Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

Chapter 38: Pheonix House

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*6:00pm Wednesday*

    *Haile's house*

."Go back home, get out my house now little dragon, I don't want you here."Ophis said as she glowed in purple and the air got violent and a heavy pressure descended on Tiamat, Ophis wasn't here to make jokes, she couldn't do anything to Haile so she took it out on Tiamat, she was gone for a few days and all of a sudden she returned home to another dragon taking her place, she was furious.

Tiamat was shaking as the aura of Ophis held her in place and put weight on her back, she with a struggle looked up at Haile with a pleading gaze.

."Ophis, relax yourself don't take this to far, you will disobey my words?."Haile said as his eyes glowed golden and his aura spiked as well dispersing the aura from Tiamat, it wasn't a lot Tiamat just wasn't resisting as she didn't want a fight with a Dragon God.

He put his foot down, he can't let her get out of hand in his house less she will try to walk over him, like the same thing with akeno, if he show weakness especially with a dragon then it will be over even in the future when he is more powerful.

He is and never was scared of her, so he will show her, he looked at her and released his full power dyeing the room in golden water like aura creating a heavy pressure but he concentrated some of his focus to not touch Asia, he didn't forget that she was there neither did Ophis.

Both of them stood there staring down each other half the room was gold and half was purple, Ophis was grinding her teeth as she took glances at Tiamat with a monotonous expression.

She then clenched her fist and stopped her aura pulling it back and turning away from him folding her arms under her breast.

."*Sigh* at least your gaining more emotions, but I don't know if it will be a good thing for my poor little heart."Haile said as he sighed in relief, he definitely wouldn't be able to beat her but he definitely won't cower.

Ophis ignored him as she turn and went to the bedroom shutting the door and locking it, she was like a big kid.

Haile smile awkwardly and shook his head."Sorry about that Tiamat, that was my fault, I'll put her in check don't worry, why are you so afraid of her though."He really wanted to know what was going on underneath, he doesn't think it's as simple as respect for a strong member of the race.

."Well....I had actually met Op-miss Ophis years ago, that's when I was a young dragon, I had one time managed to break into the dimensional gap, that's when I came across her, I went and challenged her as I was in disbelief that there was a dragon stronger than me that I did not know.....she told me to leave her home..but I didn' can guess what happened after that, I had to sleep for centuries to heal my injuries."Tiamat said as she shivered as if reliving a childhood trauma, which she kinda was, as it happened when she was a child dragon.

Haile nodded in understanding at that.'So other than bloodline suppression, respect and the Obvious difference in power, she was traumatized by Ophis when she was a child, well that explains it all.

."It's alright, I understand, she is powerful, I'm definitely not sleeping here though she'll try to kill me in my sleep, it seems she still remembers me after all these years that's probably why she was so angry, because I invaded her home again."Tiamat said as she nervously glanced at the door to see if Ophis will suddenly burst out.

Haile just smile sigh as he understood her pains."Alright, are you ready to go back, I'll send you back when you're ready."He said to her gently as it was his fault she was treated unfairly as his familiar.

."Yes, I want to go home, I'll be in my cave, you can put me back there by un-summoning me with that intention, wake me up when you see Ddraid."She said, she didn't even bother to say wake her up when he's in danger, that is impossible with Ophis there, especially he is her mate then she would destroy the entire world if something happened to him.

Haile nodded and snapped his fingers making Tiamat disappear in a poof of blue smoke which looked oddly mysterious by itself.

Asia who had seen all of this play out was sitting there frozen not knowing what to do, she had never expected things to turn out like this, she had never even seen Ophis angry before, she looked extremely scary, she felt kinda bad for the dragon lady.

."Ophis open the door for me, come talk to me, are you really unset over something like this."Haile had walked over to the bedroom door and knocked on it speaking to Ophis, who he knew can hear him.


."Come on don't be like this now Ophis, it isn't that serious, why you acting like distressed wife who caught her husband cheating, come out so we can talk."Haile said with a tired smile on his face, lately he felt like he was dealing with more woman problems than anything, he never expected things to get this serious, he wanted to use them to get stronger and start chaos but all he ended up with is baggage and becoming there therapist.

After another moment of silence the door opened slowly and Ophis stood there looking at him monotonously then took a moment to glance at Asia then back to Haile staring him.

."Ahem so anyway, it's not what you are thinking, I'm not trying to replace you, who could possibly even take your position in the first place."Haile said as he move closer to her and took her into his arms gently.

Ophis expression didn't change at this."You send me out so you can sneak another one in, you thought I wasn't going to return soon."She said with her Emotionless face like usual but the words that came from her mouth didn't match it, it was very contradictory.

