Surviving as a Certain Doom Prophet

Chapter 3: 002. Rigel

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3 years had passed, and the toddler had grown into the size of a preschooler. Having learned various languages for the past 3 years every single day, he had now understood the language everyone in this estate was speaking. Being four and a half years old, he could now explore the estate. He had developed enough and his physical stamina had increased. He also had permission to wander around the estate from his father, who he learned was named Davian. In the last 3 years, he had learned many things. Starting from understanding the words and language of Lethian, he then proceeded to books in the library. The library was vast, and its collection of books were even larger. He couldn't choose which book he wanted to read, so he asked his butler, who was called Silva, to choose for him. Thanks to Silva, he learned many things about the world, nations, history, and many other things. He also learned his name was Rigel. Rigel Polaria.

'This house seems to like stars alot. Polaria, Starlight Estate... My name. Rigel Polaria.'

These names were clearly based on stars, which were the names of stars back in his previous life.

'My family name is Polaria. The name came from this family's ancestor, Polaria. Theres also my name, Rigel Polaria. Polaria, Polaris. Rigel...
 I'm also quite sure that was the name of a star.'  

Aside from the naming of his House, one thing was also clear.

'I've been reincarnated into a novel. Specifically, 'Surviving an SSS-Ranked Game'. A novel where the main protagonist and many other 
 people were suddenly transported into a game. It had the usual MC who had played spent thousands of hours in the game, however it
 was actually pretty good and didn't fall into many cliches. It followed the MC that was suddenly transported as one of the characters in
 the game. It was honestly quite a good read. Although it turned boring and did a rushed harem later in its 800s, so I dropped it.'

The world he was in was too similar to that novel. The world of Nors, The Lethian Continent, The Gratz Empire. The history he knew was
exactly the same as the history that was shown as worldbuilding in that novel. The Fifth Era, also known as the Age of Progression. The
Fourth Era, known as the Age of War. The Third Era, known as the Mystic Era, The Second Era, known as the Age of Legends, and the
unknown First Era, named as the Age of Obscurity. 

'If that is the case, then that means everything that happened into the novel might happen in the future... The turmoil inside the academy,   the invasion of the Union Alliance from the southeast, The Cataclysm, the Demonic Invasion from the Dark Continent, and many more   things... There goes the easy life I thought I would life... If these things happen, Im not even sure if everyone from this House can survive.'

 'Surviving an SSS-Ranked Game' was a novel where the MC, who had taken over a character from a game, enrolled into the prestigious
Norathian Academy. The character who he took was supposed to enroll in the Academy, so he decided to take the characters place
inside the Academy. When Rigel reincarnated, this novel was still ongoing with 1600+ chapters under its belt.

'Since I enjoyed the first half of the novel, I know many things about things about the story in the first half. If this is really the world Nois, 
 that the novel was set on, then this is equivalent to knowing every major event that's about to happen in the future. However, my knowledge
 isn't perfect, and events could happen differently than in the novel, even without me doing anything. Also I dropped the novel somewhere
 in its 800s, so my knowledge only goes to the beginning of the Demonic Invasion.' 

Because the novel became boring, stretched out, and had a clearly rushed/forced harem in the beginning of the Demonic Invasion, he dropped the novel. Rigel didn't care if it became better later. 

'Although im quite sure I know most things about the former half of the novel... I've never heard of Rigel Polaria, or the Polaria House. My 
 father, Davian, seems to be an Imperial Swordmaster, but I've never heard of his name in the novel. I know my mother, Risa, is a well 
 known and powerful mage, but I've never heard of this name. The name Polaria does sound familiar... Is it because of the Ancestor? There's
 something weird here... I know I've heard of it before, but which part in the novel exactly?'

The word 'Polaria' signalled something within him. The name sounded ominous, as if something bad was about to happen in the future.

'Polaria.. Polaria. Hmm. I still can't remember it.'

Rigel knew the name had to mean something. However, he just couldn't remember what it was.

"Ugh, whatever, I'll think about it later." he said audibly this time.

Right now, he was currently alone in his own study. A secondary study in the Starlight Estate, he was currently reading and studying books.
Basic History of the Lethian Continent, Heroic Tales of the First Emperor, Ancient Lethian Book of Words, Introduction into Spirit Language, Dwarvenspeak: Language of the Dwarves, and the Basic Minor Arcana. The first five was about history and language, the last one
however, was about magic. The book was an introduction and guide to magic, published by the Tower of Magic, or Tower for short. The book introduced the reader towards the concept of Tiers, how to circulate and control mana, some basic magic spells, magic items, magic plants, and magic beasts. 

"Tiers.. Basic Mana Circulation... Illuminate, Magic Arrow, Spark, Stream... Interesting."

