Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

Chapter 39: Asia Happy Sad Occasion

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*Saturday 4:00am*


  *Draconic Deus*

   *Human World*


    *Kuoh Town*

  *In the bushes*

  *Haile's house*


   *On The Bed*

  *They Are Fu-*


."~No.*haa* *haa* *haa.. please...stop haa haa, I'm begging you, Nooooo!!!, hahahahahahahah."Asia screamed out between laugher and tears as she was tickled by haile, so much so that the pleasuble feeling turned painful but she also felt some pleasure from that, now she was so sore that she couldn't move anymore.

Haile could be seen kneeling over her "dead body" that was having muscle spasms, he had an evil smile on his face as he did his hands into a claw and wiggled it around creepily as it came closer to her as she looked in horror scared for her life.

."Mmm are you feeling regret now huh, now you know not to disobey the Supreme General, heheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAH, prepare for some more punishment."He laughed hauntingly as his face twisted as he inch closer to her but then he suddenly stop.

Asia couldn't take anymore and has passed out with her body twitching slightly as she foamed from the mouth unconscious.

."Oops, did I take it to far?."Haile scratch his head as he smiled awkwardly looking at Asia on the bed sprawled out, he poked her to see if she would wake up but it seems she was out cold, he didn't expect her to actually pass out, he looked back at Ophis who was standing in the door way looking at him.

Ophis had her trademark Emotionless expression."....Bully, you bullied little Asia."She said as she watched them both, she didn't know what was going on but she liked the atmosphere that they all have, it was warm on her heart if that made sense.

."Hey its her fault first, she disobeyed my great words of wisdom, she could have got herself hurt."He said light hearted as he smiled, what had happened was he was sleeping and having a good dream, when all of a sudden he felt a warm sensation on his balls, he at first thought it was Ophis who had finally given in to her Draconic heat.

But he peeked open his eyes, looking under the sheets and look and behold, it was Asia having fun with his treasured jewels, about her getting hurt, he was quite large and she was quite small that spoke for itself, that why he wanted to wait till she became bigger first, who would only take about two years if he fed her properly, which was why he was feeding her all that cake.

Ophis hearing his words looked down at his pants in thought as she remembered the time when he did that thing she didn't understand to her, her face turned slightly red at the thought of it.

."So you see, I was in actuality protecting her from a possible horrid death."Haile said as he nodded to himself justify his actions, even though he was still holding over her dead body which didn't seem to make his words anymore convincing.

Ophis didn't say anything more as she just turned and left going to the kitchen and then the living room to watch some tv.

Haile just sighed and pull the sheet over Asia so she know what he doesn't even know, it's not even cold and there are no mosquitoes, so it really serves no purpose.

He lied back down on the bed as well thinking all that had happened over this couple of days, nothing big really happened actually, it was oddly calm even but he knew this was the calm before the storm.

Even Ophis has her own moves to make, which she would probably postpone for him but he didn't want that, he wants some people to beat up in the name of justice so he can get closer to the heroic devils, which doesn't even sound right no matter how one says it.

Anyway in these days he hung out with all his girls and soon to be, some of them individually and some together, like Sona and Tsubaki, they sometimes called him to go on small dates like picnics both during and after school, which he did go to and actually enjoyed, as they enjoyed making out more than the food itself.

 And about Rias and Akeno, they weren't his girls yet but Akeno was submitting herself to him, she was also an M so that was the easy part.

Rias on the other hand was actually the one making moves on him, as the days count down she was acting more and more desperate, she even tried to kiss him one time but he refused gently but smiled on the inside, he will make her even more desperate.

He had some light little chats with koneko as she layed on his lap and snuggle on it, it seems she was getting more and more attached to him, before all she cared for was the occasional chocolate bar, but one time he tried to give one to her in the middle of his patting her head, she actually looked offended, she still took it but she looked offended while eating it.

Then the next was Aika who had caught back herself from the various shocks he had given her, they sat down and had a talk, he told her of all the races and all the great and powerful beings that actually exist.

After all that they fucked like rabbits as she said she wanted some stress relief from the bombs he dropped on her so suddenly, they did it till she passed out eventually, he then waited till she waked up and left awhile later.

