Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 27: Chapter 23 – A bad time in a bad place.

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We had reached the platforms that are used to transport us to the dungeons.

Nothing relevant was said during our trip to the room, of course, part of the squad was still joking. From what I have observed, they had known each other for some time, so I was seen simply as the 'new partner'.

"Lion, your group is going to dungeon number 345, there are almost certainly demons, stay in a safe perimeter and gather information, the hit squad should arrive during the course of the day to work with you, any emergency, they have the comlinks"

Captain Sánchez's orders put Lion's group to work right away.

"Understood Captain, count on us, come on guys"

Following Lion's simple words, his group set out from one of the platforms to the dungeon he had been assigned and the captain spoke once more.

"The rest will be supervised directly by me, we will go to dungeon number 367, the reports only say that there are irregularities, which means we must blindly investigate what may be inside it"

As we started to move toward the platform that would lead us toward the dungeon, two people approached me and one of them spoke to me.

"If you want to live, I advise you not to get in the way or seek to stand out from the others, just because you have a bit of success in one or another dungeon does not make you competent"

That was the guy with delusions of grandeur next to the chick he was shamelessly flirting with, his name was Marcus and his partner's name was Jessy.

Of course, I was not fazed by his "friendly advice" and for my part, I gave him a rather irritated answer.

“Thanks for the advice, although it would have been great if I had asked you…”

They were both surprised by my clearly hostile stance, Marcus took a step forward toward me with an annoyed expression.


"Wait honey, let's move on"

Before he could say anything, he was stopped by his partner, of course, the guy paid attention to him since the time and place was the wrong one to start an argument or fight...

No one seemed to have noticed that little confrontation, but wasting no time I moved on.

Anyone who sees me could tell that I'm being a total jerk, but if I have to work in an environment where I have to put up with all this crap, then I'd rather work alone or just get out.

Well, let's focus on the mission.

When we entered the dungeon the place was a place with big hills, nothing out of the ordinary.

The dungeon was Rank C, initially, it had been selected by some adventurers, but at one point the adventurers returned because they said that they had found large accumulations of demonic mana in a certain area, and when they entered they were attacked by a couple of demonic mana. demons.

Said thus, the operation began as a result of this little information.

The captain had ordered us to split up and explore the site.

"Spread out in groups of 3 and scout the area, any mana beasts you come across unless it's a great urgency, don't engage them. As for if you find anything relevant, please report it immediately over the communication devices"

With that order, we moved in opposite directions, so naturally, a group formed by Yllia, Paco, and Elton, who were in my squad.

That meant that he ended up grouping me with Marcos and Jessy, something that I didn't like at all, it wasn't so much a prejudice but a hunch that making a group with them would be torture.

I couldn't say much about Marcos from what I've already told, he thought he was the leader of the pack while his companion, although attractive, gave the feeling that you shouldn't even consider looking in his direction.

It was about half an hour of walking without finding even a mana beast when the guy addressed me.

"Why don't you go explore on your own where you won't bother anyone?"


It's sudden, but it's not bad, and what's more, it would be great that way, so I can get rid of this duo.

"It seems perfect to me, bye"

Without looking back again, I walked towards the horizon, specifically where there were more mountains than hills.

After 15 minutes since I lost them, my mind was totally focused on what I could find with my senses on alert

And it was not in vain, I was able to notice a small familiar trace.

When I got closer and found out where I could feel it the strongest, it turned out that it was demonic mana, large amounts of demonic mana were concentrated from the mountains, it did not belong to someone but was in nature itself.

It's quite curious, the same fact for which I began to enter the area, the demonic mana came to my body like a cool breeze.

To an ordinary person, this was like poison and according to his experiences, the demonic mana gave off a truly sinister feeling.

But I'm not a common person, am I?

As it happened in the past, I let the demonic mana flow through my body, causing me to feel a sense of absolute power and confidence.

It was still as new as strange to me, whether or not my strength increased as a result of that, I had no idea.

Another fact is that I could not feel life from kilometers away, it was particularly strange because my senses to perceive other individuals were extraordinary.

But that didn't last long because after advancing further I realized the presence of several people that I couldn't classify as mana beasts.

They were definitely demons because as he had said before, his mana although demonic in nature, was still more mana than demonic energy.

What if I was being cautious that they didn't notice my presence?

Not at all, I was miles away, and although they were numerous, around 20 demons, at that distance they couldn't even feel me, even less because I don't have mana.

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Although I haven't thought about whether they could detect my demonic energy, I really doubt it.

I hadn't even seen them, but without a doubt, I knew it was them, it must be them...

'Well, it will be time to go back'

I thought, in a way, I had found what I was looking for and there was no need to go any further than this.

I started to go back thinking about how I should convince those two of what I had found.

By the time I had been able to locate the place where they were and getting closer, out of nowhere I began to hear moans.


'Hey? It just can't be…'

It was my first thought, but of course, the closer I got, the clearer the voice was.

“ahh… Please… give me more!”

“Arrgg, I'm almost done!!”

That was the last thing I heard that caused me to stop dead and turn to go far away.

*** *** ***

After moving away from the site, I took the communicator and began to go to the command center where the captain was.

"These bastards have no shame or common sense"

I was incredibly disappointed, everything has a place and a time, but these bastards couldn't take it and they had sent me away so they could fuck, if they wanted to, fine, but not in the middle of work.

This is just ridiculous.

"Command post, this is Rafael, I have located a group of individuals who emit demonic mana"

Speaking over the comlink to the command post, the receiver wasted no time in returning a reply.

"Copied Rafael, mark the location with your device and return to command with your teammates"

My colleagues…

No, I won't go back to them.

I just left the message on the comlink for Marcus and then went to command.

*** *** ***

Arriving at the Command I found the entire squad, including the group that had been assigned to another dungeon.

Also, I saw two other people I didn't recognize.

“Okay, since you're all here, get ready to leave for the mountains. Rafael, I need to talk to you."

Captain Sánchez addressed me and I set off while the others got to work on the preparations.

Entering the tent, I found a table where there was a large strategic map, besides that, there were those two people from before who accompanied the Captain.

“Boy, according to the information you provided us, the place is occupied by 20 demons, how sure are you? Have you seen them with your own eyes?

The Captain tried to get some confirmation of the information he had provided when one of those people interrupted him.

"Sánchez, his classmates said they didn't see anything, apart from the fact that this boy was on his own, remember that he has no experience, what if he just got confused?"

I quickly responded before the situation got worse. By the way, do I always have to deal with people like that?

"I couldn't see them, but I could feel for sure that there were individuals in that place and I know they are demons"

"Oh? Do you know? and can I know how?"

He replied instantly, however...

"Calm down Yohan, I've already checked the aerial reconnaissance and indeed, there are at least more than 15 individuals in the area, even if there are 20, I think we can work with it"

At his partner's words, Yohan who had a very strict attitude began to give me a suspicious look.

“Yohan, I don't think you're aware, but that boy was personally sent to our division by Maximus, he specifically told me not to ask too many questions, but if the boy says there are demons there, it's because there are. On the other hand, you also prepare for the fight Rafael"

Eh, fight...

I thought that my participation in the direct conflict was not really necessary, but since I am here and very curious.

"Consider it done"

Ignoring everyone else present, I turned around and began to get ready.

N/A: Next Sunday there will be no chapter but the Sunday that follows.

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