7 months ago, he was taught how to control the mana inside him. He already knew how to circulate his mana inside him, and he even knew
how to cast some basic spells. He was still trying to learn how to manipulate mana in the surrounding air, but he felt that he was close to learning how to do it. He was told by his parents that his progres in learning magic was very fast, and he was praised as a prodigy by the
both of them. Being praised felt quite good for Rigel. Although he was an adult inside, he couldn't help but feel good when he was praised
like that. In his past life, he barely got any praises from his parents. Most went to his sister, who was smart and attractive. Not like it mattered to him anyway, since the 3 of them died during a car crash. Closing his eyes, he started to circulate his mana inside. Guiding it into
a stream that circled inside his chest, his mana gradually branched out towards his head, arms, and legs. 

"Illuminate." He worded out the basic magic he was casting.

A little magic circle appeared, and then a second later it disappeared, at its place, a hovering ball of light appeared above his small hand.
It was smaller than his palms, but nevertheless, it still illuminated the study brightly. The dark parts of the study was casted out, and a bright, and gentle light replaced the shadows.

"No matter how many times I look at it, magic truly is magic. To think you could illuminate a room like this, how impressive."

Next, he hovered the orb of light besides him, and then took a glass cup near him, and casted-


Same like last time, a magic circle appeared and then dissappeared. This time, a small stream of water was condensed out of thin air, filling
the glass cup. Taking the glass cup, he drinked it. The taste of fresh water went down his throat. Magic made water was always pure, so this
magic was a very convenient one to know.

"Gulp, gulp. Aaah..." He put the glass bottle down, and then dispelled his Illumination spell. The orb of light instantly dissapeared, like a candle being snuffed out. The gentle rays of light blanketing the study disappeared aswell, leaving the study dimly lit again with the light
coming from an active mana lamp. He closed the book, and then proceeded to contemplate about future events.

'In the novel, the main character enrolls into the Norathian Academy. The Norathian Academy is a prestigious and well known academy
 located up north in the Borea Magic Kingdom. Although the Borea Magic Kingdom was small in size, the same doesn't hold true for its   power. Not only do they have talented and powerful magicians due to the Academy, it is the home of the Tower of Magic, or simply the 
 Tower. The Tower of Magic had many powerful magicians, sorcerers, summoners, witches, and etc. As members of the Tower, they were
able to be called upon if the Tower, or the Kingdom itself was in danger. The Tower Council that ruled over the Tower of Magic had some
 of the best magicians in the entire continent.'

Hopping off the chair, he walked towards a window and gazed outside. It was currently nighttime, and he could see the surrounding forest
and the shining stars in the night sky.

"The Norathian Academy, huh."

To become stronger to be able to overcome the coming crises, he felt that he also had to enroll in the Academy. He had many reason to do so.

'The Norathian Academy is a good place to become stronger, they have the resources, personnel, and capabilities to make powerful   magicians. Their lessons are harsh and complex, but many talented magicians have graduated there and become powerful due to the   lessons and practices being done there. And not only that, it was a place where many powerful and prodigious people gathered. It would be
 great if  I can establish connections with some of them there. And also, its the place where the MC and various other transported individuals
 are to gather in the future. Although right now, they havent been transported, and the characters that they are going to take over are still 
 living their lives, unaware that they will be replaced by other people.'

When Rigel thought about it like that, he felt pity for the characters. But, if this was really the world of the novel, then nothing could be done. 

'How ironic, I've been reincarnated into a novel about the MC transporting inside a character in a game.'

It was funny, Rigel thought. 

Knock knock knock knock!

When he was still thinking about certain things, suddenly the sounds of knocking resounded. Rigel immediately snapped back to reality and

"Yes? Who is it?"

"Young master, its me, Silva."

"Ah, its you, Silva? Come in."

The door opened, revealing a tall yet aged butler.

"What is it, Silva?"

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"Young master, your father, the Lord wishes to see you."

"My father? What for?"

"He wishes to talk to you about your talent." The butler said gently, with a smile on his face.

At this point, Rigel already knew the unique talent that the bloodline of the Polaria House carried. 'Eyes of Future Sight', which allowed you
to see into the future for a certain amount of time. This was the ability that made the Polaria House so famous and respected. Without this ability, the creation of the Empire would've been more harder, if not, outright impossible. This talent had been continued by the predecessors of Polaria, his mother, and now, himself. An ability that allowed you to see into the future? It was definitely a cheat, however
he knew that the requirements for using it weren't easy. This talent combined with the natural talents at magic that the Polaria House always had, and with the achievements of not only Polaria himself, but countless others born in the Polaria Family, this was the reason for
the fame, wealth, and power this house had achieved over an entire millenium.

"I see, I'll head over immediately, please lead the way, Silva." he responded.

"Of course, young master. Please follow this humble servant."

