Supreme Warlock: Oathbreaker

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Oversoul

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In a vast, dark landscape; the stench of blood heavily lingered in the air. The fractured, thin skeletons of what seemed to be former human shells rolled on the ground, producing a harrowing silent atmosphere throughout the area.

In the middle of the landscape, a fainted young man with black hair suddenly trembled, his eyelids slowly opening. 

After a few seconds, the black haired young man fully opened his eyes — staring at the surrounding situation in utter disbelief.

“Huh..? Where am...I?”

Lucas thoughtlessly asked, eliciting no response from the dark area. He raised his arm, staring at his hand in mixed confusion and perplexity.

“I'm alive...? If I was not mistaken, shouldn't I be in a eternal coma right now...? Or could this be the”

Lucas narrowed his eyes, if that was true, then... however, before he could continue his thought, a mystical scene suddenly blocked his sight, preventing him from thinking any further.

[Analyzing... Soul Origin... Soul Structure...]

[Verifying User Existence...]

[Confirmed..! Foreign Guest of Oversoul...!]


Lucas furrowed his brows in confusion, staring at the blue screen in front of his face. He tried touching the blue screen, only for his hand to go through it.


At that moment, the mystical blue screen suddenly projected numbers and letters in quick succession.


   Oversoul System

     Name: Lucas Aillard

     Age: 18 (25)

     Soul Rank: Rank E- (0%)

     Soul Purity: A++

     Oaths: N/A

     Aspects: [Snow Soul], [Dark Yin Soul]


“Oversoul System...?” Lucas muttered in bewilderment. The blue-screen remained static, displaying a list of categories and letters. He stared at it blankly, confused of the new and different terms.

He didn't know where to start. There was too much to unpack from the mystical screen. Lucas deeply sighed. First, he needed to calm down and repress his disbelief. He couldn't focus clearly with shocking events.

Lucas deeply breathed, his eyes closing. After a while, he opened his eyes once more — this time showing calmness within his pupils.

“First off...” Lucas muttered, examining the blue-screen intently. “This screen seems to be displaying my information. The name is correct, but why is the age showing two different numbers?”

In his previous life, or before he was put into an eternal coma, he was already twenty five years old. However... this time, he's also apparently eighteen years old. How did that make sense...?

[The age shows two different numbers; the first is the age of your soul, and the second is the age of your previous physical body.]

Lucas nodded in understanding. So there was a difference between the age of the soul and... It took him a while before he could process what had just happened. He blinked as he opened his mouth in surprise. 

“Wait... you can answer all along?”


“...What are you then?” Lucas asked, his brows rising in interest.

[The Oversoul System is the sentient-conscious guide of all qualified living beings. Its whole purpose is to record, analyze, and display a beings existence. It monitors the users soul to help the user in navigating their own self-existence..]

‘All qualified living beings...?’

Lucas thought, staring at the mystical blue screen.  Perfect. If the system was a sentient guide then he could ask about the things he didn't have a clue of.

This was interesting... navigating one's existence. It seemed magical. 

“Very well, then. What is Soul Rank?”

[The Soul Rank is the strength or level of the users soul...]

Lucas  listened attentively, his focus all directed at the blue screen. After receiving the answer, he asked another question. 

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“I see... I see, how interesting.”

Lucas muttered, his lips curling into a smirk. The information he had received from the Oversoul System thrilled and excited him. His smirk gradually turned into maddened chuckles, joyous of the prospects of the future.

It took a while before he calmed himself down. 

Lucas shook his head, his body standing up from the ground. He examined his own body, checking if there was any difference compared to his old one.

There was a slight difference; his body was that of an eighteen year-old, youthful and slim, giving off a regal energetic aura. 

Lucas nodded, satisfied. He didn't really care in what body he was going to occupy — but if he had a choice, he preferred to be in his young adult state. It had a mix balance between youthful energy and a mature air.

‘In any case...’

Lucas thought, his lips curling into a smirk. The Gods must really had felt bad for him and thus granted him another another world. From the Oversoul System, he was able to surmise a theory.

He was no longer in his world. He was in a completely different world with a different way of power... In his previous world, the path of power was Body Refining. A cultivation system in which one upgrades their body until eventual immortality.

‘...Oversoul System.’


   Oversoul System:

     Name: Lucas Aillard

     Age: 18 (25)

     Soul Rank: Rank E- (0%)

     Soul Purity: A++

     Oaths: N/A

     Aspects: [Snow Soul], [Dark Yin Soul]


Lucas stared at his status screen, examining it carefully. In this new world the path of power is through upgrading and using the soul.

Soul Rank was the level or transcendence of the soul. It started from Rank E- until the end, Rank SS. Currently, he was starting at the very bottom...being the weakest.

‘...A++ Is that decent?’

Soul Purity, on the other hand, was the talent of the soul. Depending on how pure the soul was, the faster one advances through Ranks.

As for Oaths... Lucas narrowed his eyes. He wasn't a stranger to [Oaths]. The term also existed in his previous life, being one of the most mystical and magical powers in the world. It's uses were simple; it formed an unbreakable bond and promise between two beings.

It connected each other's karma and interwined them, forcing both beings to abiding the agreement they decided upon. No amount of will and power could obstruct that.

As for the last one...

“Aspects...” Lucas frowned, his brows furrowed in confusion. This one, he didnt know much of. The Oversoul System only gave limited information about it. 

From the Oversoul System's words — Aspects were the elemental structure of the soul. 

‘Who knows what that means...’

Lucas shook his head. He lacked information about the soul to know of what that meant. In his previous life, the inner and external structure body was more studied than the soul. In fact, there were not even records of the soul...

‘How strange...’

Lucas mused silently. He darted his eyes around the area, observing his situation. Things weren't looking that good for him... he was in an unknown area, covered by utter darkness while the stench of newly butchered blood lingered on the air.

The worst thing in any given situation was ignorance and the lack of information.

Lucas frowned. If this was indeed a completely new world, then its possible there's also extraterrestrial threats that roamed...or worst thing, the civilization in this world are bloodthirsted.


In a curse of fate; the devil spoke. A loud guttering growl resounded from the area. Lucas immediately shifted his eyes, staring at the opposite ends of his position.


It was a humongous dark beast. It had dark, void scales radiating an intense malevolent aura around its body. Its eyes were crimson red, bloodthirsted while staring at Lucas.

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