Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 18: Chapter 16 – First Impression

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It only took us 5-10 minutes to plan the ambush, there wasn't much to discuss, Sarah was the leader and she already knew how to organize us from her long experience in the dungeons.

For my part, I just listened to her and asked a few things about trolls.

The maturity level of the girls was very different from Veronica's group and we immediately got to work.

My role was easy here, I had to act as bait and get them all to focus on one point, then I would just have to leave the rest to Sarah and Elsa.

Walking to where the group of trolls was I realize that they are incredibly tall, skinny, and with very long fangs, just as Sarah explained to me.

I stood where they could see me easily and pointed my thumb behind me to signal them to go.

"Hey, guys! What bad luck you have had this day, Today you must evict!"

I successfully got their full attention and they went on guard with their spears.

It took several seconds of contemplation when the trolls began to scream in fury like monkeys, one of them even throwing his spear at me like a javelin.


That was the sound of his weapon digging into the ground, and that was because with his bare hands he had deflected the attack causing it to hit the ground instead of my chest.

It sounds like what I did was incredibly easy for me, but in reality, unlike my swordsmanship which was a talent I was born with, my martial arts hand-to-hand combat skills were something I had practiced. constantly since I was little.

Since I was a child I always liked fiction movies where there were those fighters capable of stopping everything using only their hands.

Wilson laughed quite a bit when I told him that I wanted to know how to fight like this, and told me that there was a certain population in the republic that practiced such fighting styles, and that the training for such skills was brutal.

It was taking a lot of damage to harden the body and train as many reflexes as anything else, however, he told me that it wasn't worth training something like that having my talent with the sword.

Of course, I did not give up, I had to study and practice the different martial arts on my own to achieve a concrete result, years later Wilson had to retract because now he was able to stop any attack with bare hands.

In fact, if yesterday in my fight with Maximus I had only focused on my defense with martial arts and not going on offense, it is possible that my fight would have lasted 4 hours instead of 2 hours.

This was because the style he had developed with martial arts relied on both reflexes and the lower use of energy to deflect attacks, the only drawback being that it was only more defensive than offensive.

Ok, back on topic...

My taunts were not necessary with the trolls and after deflecting another 2 spears they were already in berserker mode charging in my direction, I took Nihila from my back and positioned myself to charge as well.

Just when they were 10 meters away, a fire barrier rose between me and the trolls, this caused the trolls to be taken by surprise and trip over each other trying to avoid contact with the fire.

Soon Elsa's drones arrived to scatter everywhere and attack all the trolls with mana projectiles.

Amidst the chaos, the wall of fire disappeared and a shower of fireballs flooded the site leaving the trolls defeated and dying.

With the step open, I charged toward the trolls and we were finishing them all, Following my attack, Adelia came out of the shadows stabbing those who tried to flee.

In this way, the first combat ended and we set up a camp well away from that field full of corpses.

"You really gave me a scare, boy, it was very daring to block those spears"

Sarah was the one who gave me that comment with an awkward smile over lunch.

I know what she means, it's too absurd to see a totally relaxed person deflect attacks with his hands.

"It is something that I have been practicing almost all my life, it is very far from a situation like this being out of my control"

I replied before biting back into my bread while she had a puzzled expression on her face.

"And I believe him, after seeing the replay, it's just absurd"

Elsa added after my comment. She had also recorded the fight using her drones, she told me it was good to always have them analyze the good and bad things during the fights.

In the video, it was possible to capture the fragments of the combat where I made poses with my hands to deflect the spears, and in short, it looked like a peculiar way of mocking the enemy.

After that, we continue talking about trivial things while we finish our lunch, and after that, we get going.

"The appearance of trolls may mean that some tribes of them must be established in one of the mountains, not to mention the mana beasts"

Were Sarah's words as we walked, her conclusion was that we would have to face more of them and it was very possible that they had a boss.

Said boss on these occasions would be called 'dungeon boss' and they weren't always there, there were dungeons without them, as well as some dungeons with 2 and even 3 bosses inside, there was no certainty...

It had already been 8 hours since we entered the dungeon and 4 groups of trolls that we defeated in different ways, only in those groups there were D-rank trolls.

They were generally stronger than the others and less arrogant, however, the dynamics of our way of fighting did not change at all.

On the other hand, the girls began to better understand my skills and abilities.

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"We arrived…"

"Isn't that a bit big?"

Elsa and Adelia commented before an imposing defensive structure where it was supposed to be the trolls' camp.

"If it is very large, in fact, I think this may take longer than expected"

Sarah commented to us with a frown crossing her arms, Adelia had a calm appearance, but I could tell that she was attentive.

On the other hand, Elsa was already working with the drones once again, while I was looking around, sensing the enemies that were far away.

It was a very large structure and I could feel that at least 40 enemies were roaming between E- and D-rank, but besides them, one of them was already almost C-rank, presumably the Boss.

I'm quite relieved to have this sensitivity to energies, normal people are only able to sense mana at a distance according to the range they have.

My case is different since it is like a sixth sense that tells me not only the mana but any other energy that exists at an incredible distance.

After a few more minutes, Sarah finally spoke.

"At most, it will be 2 assaults, in the first we will destroy both the entrance and the towers. Elsa will take me high so I can bombard them with my fire spells. Then we will take a safe distance and depending on whether they decide to attack us or not, we will ambush them or slowly enter after I recover the lost mana"

A good plan, only I have a little doubt...

How did Elsa take her high?

At that moment, Elsa summoned from her space storage what looked like a small ship with 2 propellers on each side...

This is definitely dwarf technology, and now I understand where this is going. It didn't take long for the girls to get to work and Adelia and I stayed at a safe distance watching everything.

To my surprise, Adelia walked up to me and a wild question reached my ears.

"Hey Rafael, don't you have a girlfriend?"

I turned to see her and she was smiling like a joker, very good… How am I supposed to answer this?

"I don't have, until recently I go out to meet people"

The question was as much out of the ordinary for me as the answer I gave him, however, it is best, to be honest.

He looked at me funny for my answer

"Are you a hermit or something? A guy with a pretty face and features like yours would already have at least 2 or 3 girlfriends…"

She gradually lowered her voice and raised an eyebrow.

"Or are you gay?"


What the hell?

That comment definitely irritated me.

'No, this cannot stay like this'

Was what I thought as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me, causing her to fall onto my chest, my other hand going around her waist and holding her tight enough that she didn't slip away.

"Sorry, I can't give you a proper answer, it's a personal matter, and about your last question..."

At that moment she was very surprised by my actions and our faces were very close, I looked into her eyes.

"I like women, in fact, I am currently seeing one"

Whether or not she gets mad after this, I don't care, she was the one who started this and there was no way I was going to sit idly by.

The signal that we had to stop came as soon as I heard Elsa's ship approaching, at which point I began to loosen my grip on the girl and she likewise backed away from me in panic when she also heard the ship approaching.

The girls barely noticed Adelia's strange attitude and Sarah asked her if she was okay.

Adelia on the other hand replied that everything was fine, trying to keep her demeanor relaxed and upbeat as usual, but failed there because the girl kind of stuttered and was a bit red.

Elsa raised her eyebrow at me to see if she could get an answer out of me, but I just shrugged.

This is what happens when you play with fire...

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