Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 25: Chapter 21 – A Chaos somewhere else

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The sound of a doorbell echoes through an entire store.

After I withdrew from the guild, it had already gotten dark, however, this was the second most important City in the Kingdom and like any emblematic place, Linz City was active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I headed to one of the gun shops, one that belonged to a branch with a lot of advertising.

The place was almost empty with only a bored-looking salesman behind a counter watching a tv.

I wasted no time and started moving towards the counter.

"I need weapons"

The salesman gave me a sidelong glance before turning his attention back to the television.

“What kinds of weapons? For you or for someone else?"

"I need weapons with which I can attack from a distance and at high speed, weapons are for me"

Hearing my answer, he stood up and moved to one of the shelves, it was a section with all kinds of ranged weapons.

He could see on the shelf some monitors where they were displayed from throwing weapons to bows and firearms, in addition to the fact that on the counter there were also some kinds of devices that produced holograms of weapons.

“Weapons to attack quickly can be one or the other depending on what you do, are you looking for versatility or something more specialized? Something light or heavy?"

After hearing that I was quite thoughtful, I had only a general idea of what I was looking for, but seeing so much variety was something that I found difficult to think about.

“Preferably something light with a high rate of fire and mobility”

After listening to me, he made a couple of touches to the counter buttons and both the monitors and the holograms showed a series of firearms.

“The weapons on the screen may be your style, but seeing how you act, I'm guessing you've never used a firearm, how about you tell me a little about your combat experience so I can give you a recommendation? ”

That certainly could be a good idea.

"Sounds good to me, well... where do I start?"

I started telling him about the recent dungeons I had cleared and emphasizing this last one with the goblins.

Frankly speaking, I didn't like the weapons on the monitors at all, they looked very cumbersome.

The man listened to everything without saying a single word until I finished, of course, I omitted the things that were not related to the combat.

"I think I know what you're looking for"

Saying so after nodding a few times, he proceeded to show me his recommendation.


I couldn't help but ask him, he was showing me a series of pistols.

"Yes boy, from what you tell me, your way of fighting is very liberal, giving you a rifle or a sub-machine gun might not be the most appropriate, more than anything due to the fact that the user is required to hold it in a certain way”

He grabbed a gun demonstrating how to hold it.

"This is a Z85, some call it a Magnum, and in contrast to the other firearms, it's not at all picky about grip and easy to draw, it has incredible power that can become even more of a handicap. then in advantage due to its recoil, but if you don't care so much about firepower but about the rate of fire…"

Placing it back in its holster, he proceeded to show me a different pistol.

“You can carry a more common one like this, less recoil and so easy to handle that you could use two in each hand”

The pistol that he showed me that time was similar to the one that boy was carrying, if I remember correctly his name was Robert, and he had a double pistol.

What's more... the seller is right about that, I can maneuver easily, and not only could I shoot like a sick person, but they can be at different targets at the same time.

“I want two of those pistols, by the way, what kind of differences do firearms of different ranges have?”

To my question, the seller began to prepare the pistol for its departure and while I was looking for the second pistol he answered me.

“Unlike melee weapons or even some ranged weapons like the bow, firearms work differently with respect to range”

He placed both pistols in front of me in a box.

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“The difference is that the higher the range, the more demanding you can be with the weapon, for example, they can use more types of bullets or the fact that it doesn't overheat as much as low-range ones, that's why firearms in Rank C and above they are absurdly expensive”

“More types of bullets? how do they work?"

“Yes, there are different types of bullet, and depending on the range of the weapon, they can use other types of mana ammunition, such as anti-armor bullets, experienced firearm users learn to create these bullets with their mana, and then only remains. whether the weapon would hold or not”

I see it's much more complex than I imagine, and once the pistols are ready and about to pay, a melody sounds from the television.

It was about the newscast and it caught our attention.

"Breaking news, we have just received information that a tragedy is currently happening in one of the republic cities, there is talk that a limbo-type dungeon has arisen in the middle of the city"

A limbo-type dungeon in the middle of the city?

I remember from what I learned, there were the common dungeons and they are the ones that are generally cleaned, but the other type of dungeon was a very aggressive anomaly that would drag everything down with it.

They called them the Dungeon of Limbo, it was there and at the same time, it wasn't.

Precisely, unlike ordinary dungeons, these dungeons that occurred in extreme and rare cases were really problematic because if you didn't enter it to stabilize its core, this dungeon would end up merging with our world.

There was only one way to enter, but to get out of it was not possible until the dungeon process was completed, which can be summarized in two options, stabilize its core causing it to become a common dungeon, or let it merge with our world. an interval of one day to two days maximum.

Allowing the merger with our world meant that everything inside, living things, and even some landslides collided with what would be in our world.

It's complicated to explain but to sum it all up if something is not done with the core of the dungeon, the place where this dungeon arose would become a cataclysm.

In this case, and to make matters worse, it had emerged in the middle of a city.

"My God…"

Said the seller quite surprised when we heard the news.

"Our journalists are close to the incident, the authorities have registered a total of 3,357 missings, and it is presumed that they are inside the dungeon under unknown conditions, Steven Morrison will tell us more details of the situation…"

The view of the news studio changed suddenly and now there was a man who seemed to be in the middle of a crowd, it seems that he was at the scene of the catastrophe.

"My regards to the studio, we are currently in the city of Reverot near where the warping of space-time begins and where the dungeon is presumed to begin, the authorities including several S-rank military commanders from the city have already given the red alert and are seeking by all means to evacuate the residents of the city"

Evacuate an entire city?

It seems to me that it is crazy, to begin with, from here you can see all the chaos of what is happening, and you can hear screams wherever they are.

"And there is one last thing, there are rumors circulating that the appearance of this dungeon was a provoked act, according to witnesses, demons would have been sighted along with contractors, the same ones that attacked some government establishments hours before the incident until now, the government refuses to acknowledge this fact just as it refuses to give a number of deaths to the establishments…"

It's all so confusing, but if it turns out to be true that the appearance of this dungeon was somewhat contrived, then they are not as unpredictable as once believed, more surprisingly, ironically demons are involved in this.

“the guilds located both in the city and throughout the republic have ruled on the matter and have started working on the…”

Silencing the newscast, the vendor spoke.

"People still don't want to believe that the demons have resumed their offensive on the human domain, sorry boy, I got distracted for a moment, where are we left?"

I shook my head.

"I was still surprised by that news, I was thinking of just buying this, but I'll ask by chance, do you have any specialized weapons for killing demons?"

The question brought the salesman a smile that turned into a laugh.

"You're in luck boy, yesterday a shipment arrived with just what could be of interest to you"

Saying so, the vendor brought a box and took out two weapons.

“This weapon has become very popular among demon hunters, both for its brutality and its firepower, it has a shitty name, they call it a double barrel shotgun, and they come in two versions, normal and sawed off, are you interested?"

I was able to contemplate the two versions of the weapon, it is considered the opposite of what I came looking for, but honestly, it is not bad to try it.

After I asked him to explain a few more things about firearm ammunition, I made my decision.

"I'll take the cropped one"

I hope I won't be disappointed.

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