With rest of Sona's peerage he didn't have much love talk but he did get along well with them, they talked and had jokes with each other mostly on Saji, he kinda made them go in that direction as he was like a dog following Sona around.

After all that most of the rest of his time was spent with his little Asia and his big Ophis, all the way till now.

Today was the day they decided on for going on a little date to by clothes and other stuff for them, like swimming suits as Asia said she wanted to go to the beach, he searched around and found a small island to the north of Japan, they can use that as the beach.

It was good tide as well it wasn't deep it was perfect as he knows that Asia can't swim at all, he has to teach her before she drowns.

He looked over to her who was now just sleeping, he smiled in calm peace and rubbed her head softly.






Haile open his eye which were a little blurry, it seems he fell back to sleep after going deep into thinking about his future plans and got bored, he looked over to Asia who was still laying with him, Ophis never did come back to bed, he doubts she needs to sleep at all so he didn't mind it.

."Asia, get up, we have to get up early so we can take our time having fun today."Haile said shaking her gently by her shoulders.

 The longer they take to get ready the less time they will have even though it isn't relevant to him or Ophis to stand up late but it's not good for Asia, so she has to have her fun in the day time.

He has to think of a way to get Asia strong fast but he is wondering if she should let her change to a different race, angel is definitely out of the question.

Maybe he should have Sona turn Asia and Aika into devils then he will take out the evil piece and create a sacred gear for them to bind with and maybe something for the familiars.

."AMmmm, is it time for school already, what time is it darling."Asia woke up groggily as she said that stretching as she spread out opening her eyes looking surprised as she saw Haile looking at her.

Haile raised his eyebrow with a smile."Oh, darling, well I guess if you want to call me that it's find, but I don't know how you would deal with people thinking you are into incest, even though we are not actually siblings but to others we are, up to you."He said as he patted her head and got up out the bed.

."I-i-I a-a dream, it was a dream i-having, we were- ah."Asia blushed blood red as she stuttered trying to explain to him but felt like she only dug a larger grave for herself.

Haile shook his head with a warm smile."It's alright, you didn't do anything wrong just don't try what you were trying last night, you don't want the pain."He said that part with a smirk as he leaned on the door way looking at her.

Asia blushed even brighter as she hid her face in the bed and under the sheets, she knew he was teasing her but she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

."Come along Asia let's get ready, we have a long day today, also Don't you want to have time to enjoy the beach?."Haile asked her as he walked out the bedroom headed to the bathroom to do his business and also ready himself.

 He wondered to himself if he even has enough money to shop with them, but it should probably be fine, worse comes to worse, he'll just ask them for it "nicely", they definitely can't resist his handsome face.

."YEAH, I ALMOST FORGOT!."Asia's eyes widened as she sat up at lightning speeds and jumped out the bed excitedly with sparkling eye as she danced around a bit with a smile on her face but then her smile froze as she looked at the doorway.

Standing in the doorway was Ophis shaking her head slightly as she looked at her antics making her blush in embarrassment again as she realized she probably was to overly excited, but she was anticipating this for a long time almost her whole life.

."Oph-Ophis I didn't see you there, go-good morning, are you ready and ecstatic for the beach as well!."Asia at first said awkwardly but at the last bit she got excited again and asked Ophis as she skipped towards her.

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Ophis just monotonous shrugged her shoulders."I don't know."She said lightly, she didn't really what was so great about the sea, it was just really salty and didn't taste good to drink, so she didn't have any expectations for anything fun, she's only doing it because of Haile.

."Couldn't you just say yes or something, do I have to be delighted by myself."Asia pouted as she stopped short in her skipping and her shoulders slumped as she held her head down.

Ophis didn't say anything she turned around and walked away leaving Asia to herself.

Asia just watch her then sigh sadly to herself."I wish she would talk to me more."She muttered softly, she knew with Haile here with them they will probably be together for a really long time, she also kinda saw a big sister figure in Ophis as well, but she can't seem to her her to open up which is frustrating her a bit.

After her little sad thinking episode she regain her glitter of sunshine like innocence as she smiled brightly, she took off her clothes and skipped to the bathroom so she can bathe with haile, they actually didn't bathe together in a couple of days so she wanted to take this chance.


She quickly arrived at the bathroom and knocked once before entering it, she could see Haile with his eyes closed laying there in the bathtub with all his glory being covered up by some soap bubbles which disappointed her a bit.