."What, is that what was going through your head, you do have some vivid emotional imagination for a Emotionless Dragon God haha."Haile said with a chuckle as he rubbed her back gently.

Ophis didn't say anything and just hugged him back as well, she rubbed her face into his chest silently.

."Come did you eat already, I have some things in the fridge for you, I didn't know when you were coming back but you have some cake."Haile said as he released her and walked to the fridge opening and taking out a fruit cake.

Ophis was already seated at the table with Asia who was looking stiffly, she had her head down not daring to look at her at all, then she suddenly felt a hand on her head, she looked up and she saw Ophis Emotionless face looking back at her, Asia smile brightly as she got up and hugged Ophis tightly.

Haile seeing this smiled slightly as he brought the cake to the table, resting it down, he was glad they were getting along with each other, he can rely on Ophis to take care of her should anything happen to him.(Ooooo foreshadowing)

Ophis sat back down in her seat and looked with glittering eyes at the cake as she pulled it towards her and stuffed a big piece into her mouth and closed her eyes savoring it as she leaned back into the chair, she hadn't eaten cake in forever.

."So Ophis...about those things I sent you for."Haile said awkwardly, he waited for a bit as he saw she was angry, that's why he try to bribe her with cake so she would settle down a bit and not be as angry anymore.

And it seems it worked as Ophis had an delightful expression of enjoying worldly pleasures on her face as she raised her hand infront of her with her eyes still closed.

A purple snake appeared on the table then shun brightly then disappeared leaving a few items there, she went back to savoring her cake she hadn't enjoyed in awhile.

Haile gain an excited smile as he looked at the items that Ophis brought for him on the table, a sliver orb, a dark brown piece of wood and a black dragon scale.

He looked at the black dragon scale in curious confusion, as far as he could remember none of the dragon kings had black scales, suddenly coming to here Haile's eyes widened in surprise as he looked to Ophis.

."Ophis, is this your dragon scale."He asked her with widened eye, now he knew why she was so angry, it was probably extremely painful for her to pull out one of her dragon scales, but she did it anyway for him so he could gain more power, if he said he wasn't touched in his heart he'd be lying.

Ophis still with her eyes closed savoring the cake."I *Chomp* don't know *Chomp* what you're speaking of."She said with a disinterested expression on her face.

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Haile smile in thanks, she would even go so far as to deny her credit thinking he would feel bad if he found out, as she doesn't know he has a system for this she thought it would go completely unnoticed.

NAME:Dragon Scale



ENERGY SOURCE:Dragon Energy.

STRENGTH:(Dragon God Durability)


ABILITIES:magic regeneration


STATUS:Dragon scale broken off by Ophis in the dimensional gap.

He smile as he looked at it, he looked at Ophis with more appreciation as he walked over to her and hugged her surprising her as she open her eyes in confusion.

Asia was sitting in confusion as well, she didn't know what was going on, she just see him suddenly smile and then walked over and hugged Ophis, usually she would feel a type of way but she surprisingly to herself didn't feel jealous or anything. 

."Even if you won't admit it, I still thank you, this will help me greatly, I'm grateful."Haile said speaking honestly patting her head.

Asia who was off to the side wanted some conversation as well."Haile will the three of us be going on the shopping date, I also want to one day try going to the beach, what do you think?."She said grasping on to anything that can make her apart of the situation and not become a side character.

."Oh yeah I almost forgot about that, we'll go maybe this Saturday I haven't made any plans, about the beach ah...I don't think there is a beach close by, I'll try to find one when I have some time."Haile thought about it for a moment then he said, he didn't have any plans of going to a beach so he didn't really pay attention to it, in the original there was one mention of a beach in a special he doesn't even know where it is, but he'll try to see what he can find.

Asia got excited as he said that and ran to Ophis and held her hand."Ophis you'll definitely love it, we can swim and play in the sand and build sand castles."She said with shining eyes as she imagined it all.

Ophis tilt her head in confusion of why she was so excited for that, is playing in sand so fun, she had never tried before but she did swim in the sea before with her dragon body.

Haile smiled at there interactions and felt even more relieved that they can hold each other down if he were gone, but then felt a little bad for Asia she was just an innocent human girl taken advantage of because of her power never given a childhood, kinda reminiscent of his own childhood or lack there of, but he'll make sure she gets to have some fun and truly experience the world.

Throwing all that to the back of his mind he had to now think of how to get his hands on the remaining ingredients for his ultimate weapon, a piece of Ascalon and boosted gear, well boosted gear is already in his grasp but for Ascalon it will be difficult to get to heaven.

