Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 21: Chapter 17 – Ideal Partner

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Nothing else happened after the troll bombing, they didn't come looking for us, but if they went on high alert, we continued as planned.

It took Sarah at least 15 minutes to get all her mana back using potions, and in that time we briefly went over the plan.

Regarding the matter with Adelia, she was quieter than usual, avoiding eye contact with me, the other girls seem to have noticed, but for some reason, they didn't continue to take it seriously.

We started to move and I positioned myself at the entrance of the fortress so they could see me, this obviously triggered a reaction from the trolls.

Now their numbers were no more than 25 after the bombardment and we were fully recovered, I started holding them back at the entrance as they came out, while the girls finished them off little by little.

So far I didn't see the need to use Nihila as long as I could hold them off with my martial arts, but that didn't last long when I felt the presence of the boss trolls moving toward our location.

“The Troll Boss is coming!”

It was what I yelled at the group to take precautions while taking Nihila from my back.

However, alarming the girls would do little or nothing, because the boss moved very quickly to the entrance of the fort making an appearance.

He was at least 3 meters taller than the average troll, equipped with an ax in each hand and a large spear on his back.

Thinking about it, I'd better get to work without restrictions, it's best if I want to avoid accidents.

Shooting like a bullet toward the troll boss, I dodged or killed everyone in my path with great speed.

The Troll Boss reacted when he saw how I was rampaging my way with my clear objective of reaching him, with few options, the Boss charged towards me at a speed similar to mine.


The sound of our weapons colliding echoed throughout the field followed by a ripple of wind.


The Troll Boss was yelling furiously as he strained with his weapons to try to outrun me, his strength was decent for a Rank D+ and he even managed to withstand the first shock without backing up that much.

Deflecting my opponent's axes to the side and stepping back a bit, I struck again by making a vertical slash while holding Nihila with one hand.

This time, the Chief tried to block it with everything he had, but being ineffective, with my strength and weight, Nihila had already broken through to his shoulder leaving a serious wound.

This didn't discourage the troll, on the contrary, he roared so loudly that it caused all the trolls to notice our fight and focus on me.

As they all charged in my direction, a wall of fire rose up surrounding me and the boss.

I can guess that Sarah saw the huge advantage she had over the boss and tried to block the trolls' path from interrupting our fight.

But despite the risk of crossing the wall of fire, the trolls still did not stop and entered regardless of the flames that would soon cover their bodies.

'So this is an all or nothing'

It was what I thought when I saw Elsa's drones arrive to support me. After that, the Chief with great fury charged in my direction again.

I didn't hesitate to face him once more, and it's because even though I was surrounded, these creatures couldn't match me in speed, and even less so when they were on fire.

Being a bit worried about the situation outside the great wall of fire, I played it safe this time.

I didn't dodge the axes headed for my chest and focused on stabbing Nihila in her heart.

The Chief definitely did not imagine that he was so bold in exposing so many openings when he felt the chill of Nihila's blade piercing his heart.

Making sure to damage as much of his chest as I could in the few seconds while smiling at the incredulous troll, I proceeded to jump back with enough force to get out of the spot encircled by the wall of fire.

However, I got a big surprise when the already dying boss threw the spear on his back toward my chest, and although I could dodge it, I decided not to.

Realistically, it wasn't a big deal, if I had two axes stuck in my chest, a spear wouldn't make a difference.

Of course, the result was that I ended up glued to a tree with a spear working as a nail.

"Hahaha, stupid troll, if only he knew that from the beginning he never had a chance"

It was what I murmured trying not to laugh out loud, I would never get bored of this feeling.

Well, now there is only one thing left to solve...

I withdrew the axes which weren't too difficult, then tried to remove the spear embedded in my chest to free myself from the tree.

Once I withdrew the spear that's when I heard screams coming towards me.


Sarah ran to where I was, she had arrived just when I was able to free myself from the spear, but of course, she and the others had already seen the whole show.


"Wait Sarah I'm..."

She came so fast that when I tried to stop her, she grabbed my shirt and ripped it open to treat my injuries, but despite all the blood I spilled, there were no injuries.

She was certainly quite upset, the leader impression I had of her was gone, and now she just seemed like a worried mother.

Being a healing mage and naturally skilled in medicine, Sarah was all confused looking at my bare chest and even groping with her hands to see if it was real.

