Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 22: Chapter 18 – It’s a misunderstanding!

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(Sarah's perspective)

It had already been half an hour after Rafael left.

Although Abigail had found her son, the boy's behavior was too cruel to his mother, no matter what she called him, he completely ignored her.

Adelia, Elsa, and I had witnessed that unpleasant moment.

It seemed very wrong to leave her alone, so we invited her to eat with us. Also, no matter how well we did in the dungeon, we were already exhausted and wanted to eat something.

"I can't believe he's still mad at me, I thought over time his attitude would improve, but it's only gotten worse."

Was what Abigail said with a sad expression as she drank her drink.

We already knew her situation for quite some time, she was a single mother who tried hard to get ahead all these years, with a little help she has achieved it, however...

The relationship with his son deteriorated since the boy found out through some means that his father was actually a nobleman who abandoned his mother, and the boy instead of supporting his mother, blamed her for everything.

As soon as he was old enough, he left home with his stuff and started a career as an adventurer, that was a year ago.

We have already advised him against continuing to look for him, after all, the boy is an ungrateful man and a bad son.

“What are you going to do, Abi? It's been too long already"

I told her in the most understandable tone possible, trying to express our concerns for her.

The reason we are worried is that she always helped us when we were in trouble, now we couldn't turn our backs on her as our roles were reversed.

Abigail took a deep breath.

"I know what they want to get to, I'll try a little more, if nothing works, I'll consider the idea of rebuilding my life"

Well, at least it's progress...

"Don't take this the wrong way, but we also want you to have happiness and peace of mind, you know?"

Elsa commented with a smile, Abigail nodded in response and soon a look of relief came over her face.

"Thank you, I think I really needed to hear that."

With that answer from Abigail, we continued talking about other things, but that question that would come sooner or later fell on the table.

"Hey, now that I remember, they told me that the boy who accompanied them in the guild is their new member, was it true?"

Well, she's a warrior class and it's like she had helped us on several occasions in the past, it was natural for her to ask.

“Yes, he is a warrior by trade, we were able to clear a rank D dungeon with no problem”

Answering his question, Abigail put on a doubtful expression and spoke.

"The? He doesn't look particularly strong, although he is of good height, his muscles don't look like a warrior's and his complexion looks considerably delicate, it's more like he's never fought in his life. Also, even if his strength was a product of mana, he was hiding it very well, because it barely feels like a G-rank."

Arguing with valid points, Elsa gave him a simple answer

"Yes, he is stronger and more resistant than he appears, I could show you the recordings of our fights, but do it if his permission does not seem correct to me"

Abigail nodded in unconvinced understanding, I honestly share the same opinion as Elsa.

While it's true that everything about Rafael is very weird, it's also true that doing this without his permission is disrespectful.

Maybe in the future, the boy will open up and tell us more about himself.

"He's good at fighting, but he's an idiot"

The unexpected comment came from Adelia, who was looking to the side with an annoyed expression.


Abigail also looked at me confused, wait...

It won't be possible, right?

He behaved very well with us, but he did take advantage of that to try to grope us while no one was looking...

"What do you mean, Adelia? Something happened?"

I asked her with quite a bit of concern, but before receiving an answer from her, it was Elsa who spoke.

"Don't worry Sarah, they are just delusions of a girl in love"

Sorry? In love?

"It's not delusions and I'm not in love!"

Shouting, Adelia got up from her chair, though she seemed annoyed, her blush and downturned ears not helping her at all.

What have I been missing?

Elsa raised her eyebrows and smiled like it was no big deal.

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"Who are you kidding, it's obvious that something happened between you and the boy, don't think I didn't notice your strange behavior after we left you alone for a while"

Elsa didn't stop there and continued.

"I've known you since before we came to the human domain, you would rather die than let someone abuse you, if he had done something unpleasant to you, you would have already told us, however... all you did was keep quiet"

Certainly, they are details that I overlooked, but now everything makes more sense.

“That… that…”

Adelia was trying to form a response, but Abigail proceeded to speak.

“Wow, to think that it was about that, I'm not surprised that it's that, the boy is certainly very attractive with his exotic features, to be precise, it's the first time I've met a black-haired person. So, will you tell us what happened between you and him?"

True, even I can't deny that Rafael has some very striking good looks.

At this point, Adelia had already sat down, but she managed to form a response.

"It is a misunderstanding…"

In that, a laugh was heard coming from Elsa.

“Hahahahaha, Sure, a misunderstanding”

Well, it doesn't seem like something I need to worry about, even though I'm not quite sure what happened, Adelia isn't really upset.

Our topic of conversation naturally changed after a while, besides, night had already fallen.

"So, have you already planned what you are going to do in the future?"

It was Abigail who asked us that question, and the reason for the question was simple, dungeon cleaning was not an activity we wanted to do forever.

Although he earned a lot, it was naturally risky, a trick-and-goodbye life. In view of this, each one had decided to plan a life plan outside of what was cleaning dungeons.

In this way, we were saving a lot of money for the future.

"I'm going to take the entrance exam for Armadeus academy this year, although it's a bit late for me, I'm still in the minimum rank."

That was Adelia's answer, honestly, it is the one that has it best among the 3 of us, the advantage of that academy is that it was widely known both within the human domain and outside of it, and although most of the staff were of human origin, they accepted all species.

In addition to this, it was considered the best academy in the world both for the reason that they accepted any species and for the fact that the most talented people in the world attended there.

Of course, it was also influenced by the fact that the other races were leery of sharing their knowledge with each other unlike humans, that's why it easily became number 1 in the world, there were 2 others, but they had some quirks.

The only drawback is that it was incredibly difficult to get accepted by such an academy, a lot was demanded of the students, and even once inside it was even more demanding.

Although it was a real challenge, the benefit of graduating from such an academy was enormous, it had a lot of prestige wherever you went.

"That's great, you have a lot of potentials, I wish you good luck for your exam, and you girls?"

Abigail responded quite enthusiastically and then turned to look at us.

"Like Elsa, I will open a store, the only difference is that mine will be food"

I had already thought about it, and with all the money I had collected over the years, I would still have enough left over for a decade, I still had plenty of opportunities, and it was the same situation for Elsa.

"I see, since they sound determined, then it seems perfect to me, but I think they should hurry up with that."

Abigail's words had completely confused us, yet she continued to speak.

"I don't know if you've heard, but a while ago you had problems with demons that have been found in the dungeons, a few weeks ago it has increased horribly, and my party has had to leave some dungeons because of it"


We knew about the problem, but we didn't know that it had become so serious.

Why did it have to happen at this time?

"We will be careful, I suppose that these months we will do some extra dungeons to retire from this, the academy entrance exams are in 4 months and Adelia will need at least 2 months to prepare"

They all nodded in understanding to my words, however, Elsa mentioned something that I had overlooked.

"It's a pity that we have found Rafael when we are close to retiring"

True, I wish we had found him sooner, but more than that, we should also warn him about the problem of demons.

Elsa then smirked.

"Adelia, take advantage of it as much as you can, I can give you advice if you want"

The girl blushed, but it didn't take her a second to respond.

"I already told you it was a misunderstanding, nothing happened!"

We were all laughing at the situation.

A few minutes later we said goodbye to Abigail and we went to our residences.

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