."Asia...I knew you were going to come, but unfortunately for you we have not much time to relax, let's bathe, I'll wash you, go into the bath I'll come."Haile said as he opened his eyes and glanced at her once before getting up with soap on his privates like a personal censoring mechanics.

He followed Asia into the bath, he didn't have to worry about space in here as it was quite spacious almost like a bedroom of its own, he looked at the the shy Asia standing with her head down.

."Come Asia hold up your right hand."Haile said with a smile to her as he grabbed a scrub and poured some liquid soap on them laddering it up a bit.

Asia did as told as she raised her arm up in the air showing her smooth armpit with no hair, one didn't even know if it was possible for her to get hair there in the first place but Haile payed it no attention and he held her hand and gently rub her armpit with enough force to do it properly.

He went up her arm and up to her hand and fingers laddering everything, he then moved on to her other hand doing the same starting with her armpit.

Then he went on to her neck which was so small and dainty, as he washed it making sure to be extra careful as to not hurt her by accident, he rubbed and went down to her breast that were small but still there, they were actually growing bigger, he rubbed them with the scrub but also with his hands.

."*~MmmaMmaa it tickles~*

Asia moans with a red face as he rubbed her breast with his hands and even her nipples he didn't leave out so she felt a pleasurable tickle spreading from her breast to the rest of her body.

Soon Haile bypassed them and headed down to her stomach making sure to rub every nuck and cranny of her, he then stopped to her waist not going down further and then going behind her to do her back now.

Asia had a dissatisfied expression on her face but then it turned red again at her own dirty thoughts, she for an instant forgot she was only being bathed by him and they were not having sex which made her feel dissatisfied at his teasing until she remembered what was actually happening.

He washed her back thoroughly from the back of her neck all the way down the her behind all in between making her flinch and shiver as he rubbed her anus and vagina from the back making her get wet with her own fluids.

He stopped it and went down to her legs and he knelt to reach it, rubbing up her legs with fineness as he did gently, then he stopped and stood up.

."Ah..urMmm Haile what about here."Asia seeing that he stopped and left her privates unwashed asked him about it.

Haile smile."You can do that yourself, if we start this now it'll get out of hand and it will waste to much time, my hands work wonders you know."He said as he started rubbing up himself as well.

."....."Asia stood silently as she was depressed and felt letdown as she was getting excited for it even though it was just bathing, but she couldn't help it.

She went under the shower and finished washing up herself as she watched him doing the same thing he did for her but to himself, she ended falling into a daze as she looked on.


In a couple of minutes the both of them were out and drying, Asia still had a downcast expression on her face as she was really looking forward to them having some "time" together.

."So what will you be wearing Asia, I got you a couple of new clothes the last little we went for your school shoes, but we have to get much more for you."Haile said as he thought back to that one time, it was supposed to be a little date but they basically just went for the stuff and returned home not doing anything else.

Asia thought about it for a moment."I don't know, maybe I'll surprise you."Asia smiled and said trying to put on a mysteriously act.

."Well if you say so I'm waiting to be blow away."Haile said as he will let her have this one, though he already knows how the clothes will look on her, he was there after all and the one who bought them, also he had put the clothes on her body in his mind before he bought them.

As they were talking Ophis came in fully dressed, she as she didn't get to go shopping with them last time with had on a red version of her previous outfit looking more fiery in this color she was basically the definition of hot now, looking more heated than the burning Hell of Christianity.

."What, do..think."Ophis said as she folded her hands under her breast, she is now getting used to having to large mountains in front of her so now she looks comfortable and elegant.

Asia eyes widened as she for a moment glanced down at herself but then she remembered Haile words and smile to Ophis."Ophis you look so beautiful, I'm envious."She said.

Ophis nodded at her slightly and turned to Haile whose opinion matter to her the most.

."Yes she is right, I can't even think of a word right now to describe how bewitching you look so I won't bother embarrassing myself."He said as he looked her eye and down not sparing the compliments at all, she really looks like she wants to seduce him right now.

At his praises a slight smile appeared on Ophis face as her cheeks lit with a faint red as well, she was a blushing mess on the inside but on the outside not much came out.

Asia seeing all this she was no longer jealous but she didn't bother to trying showing off to Haile.



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