Supreme Warlock: Oathbreaker

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Voidbeast (2)

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Lucas stepped away immediately.

The howl pained cries of the void along with the soul wrenching explosion blended between each other and resounded loudly, wildly shifting the darkness. 

For a moment, bright colorless light devoured the place. But it quickly vanished as soon as it appeared.

The dust cleared and the light darkened, the void beast who was sleeping peacefully, was now awake and wounded heavily with its complexion furious.

Now that Lucas got a good look at the beast, he recognized some similarities between the void beast and some beast in his previous world.

A large, intimidating body and two sharp spiky horns on the forehead. A rhinoceros, or perhaps more commonly called rhino. The difference was that the beast in front of him was dark.

Darker than anything but the darkness, akin to a void of existence. Closely, Lucas could see its maddened, furious red eyes that released murderous intent.

During their first encounter, he wasn't ready for its sudden appearance. But now that he was the one taking initiative, nothing about the beast seemed to faze him in the slightest.

Not wasting any time, Lucas masterfully controlled the aura inside his body, creating a colorless, pale white sword on his hand.

Aura had magical uses aside from just reinforcing the body. It was also called the internal energy of the body. While it cannot be operated like the magic of the legends, such as controlling elements and reality, it had the ability to forge inanimate objects into thin air.

But such ability was not used or prioritized by aura users. 

Firstly, to be able to do such a thing required immense experience in controlling aura. In short, you needed to be a master.

Normally, an Acolyte or a beginner of aura wouldn't be able to do such a thing. But Lucas was an expert amongst experts, it was easy as stealing candy from a baby.

Secondly, a reinforced weapon was much stronger and easier to control than a forged aura weapon. 

A forged aura weapon not only needed masterful control over aura to properly create, it also needed precision and expertise to use.

Overall, it was just not worth investing in. It was acknowledged by many as a party trick at most, magical and extraordinary but not useful in the slightest.

But Lucas didn't follow the normal way of thinking. Due to his long voyage throughout the continent, an apparent problem on his journey was the constant deterioration and destruction of weapons and armory.

As such, when he learned to control his aura to forge weapons, he continuously mastered and improved of it, making him survive in a couple of occasions.

Back to the situation at hand, the colorless sword shone of light, exposing Lucas' location.

It was pity… Void Plunge can disguise his appearance but can't disguise Aura. That was why he was careful of awaking the beast earlier or else the sneak attack would've failed.

But it didn't matter that much. Now that the beast was half Its strength and heavily wounded, the percentage of his chances to win was much higher than before.

Lucas took off his disguise and stood before the large beast, his right hand holding a colorless sword as he pointed at it towards the void like entity.


The void-like Rhino growled, seemingly recognizing the human figure. Its raged distinctive scarlet eyes turned even more furious discovering its prey earlier was the one responsible.


In what appeared to be like a flash, the void Rhino leaped towards Lucas, displaying incredible speed in contrast to its large massive body.

Lucas widened his eyes slightly instinctively stepping to his side.


A loud thud resounded, the void Rhino dropping to to his original location and made a mess of the ground.

The void Rhino turned to him and suddenly spat out a dark orb from its mouth. The orb emitted immense pressure, darkness seemingly gathering near it as it blasted towards Lucas.


‘Aura?! Wait…’

Lucas eyes widened slightly. Using all his speed, he tried to dodge, unfortunately he was too late. The dark orb landed near him, exploding the instant it fell.


Smoke erupted from the ground. Abyssal darkness devoured everything near. The void Rhino stared at the dark smog unflinchingly.

After a few seconds, a colorless blade could be seen moving through the pale fog, dispersing it. Lucas came out of the smoke, seemingly covered with pale white aura, a trace of blood leaked from his mouth.

“You caught me off guard for a moment there,” Lucas narrowed his eyes, brushing off the blood on his mouth. “What a fascinating entity.”

Lucas held up his chin, observing the void Rhino calmly. The attack earlier was not aura; but a different energy entirely. Aura was colorless. But the orb earlier was dark.

They were similar, but entirely different.

A desire suddenly sprouted on his heart as Lucas stared at the void beast with maddened fascination.