Following Silva, he went outside his study. Going through the hallways and rooms of the Estate at night always felt so different. He was now familiar with most of the places in the Estate, but there were some rooms that were inacessible even to him. Going through the hallways, and up another floor, Silva eventually stopped at a luxurious wooden door with golden carvings, the words beside the door spelling out
"Main Study". This was the place where his father, Davian, usually worked at. As the Lord of the Polaria House, he usually stayed here, signing and stamping papers, overseeing the management of the Polaria Duchy. Predecessors of Polaria themselves were called the Head of
the Family, while outsiders who married into them, are either called the Lord or Lady of the Family. Davien was not someone with Polarian blood, so he was called the Lord of the Family. The Lord was originally underneath The Head, but this fact changed as time went on, and now the positions are now equal, although the Head is still considered as the actual ruler of the family. Rigel's mother, Risa, was the Head of the Polaria House.

Knock knock knock.

Silva proceeded to knock at the door thrice.

"Who is it?" A voice came from the other side of the door.

"My Lord, it's me, Silva. I have brought the young master here, just like you asked."

"Good. Alright, come in then."

Silva then opened the door. The opening of the door revealed a spacious and highly luxurious room, it had fancy wooden walls, with the sight of gold and white engravings here and there. Furnitures of high value were placed gracefully, and some bookshelves could be seen 
inside. In the middle of the room, there was a large table. The table was somekind of material that looked glossy. On top of it were countless 
papers placed side to side, with a clearing right in the middle. And beyond that table, in the clearing, was Davien, Rigel's father. Silva didn't
enter first, entering standing on the side of the door. He clearly wanted Rigel to enter first.

Seeing what his butler was doing, Rigel entered. The butler closed the door from the outside, exiting himself aswell in the process.
He was now alone with his father.

"Father, did you call for me?"

"Yes Rigel, I wanted to talk to you about your talent." Davien stood up, walked over towards Rigel and then kneeled. Making level eye contact, he said-

"You already know about the Polaria House's unique talent, right?"

"Yes father, mother explained to me about it last time she was here."

"Thats good. Two days as of now, your mother will come back to teach you more about the unique talent this House has."

"Mother is coming back again?"

"Yep. And, we can spend some more time together again."

As the Head of the Family, Risa usually went outside the territory. Being a highly skilled mage and one of the best advisors a country could have, she mostly stays inside the Imperial Castle to advise the current Empress based on the future she saw while using 'Eyes of Future Sight'. She was also the leader of the Imperial Court Magicians, so she was always busy with work inside the Imperial Capital.

'Spend more time as a family again?'

Although Rigel was technically 4 and a half years old, inside of him currently was a mind of 24 year old adult. Seeing this adult man
treating him like a child was undoubtedly weird. However, he didn't mind it. He still had memories of being ignored by his own family.
His sister who was very beautiful and also a genius, was always praised and talked about in his family. He was left alone, and his parents
barely talked to him. He wasn't treated cruelly, just ignored. The only ones he talked to were his handful of real life friends, and the friends he made online over social and communication apps. He missed them alot, as he wanted to talk to them again about the topics and games he liked.

'They're so busy, yet its clear that they still show much affection for their son, me.'

"I would love to spend time with the both of you, Father." he smiled.

"That's good, Rigel. I hope we can spend more time together as a family, but we are so busy that we can't help it. Please forgive us Rigel."

"Its fine father. I know how busy you two are. I understand the importance of the work you two do, for the betterment of our family and the 

Davien was suprised. 'At such a young age, to think he understands the weight of our work. And the words he can speak, he clearly has gotten more better at speaking the language. Risa, our child, will become an outstanding Family Head.'

"But father, is this the only reason you called me here?"

Davien almost forgot another reason he called Rigel here.

"Ah, of course not. Wait here." Davien walked over to a bookshelf, grabbed 3 books and handed it over to Rigel.

"Basic Arcana, Circle Formation for Beginners, and Basic Magic Theory?" Rigel spoke the name of the books.

"Silva told me you already learned how to circulate magic and cast basic spells. These books will build your foundation on magic knowledge
 even more. Have you been trying to learn how to manipulate the mana surrounding you?"

"Yes father. I've been trying my best for the past couple of months, and I think im close to getting it. I can feel my mana starting to interact
 with the inert mana in the air itself. If I can get my mana to make the inert mana in the surrounding air react, then I'll be successful."

"Good. At such a young age, being able to control mana on your surroundings is certainly at the level of a prodigy. Rigel, keep this up, and in
 the future, you will become a prominent magician."

"Thank you father, is that all?"

"Yes, you can return now and head back to your room. Good night, Rigel."

"Good night, Father."

Rigel returned to his room, read some parts of the books that his father gave him, and then went into sleep.

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