Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 17: Chapter 15 – A Nice Group

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After yesterday when my rank measurement took place, today I was once again in the guild.

I had been tired so after that evaluation, however, I texted Sarah to tell her that I was free now and if I could help them with some dungeons today.

She gave me an affirmative answer and indicated that the group would meet at noon, which gave me time to collect my identification card at the reception.

In addition to that, Maximus had left me a message with the receipt that my work in the Red Division would start next week, that is, within 4 days.

The Red Division was the name given to the group in charge of hunting demons inside the dungeons and it was quite a large group, almost an army of practitioners.

My job was nothing to write home about within the group and the reason was simple, I was in a reconnaissance role so combat was not a priority for me.

Regarding my identification card...

Well, let's say I stay this way.

…  …  …

Rank: E

Strength: E+

Agility: E+

Mana Capacity: G-

Durability: S

Charm: A-

Luck: G

…  …  …

My rank was still the same but with a few slight changes, and I was certainly a little taken aback by it…

Charm A- rank?

He knew he was handsome, he constantly felt people's gazes, the fact that he doesn't think about it that much doesn't mean he isn't aware, and yet.

Isn't A-rank exaggerating a bit?

Well... let's put that aside, the strength and agility were around D-rank, but for my good, I would leave it as it was, the durability, on the other hand, was abysmal and there was no way it would be less than S-rank, even Maximus told me. he said that he personally rated it as incalculable.

Of course, absolutely no one who received a wound would be able to heal as fast as I do, only through healing magic or potions was it possible to perform such feats but it took time, and even then, I couldn't get over myself.

Another thing I didn't mention before is that I had complete control over my healing ability, I could leave the wound unhealed and treat it whenever I wanted, of course, I always prioritized healing wounds as fast as I could.

Regarding my mana capacity and my luck was another story, there was not much to tell, I had no mana, and luck is measured exclusively based on mana, there was no other way.

"Young man, you're early, you haven't been waiting long, have you?"

The first to arrive was Sarah, that mature woman, she sat at the table while she waited for my answer with a slightly worried look.

At this point, I was caught off guard because I was concentrating on inspecting my ID card, but I didn't quite show surprise on my face and instead gave my answer with my usual smile.

"Ah, Miss Sarah, don't worry, I'm here early because I had some personal business with the guild."

She nodded in understanding at my words.

"I see. Well, the girls let me know they were on their way, shouldn't be long, oh is that your ID card? I can see her?"

She noticed that I had my ID card in my hand and it seemed like she was very curious to see it, I think this was a bit presumptuous of her to ask such a question, but to be honest, I gave it to her to take a look at since it does also not make it a problem for me.

She took it in her hands and began to inspect my ID, made a couple of rather amused gestures of confusion, but then regained her composure.

"How is this possible? But a few days ago I could feel that you were at least a G rank.”

Then I took my ring off and placed it on the table.

"I think you know what the ring means, I'm sorry to surprise you like this, but you don't have to worry, I just have a special condition and of course, I'm also quite strong"

She had a stunned expression on her face as she looked back at the ID in confusion.

"Sorry, this is a little hard to take in, but you're human, right?"

I was honestly a little worried that he would change his mind and decide to fire me from the group, but I think it was best, to be honest about this from the start.

I prefer to have companions who are not petty because of the rank issue, this was certainly a good opportunity and in the worst case I could always work alone in the dungeons, I already had the permission after all.

Coincidentally at that moment, the other two girls arrived.

"Hello, Hello, Sorry for the delay, I hope it's not a problem"

Adelia, the girl with bunny ears was the one who gave us a very animated greeting even with her ears moving and behind her, there was Elsa of the dwarf race concentrating on her cell phone.

I shrugged and shook my head.

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"Not at all, Miss Sarah also just arrived"

Sarah was taken aback by her partner's sudden arrival and managed to form an unconvincing response.

"ah, A-Adelia, Elsa, they're already here, so we're complete"

That rather rushed response caused Elsa to put down the cell phone to look at her, while Adelia raised both her eyebrows and asked.

