Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 14: Chapter 12 – Day full of doubts

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I am sorry that I didn't get the opportunity to talk to Maria at a time when I already knew that the situation between us was unique.

Thinking about it, socializing was not something that I practiced commonly during my life, mainly because the mansion where I grew up all this time, was inhabited by no more than 8 servants who had served the dukedom of the Milanos for generations, the servants being my only interaction. social with people, at least until the age of 6 when an incident occurred that I simply want to forget…

In that incident all the servants died, they were people I had grown fond of, and after they hired new workers I didn't try to form social relationships with them, I just saw them as workers.

Why am I mentioning this?

Because Maria's attitude towards me is a total mystery to me, I haven't talked enough with her to even draw a conclusion and since I'm not used to socializing, it's hard for me to think of the reasons why she acts that way.

"Please Emma, the boy doesn't even know what's going on, I've brought him so they can meet him and not bury him alive, besides, my niece has already made it clear that he hasn't done anything to her"

Wilson was the one calming down his sister who was strongly suspicious of me, while his sister crossed her arms and put on a skeptical expression.

"Oh?... Okay, go on...Who is this guy?"

“14 years ago the father of this boy entrusted his care to Lucas and me, after that he disappeared, I used one of the mansions we have in our territories for him to live. However, the only thing he knows about the outside world is from what he has seen on television or the internet and also from what both Lucas and I have taught him”

Wilson was straight to the point with the matter, well… I think it was for the best. By the way, since I entered the room I didn't say a single word, except with that furious mother.

"Then it means that anyone can ask you to take care of his son and you will happily do it, if the boy had had a talent for mana he would have understood, but he has no mana, however... I imagine that the reason for taking care of him has to do with the fact that it was able to withstand my [Eye of Terror], with it I have been able to bring A-rank practitioners to their knees just by using fear.”

Oh, so she had used a skill on me, but…

'Is it an ability that increases fear in the target?'

That thought caught my attention, to think that such an ability could make my body freeze for at least half a second.

Of course, fear is an emotion that could hardly affect me for many reasons, I would say it's almost impossible because even his ability didn't last long, it just managed to confuse me.

"That's right, the reason has to do with the that, the boy's strength derives from the genetic inheritance that his father left him. His father was a powerful creature from another dimension whose power is not a product of mana."

Emma furrowed her brows upon hearing Wilson's response while the other people present looked at me with different expressions.

"Wilson... What kind of creature was your father?"

"In the future, you will know, sister, but for now I would like you to allow him to get to know him. Also, his father contributed quite a bit in fighting the demons 14 years ago even though he never came back."

Wilson was quite forceful with his answer to the point that everyone present could only accept that decision, but…

Aren't you going to tell them my father's true origin right now?

Well, I guess he must have a good reason for that.

Wilson then continued after fixing his gaze on Veronica.

“Now… daughter, Rafael has trained since he was 6 years old and I am sure that he could have easily cleaned that dungeon being completely alone, I know that he can protect you if a dangerous situation were to happen and that is why I placed him by your side, I trusted the boy and I thought that since he is your age he would not bother you compared to the elite gentlemen of our house, but now I understand that I was wrong… I was wrong about many things…”

Veronica had a complicated expression on her face and for a moment she alternated her gaze between myself and Wilson.

"I'm sorry dad, it won't happen again..."

oh, and since I entered the room it was already noticeable that Veronica was kind of repentant unlike the cold attitude she had toward me after the situation in the dungeon, I guess she already talked to her father previously.

"Don't worry daughter, the important thing is that no one got hurt, but for now you won't be able to go to the dungeons"

The girl put on a panicked expression upon hearing that, but her mother grabbed her shoulder to calm her down and then asked Wilson with a worried expression.

"Is it really necessary to go that far?"

Wilson who understood this, raised both his hands to shake while giving a reply.

