Supreme Warlock: Oathbreaker

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Lucas Aillard

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Beneath a luxurious, wide mansion — a riot of peasant commoners holding bright burning torches and steel sharp pitchforks protested and rebelled.

“Come on out...! You piece of shit, we had enough of you!”

“Release my son! Release him you scum...!!!”

“This is for payback..! For revenge! You evil piece of garbage! The Holy God, Velsefar curses your soul for all eternity!!”

“The Aillard are sinners! The devil-spawn family of this earth!”

The desperate, rage filled shouts of the people resounded below, giving liveliness to the tranquil night.

Inside the mansion; in a hidden, obscure basement a melodic melachonlic tune played out in the room. A black haired man, completely devoid of any blemish on his face, sat on a comfortable couch.

Lucas Aillard — the Count of Aillard house sat silently in the room, drinking a cup of wine as he stared at the air vacantly.

‘...Life is pointless.’

In his twenty nine years of living, that was the answer he had arrived into. The wisdom that living, is at it was—pointless and nothing but suffering. Life would throw challenges of insurmountable odds to man... only to grant a slow inevitable death on man at the end of their life.

‘..How cruel and unfair.’

In every moment you continue to live, is also every moment you are closer to dying. In every challenges of life...every oppositions, even if you surpass and surmount them — it all amounts to nothing.

Lucas chuckled, his hand drinking the cup of wine. 

In the end, no matter what you achieved; who were you in the world; what kind of person you were.. it's all useless. The only destination of life is death — there was no other ending.

Life is but a stairway to afterlife.

 ..Whatever bullshit people told you about fate and life changing for the better, forget about it. Lucas closed his eyes, listening to the melancholic music in the room. The problems would one day stop... but that day would be the moment of your death.

Only in death there was tranquility and peace. In death, all souls rest peacefully, ignorant and unaware. It was better than living. He was sure most people knew that fact. But unfortunately, all men are masochist — he too, included.

“Even if, at the end, it was all useless...” Lucas lips curled into a smirk. “It was worth it. It was all worth it. Just trying is enough. It was fun until it lasted.”

Even if he restarted his life right now, he would still choose this path. He would still pick the same choices. He would still kill the same people that needed to be killed. It didn't matter if the only ending was death. 

...In the end, he too, like any other living being, rebelled against death. 


Lucas Aillard, The Count of the Aillard house contained a secret kept from everyone else. Throughout his life, he harbored an incurable disease, an extremely rare, but spreading illness in the world. 

It's symptoms were simple. 

No matter what a person does, they would be forced into an eternal coma on their twenty five year.

It didn't matter what you would do. Even if you advanced your body and reached the levels of the Royal Adjucator's in the Kingdom, it didn't amount to anything.

How did he know? 

—For starters, he was the prime example of that.

Growing up with such a disease inside him, he feared for his inevitable ending. Dropping dead in a coma. It didn't help he was forced to stomach all that fear alone — his mother had died birthing him, shortly after, his father committed suicide in grief and sorrow.

Without any parental figure, and being isolatedd from the outside world in his whole childhood, unable to form any meaningful social relationships, at a young age... he understood an important fact in the world.

He was alone, and the only person worth relying was his own self. 

By that understanding, he didn't spare anything in his disposal. Using his connections as a heir, with the help of his butler aid — Igor — he started off a business at a young age. The business took late to gain traction...but once it did, it exploded into massive wealth.

At that time, he learned the power of money. Money could trade anything in the world. He bought off peasants, nobles and authority... and most importantly — power.

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In the world of Velsefar, there exist a body refining system. A system in which one could strengthen ones body immensely with techniques and special medicines. He exploited that and reached a high realm at a young age.

...Wealth, power and wit attracted the people in the same class as him — his intelligence, although not a supreme genius pioneer, showcased cunning demonic mentality that even the royal family feared.

With money, connections and even talent at his disposal... It didn't take long before he became one of the most authoritative and strongest people in the whole Empire, despite being a mere Count.



Lucas chuckled bitterly, his body standing up. 

“Even with power, authority and money... I can't avoid death.”

Behind him, the servant playing the piano finished. Igor finished the last touches of the composition — ending in a beautiful, melancholic note.

“Igor... you're done?” Lucas asked, his head turning to the back, staring at the hunched-back butler. “What was that song you played? Its really good.”

“It was made by a deaf, struggling musician... In the night of a full moon, it was named... Moonlight Sonata.” Igor responded clearly. “Mi'lord, you shouldn't stand up. You're drunk.”

“Moonlight Sonata... a beautiful name.” Lucas answered calmly. “Also... I'm a Royal Adjucator. I could never be drunk unless I wanted to myself.”

“Sigh...” Igor sighed, his head shaking. That's exactly what I meant, mi'lord... he opted not to say his thoughts. “Are you ready, mi'lord?”

Lucas paused, his eyes shifting to the middle of the room. In the middle, a well-crafted wooden coffin lay, ready to be occupied.

“...I'm ready.” Lucas nodded, his eyes closing. The moment this night entered a new dawn — he would no longer be able to open his eyelids. “But before that...”

“What is it, mi'lord?” Igor asked.

“All the prisoners in the mansion, kill them.” Lucas continued callously. “The secrets and crimes of other nobles... release them.”

Igor widened his eyes in surprise, his body static unresponsive. It took him a few seconds to process the command.

“Very well... mi'lord.”

Lucas nodded satisfied, his eyes opening. The maddened echo of the peasants rage resounded through the night, their despairful cadence reverberating... yet he couldn't care less. 

If he wasn't going to get his way, then let the world itself burn to ashes. If he couldn't achieve any form of longevity in this life... then he would mark his existence in the world, making his own identity immortalized.

He stepped forward, marching steadily to the wooden coffin. He pushed the lid open as he stared at the empty spot for a moment. 

In the end, he was but a master of men...

Lucas put his feet in the coffin. A few seconds later, his body fully occupied the wooden coffin. He stared at the ceiling for a moment. He smiled bitterly.

...but not a master of fate.

He closed his eyes. The clock ticked. At that moment, he felt his conscience sink itself to the dark abyss, drowning his soul in the dark void... completely erasing his mind. 

In that day, Lucas Aillard “died“.



[....Analyzing... Verifying...]


[Genesis.... Destruction... Birth... Unbirth... 34th Iteration reset.]

[Commencing, The Great Restart.]

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