Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 16: Chapter 14 – An Uncommon Evaluation

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Without my sword Nihila lost considerably attack power, this happened because the sword I was using didn't have the absurd weight of Nihila, and remembering a little, the last time I practiced with dummies was almost a week ago before I moved to the city of Linz, at that time the 4 with whom I practiced were calibrated at rank F and being able to take out one of them in one hit.

Maximus, listening to my provocation, soon announced that he had changed his mind and indeed, now the two who were approaching me were Rank E.

When the match started one of them rushed to attack me with his spear with a speed that far exceeds F rank, but even so, they still didn't outmatch me, and not by a small margin.

With my reflexes, I was able to effortlessly deflect his spear's attack using the tip of my sword and at the same time hold his weapon with my other free hand.

My use of force was just enough to deflect the tip of the spear in such a way that it seemed to have grazed my shoulder, even though it seemed that I could barely react. I pulled the spear with my hand causing the dummy to shake and it would come within a range where I could strike with my sword.

The other doll didn't miss the opportunity and was already on my back making a horizontal slash, however, I let go of the spear to perform a jump and dodge his attack at the same time making a cut in the neck area of the spear doll.

I hadn't finished falling to the ground when the tip of my sword also approached his chest, but the dummy managed to narrowly react by using the blade of the sword as a shield to receive the impact and causing it to be pushed 20 meters away from me.

By this point, the spear dummy was knocked out and the remaining dummy would already be a long way from me.

Making a provocation with my two hands indicating to come to fight, my opponent regained strength and charged in my direction, I on the other hand also charged with more speed causing a clash of swords, but with me having a clear advantage.

The doll was doing what he could with his strength, but he was far from being able to beat me, and to his surprise, in the middle of the clash of swords, I used one hand to grab the hilt of his sword and kick his knee to the point of bending her in the opposite direction, this caused her to fall to the floor on her other knee.

So far, my next act was to pull his sword to the side causing my body to twist slightly, and use my elbow to hit his face, forcing him to drop the sword.

With his sword in one of my hands, I took a safe distance wielding a sword in each hand, I placed myself in a position where I stretched my arms to the sides and crouched a little, I began to channel all the mana I could into both swords.

"You do not have an escape…"

It was what I said to the doll who was on the floor on his knee, by the time I had concentrated all the mana I could, I pushed towards my opponent and began to spin like a tornado with both swords causing a hurricane with all the mana of the sword. sand.

It was truly a sight from the moment I shot out like a bullet until I stopped about 50 feet after going through the doll.

After that, there was a long and awkward silence of more or less 5 minutes until it was heard on the speaker...

“Awesome boy, it's D-rank now, are you ready or do you want to take a break?”

"I'm still far from tired, go ahead with the next ones"

I didn't think much of it and gave my answer almost immediately. I didn't get a reply, instead, the count had started again.

When the floodgates opened, that's when I knew that now if things were going to get interesting...

I could feel how their strength and speed were even slightly superior to mine, and they even started attacking me simultaneously, managing to hit me a couple of times. My stance was very defensive and I used my martial skills for it and it was inevitable that I would think.

'This is going to cost quite a lot'

And so it was… minutes passed and then hours passed…

I couldn't hit them forcefully and each attempt cost me a wound, but on the other hand, it was difficult for the dolls to fight an enemy that healed as fast as it was wounded.

The fight lasted until the fourth hour after being injured in many ways, I was still like from the beginning while the dolls had already started to suffer the loss of efficiency from the second hour due to my attacks.

I found it amusing to see the pathetic state they were in and said with my smirk.

"Oh come on, this is just the beginning, I can last the whole month if you want"

Two hours later they were already reduced to a state where they were no better than the two E-rank dolls I had faced and eventually, I managed to defeat them in a matter of minutes.

"Rafael, that battle lasted longer than expected, wait a bit, we will make a change of plans"

It was Maximus's voice over the loudspeaker.

Change of plans?

Well, no way, I guess it's not easy having to watch a battle for hours, however, to my surprise the door of the arena opened and Maximus entered with a spear...

"I'm sorry for the wait, I had to talk to Wilson and the point is that if we continue with this method it is likely that we will last not days but weeks and I don't have that much time, we have already checked your abilities for the most part and they are almost equal to those of A rank D, the only thing left to check is… how far your durability goes”

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The door had already closed and he was in the center of the arena swinging his spear.

"I hope you don't mind me kicking your ass until I check what your limit is, I admit I didn't expect your self-healing and stamina ability to be really monstrous, so are you ready?"

"hahaha old man, don't think I'll make it easy for you"

In no way will I allow me to be humiliated for free even if I am aware that I have no chance.

And surprisingly, after 2 hours, now if he was truly exhausted, trying to counterbalance a person with much more strength than oneself is an action that costs an inordinate amount of energy, and that's not to mention his fucking speed, he was so fast that he only had time to react when he was already in front.

During the fight Maximus told me that he was an S-Rank practitioner and rightly so, that Rank was not a joke, after 2 hours of our battle I didn't see fatigue in him.

I had lost count of how many times he had skewered me with the spear, but at one point I was crouched down trying to catch my breath and that was where Maximus stopped.

"That's enough, I've already seen enough to make a judgment and I don't think it's worth finding out beyond this, I'll see you in the preparation room when you catch your breath"


Breath is just what I need right now and it's because he wouldn't let me breathe for the last 2 hours, I dropped to the ground to rest.

At least 15 minutes had passed when I felt the footsteps of someone approaching me and a shadow fell over me. Sitting on the floor I asked him.

"Hello Veronica, what brings you here?"

"My dad and the guild master asked me to go look for you."

Shaking my head, I replied.

"I don't mean that, I asked you why you came to the guild to see me"

Veronica just looked at me blankly for a few seconds.

“If what you expect is an apology, forget it. I was just curious to know if my father's Faith in you was justified."

Tough girl, huh

Nodding and getting up from the floor I told him.

"Well, then I hope I have satisfied your curiosity and besides I do not expect an apology from you, that would not be your style"

She put on a complicated expression, but I turned around to go to the preparation room without waiting for a response from her.

Arriving at the preparation room I was greeted by Wilson and Maximus who were chatting.

“It's all done boy, you hadn't told us about that little trick you did with the swords, when were you practicing it? Does it have a name?

"Wilson is right, it's not that impressive right now, but if you practice it could be really devastating."

I shrugged my shoulders and explained to them that it was pure improvisation of some ideas I had had yesterday, they nodded in understanding and didn't ask any more about it.

“Anyway, the ID card will be ready tomorrow, even though I think you can beat a C-rank by attrition and just barely, I'll place you in E-rank both for your age and for your sake, believe me, being even D-rank at your age is getting everyone's attention and that's not necessarily a good thing. On the other hand, what did you think of my job offer?”

I didn't have much to think about the proposal, especially when my experience with demonic mana piqued my curiosity. About identification, I completely agreed, and there was something else, from now on I would be more independent with the impression that my future would not be easy at all

Looking briefly at Wilson, I gave Maximus an answer.

“Go ahead, you can count on me for the job”

A job where I will be able to closely investigate what is closest to my demonic heritage…

Nothing can go wrong with this, right?

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