“No, no, don't get me wrong, the reason I changed my mind is quite another and was unknown to me until recently. In fact, I also think that Maria should refrain from dungeon cleaning for a while, there is a rather worrying situation that has made dungeons dangerous”

Emma who heard this replied without changing her serious expression.

"worrying? What do you mean?"

"At home, I will explain to you, this is not the right place or time to talk about that detail, anyway…"

Wilson, who was speaking, addressed me.

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"Boy, you already know about the situation, I'll be here early tomorrow for your reevaluation, you should go home by now, and by the way, make sure you're not late, that old man from the guild may seem like a good friend, but he's an unbelievably good friend." headache with irresponsibility”

Nodding seriously and taking one last look at her family, I proceeded to leave the room, however, as I closed the door behind me with my hand, I could hear Maria's mom ask Wilson.

"Hey, isn't that sword the boy is carrying the one that caused chaos in our territories about 8 years ago?"

Closing the door the next instant, that comment stuck in my head, it was very low but I could hear it.

'Nihila caused chaos 8 years ago?'

I don't think it's a good idea to go back in to ask that so...

Continue my way to the exit with some resignation for that question.

Once outside the establishment I realize that now I am free, it feels quite strange not knowing what to do at times like these, even more so in this huge city.

Before going home I decided to eat somewhere and I had a place in mind, I wanted to eat something decent to take away the taste of the bland soup that Robert made in the dungeon, honestly, I don't know if I'm very picky or that guy definitely he does not know how to cook.

My destination was the Cafeteria that I went to the other time and I sat at a table quite apart from the other people, the girl who worked here recognized me and happily attended to me.

I ordered the menu recommendation adding an ice cream shake, I honestly didn't want to think too much.

Today was certainly a very hectic day, as I would like to stay at home all day doing nothing, maybe I'm not even made for this.

It was just as I started to eat that I heard an argument in the distance.

“Did you hear the latest news on social media?”

Two people were sitting at a table near me, there weren't many people in the cafeteria at this hour so I could hear clearly.

"No, you know he didn't pay attention to those things, a lot of people tend to lie"

"Wait partner, listen, many people have been reporting disappearances throughout the human domain for a few years now and lately they have increased, everyone now believes that the Keras Cult really exists and is to blame for this, some believe it is to recruit them"

"Again with that shit, no one who has been kidnapped would allow themselves to be recruited by their kidnappers, it's ridiculous and besides, the Royal Family announced a year ago that in our country they have not kidnapped people and the republic insists that they are pure fantasies "

There seems to be a rather peculiar situation going on under the curtain...

But a disappearance is quite serious, there is not much point in all that, maybe it is just idle talk

"Friend, of course, the royal family, as well as the government of the republic, deny everything, the people they kidnap are people without family, people easy to capture and that nobody would remember, and since they are weak people then..."

"Enough! I don't want to hear another word"


So maybe the problem is real

But what the hell does that Keras Cult have to do with any of this?

I took my cell phone to check the information on the internet and what I found was quite curious...

This "Keras Cult" is an evil sect that was founded in the Republic of Leonia more than 30 years ago, its founder was an extraordinarily talented boy who represented the Heroes of the Republic being an example to follow.

But everything changed a few years later when one day he went crazy claiming that the third demon king would come and that would be the beginning of the end for this world.

He also insisted that the only way we might possibly survive was to bow our heads to the demons and pray that we would be assimilated into their kind.

Everything came as a surprise because he made those statements on the same day that the anniversary of the republic was celebrated, and that was not all.

He had organized with the demons a large-scale attack on the entire human domain, making him the world's first villain.

At the end of the conflict, the demons were eliminated and the leader was classified as dead, the case being that the Republic erased all information regarding him.

To the Republic of Leonia, that boy was a Psycho who left a black mark on everything they stood for. His actions resulted in the death of 2 million people.

Of course, no one could guarantee that he really died and worst of all, his prophecy about the return of the demon king was fulfilled.

After his prophecy was fulfilled, the name of the Keras Cult slowly began to circulate with the arrival of more villains and bringing with them, the disappearances...

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