Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 13: Chapter 11 – A fair deal?

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Author's Note: Greetings, I appreciate it if you have read this far. I have to make a schedule change, Chapter 12 will be released on 11/23/2022. From there, the chapters that I release will be on Wednesdays, I will reserve the time, but in most cases, I will try to make it at the same time that I publish this chapter 11.

I also want to make a mention regarding a detail, the novel currently has 17 chapters, some are on patreon and that's why they don't see them, but the detail is as follows, I put some tags, said tags why there will be that in the novel.

Those tags are not just to draw attention, those tags are planned and I'm going to insert them no matter what, what happens is that the amount of details that the novel will have is abysmal and I still need it, this will make the integration of those tags is possibly slow.

I mention it because I'm worried and I want to add them as soon as possible, but the writer's policies that I imposed on myself prevent me from rushing, in case you ask, the risk is that I lose the thread of many things and everything gets out of control.

At the moment I try to ensure that all the concepts are correct and nothing is contradictory, I also try to improve my English even though I still have mistakes, so if something confuses you, do not hesitate to comment.

I'm not sure how many are following my novel and I don't have many comments, but again, thank you very much if you are reading.

It has been 3 hours since I had arrived with the group and after an inspection that they did to us, I was separated from the group and taken to a room to be interrogated...

“So are you going to talk or not?”

It was what the Man who was sitting in front of me told me, Nihila was on the table along with several pieces of evidence that showed 2 facts, the first was that I did not have a mana core, and the second, was my relationship with demonic energy.

“I already told you, I have no way to explain it”



The man had hit the table screaming.

“You still don't understand that you're in a pretty serious situation? Why don't you admit your collaboration with the demons?"

He was pretty relentless with the question sessions, this had been the case ever since I was brought into this room.

“I have never seen a demon in my life”

It was what I answered and he wasn't lying, he had never been in front of one, but the man didn't like it every time he gave that answer.

“The evidence is clear, the question is, are you helping them voluntarily or not… If you were forced we could help you, but if you do not provide anything, then there is nothing we can do”

They were completely sure that he had been helping the demons in some way. The conclusion they reached was that I had been forced by the demons to give them access to the dungeons and that in order for things not to get out of hand, they forced me to sign a demonic contract with them and destroy my core of mana so that I was unable to escape or attempt against him.

It was absolutely crazy, not to mention that there were still things that didn't connect in that theory, but they couldn't come up with anything better.

They focused on getting information out of me about whether there were others like me and how I helped them, and in that way, they obviously got nowhere. Right now, the one questioning me was a man named Martin, an A-rank practitioner.

Before I could reply, and though I didn't plan on answering, someone opened the door.

As Martin leaned back in his chair, a woman who also worked here entered.

"Inspector, the guild master asked me to take the young man to his office."

Martin frowned at that.

"What? Why so suddenly?

"Master's Orders"

Martin looked at me for several seconds and then sighed.

He picked up his papers and left the room leaving me alone with the worker, of course understanding the situation, I also got up from my chair taking my belongings.

After having followed her to the office, the woman did not enter but stayed outside while I entered to see that Wilson was sitting and talking to a rather elderly man.

"It's about time boy, take a seat"

Wilson was the first to speak while I just sat quietly and it was where the older man introduced himself.

"A pleasure to meet you, Rafael, I am Maximus, current guild master. I can assume from your face that the inspector has given you a hard time, but please don't blame him, he's just doing his job."

His work my ass, I just want this to end quickly...

"The pleasure is mine Maximus and it doesn't matter, right now I just want to go eat something"

Maximus raised his eyebrows and answers me

“So you go about your business, well that's not bad either”

I just shrugged at his response. On the other hand, Wilson handed me an ID, which was also my ID that had been confiscated.

"It was all a misunderstanding, we have been talking and it may be necessary for us to change your identification, this time Maximus offered to measure your strength"

That is indeed a pleasant surprise, but… why?

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Noticing the expression on my face, Maximus speaks calmly to me.

"Don't you think it's strange, Wilson and I did an exchange of favors and between them, it includes giving you a hand with some things. Of course, I have much more experience measuring the strength of practitioners than Wilson who has almost exclusively devoted himself to fighting demons."

Hmmm, that makes sense, but since we're here...

“Everything is decided then. By the way, is it possible that I can clear any dungeons by myself?”

I've been thinking and it certainly makes me very curious to think how fast I can clear dungeons by myself, the last one was pretty easy and I practically didn't do anything. On the other hand, I've found that the creatures inside fight very differently than the practice dummies, I honestly want to practice my fighting styles.

