Surviving as a Certain Doom Prophet

Chapter 2: 001. Stepping Up

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One and a half years later...

In a certain room inside the Starlight Estate, a strange sight of a butler seeing his master's child eating on his own unfolded.

"Ohhhhh!! Young Master, as expected! To think you could already eat on your own, this humble servant is ecstatic to see
 you being able to eat by yourself, at this age!" The butler said.



The butler recoiled. The young master he was serving was too cute at his age, and seeing him trying to respond to his words
made his heart almost jump out.

"Nom- mmmh. Nom." 

The baby was clumsily moving the silver spoon, scooping its food, clumsily bringing it up his mouth, and then chewing while
making cute and adorable sounds.  The sight of this would make anyone think 'Awwww...' inside their minds.

'This young master is way too adorable! And way too talented, how does a child this young feed itself without making a

To think that a baby at this age would already know how to feed itself. Whats even more suprising is that he tried his 
best not to make a mess, eating carefully as to not stain himself.

"Mmhmh, nom... Ba! Ba! Buuurp!"



The butler almost fell down from the way-too adorable sounds that the toddler emitted. This would've been seen as discourteous
but thankfully he was the only servant in this room. If the room had other people, the butler would've remained unflinching
so as to keep his face as a servant of the Polaria House.

'Thankfully, there is nobody here... Or else my reputation as the longest serving butler would've been tarnished. It cant be
 helped. The young master is way too cute. And its not that bad to relieve stress when im this old now, right? Right?'


'Whats with this old man? Why is he acting like that?'

The butler of course, naturally did not know of the adult mind inside his young master. He was already judging him to
be a weirdo inside his mind. 

'For him to be like that... Am I that cute or something? Well, hopefully I'll grow up into someone that looks
 handsome if thats the case.'

He was currently trying to eat by himself. It was more easier than he initially thought, it was just a bit hard to control
his arms. Since his arrival, or birth, he was always being fed by another person. He didn't like that, so he decided
to show this butler serving him that he could eat on his own. 

'This food... It tastes so good.'

The food he was eating tasted amazing, and had many flavors. And this was just baby food. Based on that, he knew he
hit the jackpot. The food tasted great, and for the one and a half years he has been reincarnated here, he's seen many
people. People that clearly looked, and acted like they were important. And other people that were clearly servants,
serving him and doing chores around wherever he was. He already concluded that he was born in a noble
family. He did not know how high up the aristocracy his family is, but it had to be pretty high up the ladder.

'If thats the case, then maybe I won't have to worry about living that much? If I was born into something like
 a Marquis family, then my life would already be set.'

He knew that living in another world would be harsh, but being born in a high ranking noble family? He just couldn't
help but relax a bit, thinking that he should live a relaxing life as a son of a noble.

'Speaking of which, I still need to learn more about the language they are speaking... I can already guess some of the
 meanings about some of them, but im still completely clueless about it.'

Sadly, he was not born with the cheat of instantly understanding the language of another world, but he would have to
make do with it. He would have to somehow get taught early on as a toddler, but how would he do that? How would
he get someone to teach him language at such a young age?

'If this really is a noble's house, then there should be somekind of library or study in this place... Right?'

If he was born in a noble family, and is currently at their main estate, then this place should have its own library.

'Hmm, I'll have to find the library in this place. Theres only two problems with that. This place is huge, and im still
 too weak to actually explore this place.'

His senses had been developing rapidly, and he could see and feel things more clearly. The previously mentioned
disconnect in his body had now mostly faded since he had already gotten used to his new body. He now had a clearer
look at the world, albeit with things still a little blurry.  However, he was still a toddler, and his body was still too weak.
Trying to find the library in a place as huge as this with his weak toddler body? Impossible, clearly. Not even taking
the fact that he doesn't know the layout of this place, he only had been carried by his mother and a couple of servants
to some other places. He also wasn't allowed to leave his room without a servant. He would have to make a servant carry
him, but he doesn't even know how to do that with the language barrier in the first place... 

'I'll try somehow... I already know some of the words they use, but only really basic words. Im not sure if I can convey
 my intent towards this butler...'

It was better to try rather than not. Clumsily going down the chair, he tried his best not to fall. Stepping onto the floor
with his little legs, he made his way over to the door, and started to point at it. The butler was suprised by his actions,
and spoke out.

"Y-young master?! What is it?" 

"Oot. Oot. Uut. Dor." Out, out, out, door.

He pointed at the door, trying to utter words that he thought were the words 'Out' and 'Door'. He wanted to find some
kind of library not only to overcome the language barrier, but to also stave out boredom, since it has been a while
since he had been carried outside.

'Daaaaw... So adorable. ...Hes pointing at the door- and saying out? The young master wishes to go outside the room?'

"Young master, do you perhaps wish to go outside?" The butler proceeded to kneel, lowering his head as to make level
eye contact with the baby.

Nod, nod.

The baby nodded cutely, warming the butler's heart even more.

'Did he get what I was trying to say? Please let me go outside.' he hoped.

"Of course, young master! Your wishes this humble servant shall grant. Now come, let us go outside."

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The butler proceeded to lift him up, putting him in an upright position. The butler supported the baby with his arms,
and then proceeded to leave the room.

'That was easier than I thought.' 