I can understand your reasons, however…

"Miss Sarah?"

Realizing my words, she reacted and stood up with a slightly embarrassed and surprised expression.

“Sorry kid, am I a little…confused?”

Okay, this was a bit strange, but it stands to reason.

"I understand how you feel, but everything that happened is because my durability is high, as you can see, I'm fine already."

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At that moment Adelia arrived and seemed quite scared and Elsa behind her. I guess there are no more trolls.

“Boy, are you okay? We watched as you flew away badly injured and the troll launched one last attack with his spear."

Elsa was the one who asked, frowning in confusion.

"Yes, I'm sorry you saw, but the situation was all under control, well... almost..."

Saying those last words I looked at my chest, and the girls realized, my shirt was lying on the floor in pieces and I was naked from the torso up.

"Sorry I'll pay for that"

"Don't worry, it was already broken long before you did anything"

Sarah, being embarrassed, had tried to compensate for the situation, but I stopped her, that is, the troll boss was largely responsible for the damage to my clothes and I was the one who made the final decision to receive all the damage.

Luckily I always bring spare t-shirts, they are cheap and I can buy them in bulk.

Once I put on a response shirt I explained a little more about my durability and that my healing was superhuman.

With this happening, I am sure that I had already erased all skepticism about my abilities, so I could already tell you the scope of them.

Of course, I only told them what was necessary, omitting the origins of such abilities.

The girls were truly surprised the more he told them and finally they ended up accepting it.

By the time we got back, Sarah went to claim payment for cleaning the dungeon.

I find the business of these guilds very curious, it turns out that governments pay large sums of money to clean these sites, once they are clean, they send groups of people to exploit natural resources and generate more income.

That explains why this business is always sustainable and the economy rarely goes into recession.

Although not everything was rosy, there were both advantages and disadvantages.

The first was a natural risk that adventurers run and the second was that these dungeons could disappear at any time.

There have been cases where dungeons have disappeared with resource workers and were never heard from again, as well as those that miraculously returned.

It was difficult to predict such a thing, they had created studies to try to understand how this worked, but only theories have been reached.

It was almost time to say goodbye when a voice greeted us.

“Girls, I'm glad to see you here… oh? And who is the boy?

We had been greeted by a strong-looking woman, and although her muscles were not marked, you could tell they were well-toned, her emerald green hair reached her shoulders, and she is definitely a warrior type.

The mood of the girls changed with the arrival of the woman, it was Sarah who answered her.

“Abi, I'm still glad to see you well. Oh, this is Rafael, our new group mate”

Sarah proceeded to introduce us.

“Rafael, this is Abigail, a friend of ours who sometimes helps us with the dungeons”

I nodded to the woman in greeting, while she was shocked at the sudden news.

"Oh yeah? You look too young, I remember he always has issues with the warrior class in his group, but he doesn't look strong enough for that role."

Sarah shook her head with a relaxed expression.

“Don't worry Abi, we just saw him fight, he knows what he's doing, in fact, we were lucky to find him. By the way, what brings you here?"

“Oh, it's nothing, it's just that my son hasn't come to visit me for a long time, I wanted to see how he was doing”

That was the reply from the woman, who seemed quite curious about me.

"Girls, I say goodbye to you, anything you can send me a message"

I didn't want to sound bad, but I also had things to do and we had already finished the dungeon.

Furthermore, their conversation was not something he had much interest in.

They returned the farewell with different reactions, although Adelia was the one that caught my attention because she wasn't as animated as usual, and also, her ears were down giving her an adorable appearance.

'I guess what happened before is still on your mind'

Once I got to the apartment, I sat down to watch TV while I ate the dinner I bought on the way home, I honestly didn't want to cook anything.

Today was certainly a productive day, the pay of doing a D-rank dungeon is good enough to live on for a month.

I took my cell phone to check the news and realized that I have several message notifications, I don't know many people so I was curious.

The first message was from Sarah, she thanked me for today and wondered if she was available next week for another dungeon.

I was brief and answered affirmatively with the days that I would be available.

And the second message was from a person of one of the people that I would never expect to contact me, it was Veronica who wrote me with just one question.

"Can I talk to you in person?"


What could it be?

I replied that as long as it's within this week, I wouldn't have any problems. I mean, I already had the rest of these days off.

It didn't take long for an answer to arrive about where and when we would meet.

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