"Something happened?"

Sarah looked at me with doubts on her face about what she should do, I naturally put my elbows on the table and interlock my hands.

"Girls, before doing the dungeon there are a couple of things you should know about me"

In this way, I explained a little about the scope of my abilities, I said absolutely nothing about my relationship with the demonic.

Both girls reacted the same as Sarah, they could barely assimilate what she was telling them, but somehow Elsa was the first to regain her composure.

"Well, his ID has the guild seal on it, it could hardly be faked so it must be real. In addition, there are other races such as Orcs that do not depend on mana to acquire their strength, and although it is not something possible in humans, I think it is worth giving it the benefit of the doubt"

Looks like Elsa has lived long enough huh? On the other hand, Lucas explained to me some years ago that the strength of the orcs depended on another energy which, in short, was a simplification of mana, the difference is that it worked due to the constitution of the person and the Orcs.

The Orcs were of a strong and large constitution, the place where they came from was different from the other races and their development was slightly different.

The girls understood Elsa's words and their looks of doubt changed to those of security, then Adelina made a flirtatious face and winked at me.

"Well, then let's go to that dungeon to see what our handsome boy can do."

My whole body tensed up hearing that, I could clearly feel a vein coming out of my hundred as my face showed an awkward smile.

'This little rabbit…'

I could only think that helplessly, after what happened with Maria I was now more aware of the opposite sex.

In fact, if this continues like this, I may end up crossing the line of no return without realizing it.

It's simple, I've been locked up in the mansion without friends for my whole life, and from one day to the next I start receiving this kind of attention from women.

I mention this because Adelia is quite pretty and not only am I getting used to this but I am becoming more interested in women.

Anyway, it didn't take long for us to move to a D-rank dungeon where, unlike the last one I did with Veronica's group, the place was incredibly hilly.

Sarah said that this job could last 8 or even 12 hours because climbing mountains was an activity that required a lot of energy and, well, the girls need time to rest.

We had previously discussed the composition of the group, my surprise was to learn that Sarah and Adelia were C-rank while Elsa was B-rank.

The girls' rank was high and even caused me to doubt if they really needed my help, but Elsa cleared my doubts with the fact that she wasn't focused on combat but on support with her machines. She could create defensive shields and that sort of thing.

He also explained to me that Adelia who used two daggers was an assassin type and couldn't deal with large numbers while Sarah was both a healer and an expert in fire-type magic.

It was a group composition of 3 people who could possibly clear the dungeon, but due to certain experiences, they started to require a person at the forefront who could hold large numbers as well as give the girls room to work.

Despite my E rank, I convinced them that it could be solved well in a D rank dungeon, let's say that it is a rank that I would hardly get tired of and as long as it was like that, I could fight for weeks.

'I hope this dungeon is not disappointing'

It was what I thought when reflecting on my battle with Maximus yesterday, from that fight I learned a lot considering that I was defeated.

Thanks to my great durability, it was that I was able to survive direct attacks from an S rank, the fact that I managed to withstand a battle for 2 hours from someone who was several ranks above me was no small thing, and it was an advantage. which I would consider good because I understood that I could have endured more if I had used my energy wisely.


While I was in my thoughts I felt the presence of creatures in the distance, instinctively turning toward the direction where they should be.

The girls noticed my reaction.

"Is something wrong Raphael?"

It was Sarah who asked, I just pointed in that direction and spoke.

“We have company for that direction”

"What, I have to check that"

Elsa who heard my words did not take long to work grabbing a type of device to verify it, she had used what was called a surveillance "drone" to monitor everything around us, we also had a machine that emitted a sensor that alerted us when some creature was at a fairly close distance from us.

"Wow, the boy is right, although they are quite far away, there are at least 7 trolls that could be in Rank E, we have enough time, how do you want to proceed Sarah?"

Elsa spoke with quite a certainty while Sarah was only surprised by the sudden news but it didn't take long for her to put on a serious expression.

"Let's prepare an ambush"

That was what Sarah said quite confidently and just like that, we started planning.

This is perfect, it's time to fight.

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