.'Mmm wasn't there supposed to be an entry point in purgatory to the third heaven which is the place the dead souls of those brought to heaven reside, basically the kingdom of heaven that the religious humans talk about, granny should also be there, I wonder if she would keep her memories, would she remember me?.'Haile rubbed his chin in deep contemplation, it seems alot of his plans aligned perfectly.

He is going to be busy for a while as he sorts out all his plans leading up to the great destruction of realms.

As he thought to here a mocking smile appeared on his face as he think of the faces of despair that he will bring on the faces of all the races.

He didn't forget his original plan which was the greatest war this universe will ever see, where characters like Ultimate Class and Satan class will be slaughtered like lambs, even major Gods will barely be able to put up a fight.

He has to strengthen the people around him that he know will fight by his side no matter what, he also has to strengthen his brother Thor so he won't get himself killed off.

While Haile was think all sorts of things Ophis was glancing up at him as she was still on his lap, she could feel the destructive emotion radiating off him.

But she didn't say anything, why would she, even if she didn't want him to destroy anything she would not say anything to him, infact she would destroy it for him if he told her to.

Haile had come out his contemplation and saw Ophis looking up at him, he smiled."What is it Ophis, i know you like my face but you shouldn't look at it so much less you'll get bored of it quickly, you must savor it slowly."Haile said as she nodded wisely as if he was an old sage, well he was old but he definitely ain't no sage.

Asia sitting in front of then laughed at that as Ophis was just monotonous as she turned around from him but a slight smile tugging at her lips with happiness.



Phoenix household

In one part of the Underworld in a humongous landmass which was the territory of the Phoenix clan, it was thousands of square miles stretching far and wide, the focus now was in the dead center of this vast territory, the Phoenix household.

It was a gigantic mansion painted in burgundy, in the front it had a fountain but instead of water fire was coming out, around the entrance to the mansion were carvings which depicted great birds reminiscent of a Phoenix all the way to the gate which seems oddly haunting.

Within this beautiful and twisted looking mansion in one of it's many rooms which was the living room four people sat at a table and one person stood a little ways behind each of them, the people standing seems to be servants and maids they kept there presence low and unnoticeable.

At the head of the table in a large royal chair sat a handsome man with long blonde hair, blue eye and a majestic presence to him as he ate in silence.

On the right side of the table from him sat a extremely beautiful woman with the same color hair and same colored eyes, they even had the same majestic presence but hers was gentle his was serious, some would probably come to think that these two were siblings but infact there were husband and wife which was great coincidence, if Haile were here and realized there similarities he would instinctively think of one particular country back in his old world.

On her right was a young girl with the exact same appearance as the woman but she was just a young version with less assets, but other than that they were the splitting image of each other, she held a childishl innocence in her eyes as she looked back and forth to everyone at the table.

On the opposite side was a young looking man that was the splitting image of the majestic man at the table but he didn't have none of that majesty, he had a face that screamed arrogance and his eye held contemp for the world and anything beneath him.

These were four main members of the Phoenix family, Lady Phoenix, Lord Phoenix, Third son Riser Phoenix and Raval Phoenix the youngest child of Lady and Lord Phoenix, Riser was the one that spoke first breaking the awkward silence that surrounded there family.

."Dear mother, dear father, why am I here, do I look like the kind of person who wants to be here and sit with you all, I have important things to do."Riser said with a scowl on his face an look almost miserable a he grumbled.

Lady Phoenix gained a sad look on her face as her shoulders slumped, she didn't know why her son had turned out like this, it wasn't like he wasn't loved but he turned out so arrogant and self centered.

."Riser who do you think you are sitting before, your mother called you to the living room to have some bonding time with your family, now be learn some respect, now be quite and eat don't talk to me *Huff*."Lord Phoenix said with a frown on his face as he childishly turn his face to the side.

Riser's left eye twitch and he did the same but louder trying to one up his father and also folded his arms a he looked away.

Lady Phoenix and her daughter ravel just look on at the two with happy warm smiles on there faces, there new deep down they all love each other.

."Anyway, father when will I get to see my beautiful fiance Rias, I haven't seen her in a great while."Riser said as he drank a cup of wine with elegance as he twisted his hand in a stirring motion.

Lord Phoenix stop eating for a moment with a thinking look on his face."Mmm, I'll go to the grimory household and see if I arrange a meeting between you to in the human world where she resides."He said after thinking about it.

Riser had a evil smile appear on his face as he thought about ravaging his soon to be wife and maybe that peerage member of hers as well.

As he was having evil thoughts, lady Phoenix and Raval sat with a worried and guilty expression for rias sake, they knew of risers personality, he is definitely not a good person, so they can already see that she will not be happy with him, she will suffer.

They all continued eating with there own thoughts.

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