying.

People were congratulating Dad and Mom, they were happy that James had such a good talent, which turned out to be at the same level as Dad's when he awakened. It was a great talent, no doubt, especially considering that Dad's strength managed to make him the Grand Duke of the empire, turns out marrying the Emperors sister was sort of like a bonus for him, he got the title all by himself.

[Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter, I would love to hear what you would have to say about the story so far, Also slow pace is not something I will accept :)))]

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