This time it was Wilson who raised his eyebrows in surprise while Maximus laughed out loud at what I said, crossed his arms, and looked at me amusedly.

"Anyone with permission from the Guild can make such requests, only those with noteworthy achievements get the permission. Sure, being the disciple of a legendary demon slayer, we could make a deal."

Wilson at this frowned and fixed his gaze on Maximus who looked like a cunning fox.

"What is it about? What are you up to?"

“Don't worry Wilson, I just think that if he's as capable as you say, then someone like him could help us a lot, specifically in the team that he appoints to solve the problem of the demons inside the dungeons. Just think about it, someone practically undetectable due to lack of mana, with a superhuman physique and who can sense the demonic energy of those rats, without a doubt it would be an advantage that I would like to have on my side”

After that, Wilson and I sank into our thoughts until we were interrupted again by Maximus.

“I know that it has a high cost but the benefits are equivalent, you can assign a monthly payment to work in that team like the other members and you will also gain permission to clear dungeons alone. Not to mention that this could bring you a good background and the guild can back you up in case you get into trouble due to your… demon side?”

Wow, this guy is truly an old fox, he didn't miss a thing. I'm supposed to take some time to think about these things, but honestly, I like the idea, this is a win and win.

I checked Wilson's reaction before saying anything and he seems to be the same as me, unable to find a way to refute the proposal.

"It doesn't seem like a bad idea, boy, but the final decision is yours and I suggest you think about it a bit, at least until tomorrow when you will be tested for the range"

Maximus stepped forward and spoke.

“Wilson is right, I will have no problem waiting until tomorrow for an answer, I am not desperate to put a child on the front line anyway”

A boy… Well, I can't deny the fact that I'm still 16 years old, but I get the impression that he said it to get my attention, being called a boy is quite awkward no matter what.

"Fine, then I'll just wait until tomorrow for the rank test."

The issue was settled with that answer. I don't need to feel alarmed, I can look forward to that, and when the time comes… I hope it's worth it.

The rest of our conversation with Maximus was about the mana ring that simulates a mana core in my body, he explained to us that as strange as my situation seems, the best thing to do was not to hide who I am or I could play against later.

He said it mainly because the other nations made up of other races were already accepting a part of the demons that rebelled against the Demon King, so it would be a matter of time before it would be the case in the human domain as well.

After half an hour of chatting, we said goodbye to Maximus and left his office.

I followed Wilson because he told me that he wanted me to meet someone, honestly, it filled me with doubts. In fact, we saw Robert walking towards the exit, he waved to Wilson while he… well, completely ignored me while I equally ignored his shitty attitude.

It also happened to me that I felt a strange sensation with each step we took toward our destination, I don't know how to describe it because it's not something I'm used to feeling, but I think it was… A feeling of chill?

I asked Wilson if there was anything I should be worried about the person I would meet, but he just raised an eyebrow and told me maybe I was overthinking it...

Already when we were reaching the door of one of the rooms, it occurred to me to ask him something that was still on my mind after our talk with Maximus.

"Are you a demon hunter?"

He didn't seem to care much about my question since he was calm.

"In essence, if, since you are a child and heir to a Noble House, merits are always demanded of you throughout your life, it is something that you can call social pressure. Since I was young, I worked with all kinds of problems involving demons even before the Third Demon King emerged."

Stopping just in front of the door, he sighed.

“When the Third Demon King arrived, my work increased as did my reputation for being one of the most experienced people in the human domain on how to fight demons, though that will be a story for later, they are waiting for us inside.”

When we entered the room I could see 4 people, Veronica and Maria who I already knew, but the other 2 adult women had no idea, I guess...

- ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump!…

My body froze and my heart raced for a few moments until I managed with a lot of effort to oppose the sudden pressure that was attacking me, one of the women is releasing a lot of mana and was using it to overwhelm my senses… What the hell?

All of that only happened in at least a second, but after seeing how I managed to regain my composure and take a couple of steps forward, the woman who was pressing me raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Wow Wilson, that boy should already be lying on the ground dying from my ability, but he seems to be fine... This is very interesting, can you tell me where the boy came from?"

It was then that I could finally feel the pressure disappear and my thoughts were clearer again. It wasn't long before I saw everyone in the room, everyone was looking at me with incredulous expressions except Wilson and the woman who tried to intimidate me. This doesn't look good...

What exactly happened?

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