It was not a secret he was a knowledge seeker. If there was something that he didn't know, he would strive to find anything about it, no matter the cost.

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The void Rhino turned around and prepared to leap again…


…But before it could react, a sudden force came crashing down its body. A pale, colorless blade came down like a meteor.


The void Rhino couldn't react in time, dark blood spurting from its forehead. As if noticing something, the Rhino's eyes shifted slightly.

“Looking for this?” Lucas held a dark spiky horn in his hand. “It feels… strange. As though holding something that shouldn't belong here. Foreign. That's it… your body feels foreign.”

The void Rhino trembled in fury…

“Interesting. A very interesting reaction… It  seems you can understand my words?” Lucas held up his chin, fascinated. “Or perhaps it's just an instinctive feeling of humiliation?”

The void Rhino ran to his figure, utterly lost in rage. 

Lucas had a feeling it was a mix of both.

Each time the void Rhino attacked, Lucas dodged cleanly and countered with his own. Perhaps due to its mindless state or weakened body, its movements were predictable and messy.

As time went on, Lucas patiently and slowly tore the void Rhino apart. He discovered a lot of things about it; for example, when the dark blood of the Rhino invaded a part of his skin, the flesh turned ‘corrupted’...

It was hard to express in words. But the moment the dark blood invaded his skin, he was paralyzed for a second while a part of his flesh darkened. 

The darkened skin felt numb; crippled or unusable. But after the dark blood corrupted a small part of his skin, it went cold and stopped spreading.

Similarly, the paralysis vanished. At that time, he almost got hit by the void Rhino's assault. It was lucky he was in a safe distance, managing to dodge at the last second.

“The blood is poisonous… the moment it touches the skin of another living being, it infects that part of that skin and paralyze it. Or more appropriately, that part of the skin decays. Similar to a virus, it spreads throughout the body… but due to my strengthened immune system it was easily cancelled out. Hm, rather than poison it is more eerily similar to corruption.”

Lucas muttered. He had never encountered such an entity before. It was a good thing he opted to awaken his aura before coming back, or else the blood might have corrupted him unknowingly.


The void Rhino growled weakly, its body staggering from the accumulated injuries it received. It tried spit out another attack, however it simply couldn't anymore.

Its formerly terrifying monstrous appearance was gone, dissected and toyed with by Lucas. Its sharp, threatening horn was broken into pieces, akin to mere trash. Its scarlet red eyes rolled quietly, falling from its blank, hollow eye sockets.

Even its hardened armored flesh was not spared as its bones protruded, displaying a grotesque and mortifying sight.

After a few seconds of struggling, the void Rhino fell and lost its breathing.

Lucas stopped moving and stared down at it coldly. 

It was weaker than he thought. He had expected it to atleast put up a fight, but other than a few tricks… it was just a beast. 

That could be a good thing or a bad thing.

Lucas shook his head.

Regardless, he had gotten sufficient information about it.

Most interestingly, the void Rhino was able to use a different kind of energy. A foreign energy that was wholely different from the aura he was used to. 

But it wasn't entirely foreign. The energy was somewhat familiar to him atleast.

Lucas suddenly closed his eyes, activating one of the soul-techniques in his mind. Within him, an energy similar to aura, but tinted with darkness moved.

The energy used by the void Rhino was similar to the unknown energy within him that was used to activate the soul techniques from the Oversoul System.

This dark energy was capable of two things; transforming his eyesight to be able to see invisible entities, and concealing his whole existence within the darkness.

Both were godsend miracles that were more useful than any power he could have right now. 

Before the dark energy could move, Lucas stopped and opened his eyes.

“What a interesting power. I wonder how it is called in this world? For the time being, I shall call it… magic.”

It was an apt name. It was similar to the magic in the legends and myth. A power capable of achieving miracles.

Unfortunately he didn't know how to use it. Rather, he was confident he can manipulate it, but he won't do so. He was wary of using an unknown power without prior information.

Ever since he felt a different kind of energy inside him, he was observing it when he was able to. Notably, the energy wasn't as dark as it was before. 

Originally, it was similar to aura; colorless and without features, but now it was slowly transforming into darkness.

Lucas wondered what change occured

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