The baby proceeded to point the butler to directions he wanted to go, and the butler naturallyy followed wherever his
young mastter pointed. Going through the hallways, rooms, and places in the estate, many servants saw the unnatural
sight of the head butler, who  looked old, following the directions the young master pointed at, who was just still a 

'This place is huge, but theres not really much servants than I thought...'

Perhaps they work in shifts, he thought. Right now, he was pointing at directions for the butler to follow, looking for the
library in this place. He felt bad for the butler, since he looked old, with his grey hair and wrinkled face, but the butler
followed his young master without any complaints. Finally, after what seemed like hours of exploring the estate, opening
a door, he saw a large inner room, with what looked like 3 floors, and seemingly infinite rows of bookshelves upon bookshelves
upon bookshelves.

'Bingo, got it.'

This was definitely the library at this place. He could finally spring his plan into action. Tapping the butler's shoulder, he
he pointed down at the ground. The butler, instantly understanding his young master, put the toddler down. He could
already walk at this age, although clumsily. Slowly making his way towards a bookshelf, he grabbed a book, opened it,
and started to look at it. 

"What are you doing, young master?"

"Ba. Ba. Ba."

"Are you perhaps trying to read a book? Do you perhaps understand its contents, young master?"


"Oh my, as expected of the young master. At this age, already trying to read a book?"

The butler was sure his young master wanted to read books, although he definitely didn't understand the language,
just being able to pick it up and trying to read it was unnatural for a one year old toddler.

'Did he perhaps try to find the library just to read a book? No, it shouldn't be possible. But, if young master is
 interested in a book at this age... Then I should perhaps teach him language from early on.'

The butler wanted to find Lord Davian to ask for his permission to teach the young master. Teaching a toddler
the standard language of humans, Lethian, sounded funny. However, this was the child of the current Prophet,
one of the best mages in not only the Empire, but the entire Lethian Continent. And a Imperial Swordmaster,
of which only 12 existed in the Empire. Both were capable of decimating armies and small nations on their own.
Their offspring would certainly be prodigious, if not, talented. The young master perhaps would be able to
learn language at a very young age. It was better to try, and if this was the case, it would propel the fame
of the House even further. The young master of the Polaria House, being able to understand language at such
a young age? The butler thought that it should be possible, but he had to ask the Lord for his permission first.

'And if he could understand language early on, he can start learning magic and fighting techniques at a young
 age. And he even could try mastering his talent 'Eyes of Future Sight' early on.'

The earlier you learned something, the better. The butler decided to go find the Lord tonight, and ask for permission.
Before he did that though, he would enjoy the sight of his adorable young master moving around and trying to understand

'Did he get what I was trying to say? I really hope so.' 

He decided that pointing at a book would be his best option to trying to learn language. The butler would see this,
and think 'He wants to learn language?'. He was sure that the butler was smart enough to understand him. He would
have to wait and see if his plan bears fruit. 

'I hope it works, it's really such a bummer that I dont know this world's language...'

Spending hours in the library until the sun almost set, the butler decided to return his young master to his room.

4 hours later.

The Study, Starlight Estate.

Tap tap tap tap.

"So, you say you want Rigel to learn language right now?"

"Yes, Lord Davian. In the library, the young master was clearly curious towards books. We should make the
 young master learn language early on. If he learns language at such a young age, we can immediately start teching
 him magic, techniques, and teach him how to use 'Eyes of Future Sight'.  It would be for the best of the House, and
 the young master, if he learns these at a very young age."

"Hmm... Are you sure he's curious about books? He might had seen them like toys."

"My lord, i'm very sure the young master was very interested in them. His reactions toward the book was of curiosity, not

"I see then. Its good that my son is very interested in books already. Silva, starting from tomorrow, you
 shall teach my son about the languages of Lethian, Ancient Lethian, Spirit Language, and Dwarvenspeak. Start from Lethian
 and make your way up to Dwarvenspeak. I trust you will do well in this task."

"Yes my Lord. Your commands, this humble servant shall obey."

In the study, two men were speaking. One of them was the Lord of the Polaria Family, Davian Polaria,
one of the twelve Imperial Swordmasters. Known as the Sword of Slaughter, he was a one man army the Empire would
use in wars against an enemy nation. Alone. The other one, an old man with a butler's suit, was simply named Silva.
In the middle of the study, his eyes were shining with a glint of silver. His figure had traces of light, and his
grey hair started to turn more silver.

The next day.

Inside a room, there was a figure of a butler and a toddler. The butler was teaching the toddler language, specifically, 
Lethian. Lethian was the common language of the Lethian Continent, and many humans, even other species, used it.

'Whatever I did yesterday seems to have worked. This is good, now I just need to learn whatever this language is now...
 It looks similar to the language I used in my previous world, but very different... The written form has similar shapes to my
 language in my previous world, but uttering them is completely different. It looks like learning this will be hard, but,
 I'll do my best."
The toddler was currently learning how to write, and the pronounciation of the Lethian language. Building the foundation
for speaking the language, the form of the alphabet, and their pronounciation was essential.

Learning the language every day like this, time passed by. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and eventually months
became years.

3 years later. 

Starlight Estate.

The toddler, small and cute in size, had now become a child, akin to a preschooler. 


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