Sweet Alpha

Chapter 4: 4

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Ch4 - Testing Him

Nine Offspring of the Dragon

Editor: MinMin 

“No worries. It is your first time riding this. You will be familiar with it soon.” Chu Yuwen helped Ryan into the car this time. 

When Ryan stepped into the vehicle, he sat down and looked around. A monotone mechanical voice emanated from the hovercar. [Hello, welcome to the hover car unit seven, please state your destination.]



“Marriage registry.” Chu Yuwen gave their destination as an order. 

The mechanical voice did not respond as the car instantly left the ground. Ryan’s body did not move even the slightest, as if they were traveling flat on the ground.  

If it were not for the changing scenery outside, no one could tell the hover car was in motion. 


Ryan curiously inspected the interior of the car. From the outside, the car was coated in a pure silver layer, but he could see the outside from within the car. The hover car drove smoothly through the bustling scene outside. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The streets were full of coming and going hover cars, none of them with a driver, but they all operated in good order and without any sign of collision. Occasionally, a winged pegasus or golden dapeng passed through the sky. They were domesticated pets of the rich. 

Cii atf ysrajcvfgr kfgf kfii-vgfrrfv jcv yfjealoei, ajixlcu jcv ijeutlcu bc atf ragffar. Fcilxf atf wfvlbmglas bo atf wlvvif atgff vlraglmar, ktfgf tbqf bcis fzlrar lc ifufcv. 


Esjc qea tlr tjcvr bc atf uijrr jr regqglrfr yegra bea bo tlr fsfr. “Qbk…”

Ktja xlcv bo ‘P’nf rffc la jii’ fzqgfrrlbc mbeiv cba yf ojxfv.

Chu Yuwen asked, “Your first time?”


“Yes.” Ryan nodded repeatedly. “The First District is different from my place. My home town is very, very…” He thought for a long time and finally came up with the right word, “Poor.” 

Poor, even barren. This was the current situation of the middle three districts. 

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The lower three districts were called desolate, even ludicrous. 

He could not say anything about the tenth district, because not many people had been there, Yan Weiliang included. 

To understand the circumstances of the people, he once visited the middle and lower third districts in person and saw their terrible conditions, how even in the mire, people were still struggling to survive. Returning to the bustling imperial capital and seeing the extravagant princes and ministers, he felt a moment of confusion and disgust for himself.  

Why should soldiers shed blood to serve in an Empire like this? Why should heroes protect such a group of people at the cost of their lives?

There was simply no need for the royal family and aristocrats to… exist.

For a certain moment, Yan Weiliang even understood Chu Yuwen’s idea very well, having the thought of abandoning everything else. Just hand the Empire to Chu Yuwen, who surely would make the world a better place. 

But many times, he turned a page of the Yan Family Biography alone in the imperial palace’s library, and the past glory of the Yan Family jumped out between the lines. There was always a sense of reluctance.  

The ancestors of the Yan Family once united the world during Judgement Day, became the leader of mankind, and defeated the alien invasion. The new Earth was renamed the Blue Planet, beginning a new era. 

They were used to drive mechs, expand the territory, and display flags with the word Yan on each planet. 


Each of them was brave, and their heroic deeds were recorded in history books. Every word was written with glory. He was proud to have their blood flowing in his veins. 

Their descendants should not end up like this.  

They should not leave the stage so disgracefully. 

Yan Weiliang was the only product worth mentioning in this generation of the Yan Family. He had many older brothers, who indulged in pleasure every day and mocked him for his efforts. His talentless and virtueless older brother, who was the first in line to the throne, had a jealous nature and always wanted to get rid of this excellent younger brother. The Emperor was, even more, the embodiment of incompetence, as he trembled at the sight of Chu Yuwen, who held real power. 

It was no wonder that Chu Yuwen once said, “There is only one royal member, Yan Weiliang, who is clean and worthy of being my opponent. Do not compare other bugs with me or him.”

That would be a disgrace.  

“Ryan.” Chu Yuwen gently called him. 

“Yes?” Yan Weiliang raised his head with a dazed expression. 

Chu Yuwen said, “We are here.” 

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