Sweet Alpha

Chapter 5: 5

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Ch5 - I Wish

Meteor Garden

Editor: MinMin 

Among the total population in today’s society, alphas accounted for 20%, betas accounted for 70%, and omegas accounted for the rest of 10%. Hundreds of years ago, alphas belonged to the upper class of society, occupying the position of the ruler and also enjoying the ownership of resources that were the omegas—yes, at that time, omegas, which were rare in number but had a high fertility rate and could breed excellent offspring, were considered a resource, which was no different from star currency, minerals, and other objects. 

Omegas had no human rights, only seen as a reproductive tool that could be exchanged. They did not need to work, did not deserve to have ideas, and did not have the right to choose a spouse. Their lifelong purpose was to bear children for alphas. 



Once they reach the specified age, they will be asked to be matched in a gene library and assigned to the alpha with the highest compatibility. Even if the omega does not want to go, people from the gene departments would come and enforce the process. 

Due to ‘limited resources’, there may be a scene of two alphas fighting for an omega, but this does not mean the omega’s status is higher.  

AO and BB pairing seemed to be an unwritten rule, because the mediocre betas lacked the necessary capital to compete with alpha. The ordinary beta and omega could be childhood sweethearts but would be forced apart when the omega reached the age where they were obliged to match to be an alpha’s reproduction tool. Such tragedies often occurred in that era. 


This situation lasted until two centuries ago, when it was broken by the Emperor of a certain generation of the Yan Family. 

The Emperor was an alpha, but he proposed the omega’s right movement. He loved and respected his omega Empress his whole life, and hoped to change the condition of all omegas. 

Not to go into detail on the difficult process, but the final effort was incredible. Once of age, since that generation of reform, omegas have finally been freed from their mandatory marriage. People could love freely. Of course, getting a match using the gene library—became a completely voluntary choice. 


The Omegas could go out of their houses and take part in some low-risk jobs, which greatly improved their social status. All the credit belonged to the Yan family’s ancestors. 

The Yan family was once such a respectable family. 

Nowadays, the gap between the three sexes still exists, but it was not so obvious—especially with the current large gap between the three levels of districts. 


Alphas were the natural leaders; betas were also the mainstay of all walks of life; and omegas were beautiful and precious. If one were to be born from an aristocratic background, they would be sought after by everyone in the upper three districts.  

People no longer clung to AO and BB pairings. As long as they preferred, it was normal to have AB and BO pairings. 

But Yan Weiliang was certain that since the reform of the marriage law and rights movement, there had never been an AA or OO pairing. 

He and Chu Yuwen were both alphas. If they wanted to register their marriage, they could start something and perhaps even go down in history. 

This was unprecedented.  

His thoughts proved to be superfluous, because at the moment, he was only omega in outsiders’ eyes. If anything was shocking about this marriage, it would be Chu Yuwen’s identity. 

Is the Marshal getting married? This was a sensational event. 

People come and go to the marriage registry every day, some to get married and some to get divorced. The best and worst of love begins or ends in this ordinary small room. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As for Chu Yuwen, there was no need to queue up. He did not even need to pass through the lobby. The director of the registration office personally ran to the VIP entrance to welcome him. The director bowed and respectfully greeted, “Lord Marshal.” 

Lf gjlrfv tlr tfjv jcv tlr rlutar kfgf rfa bc Esjc obg j wbwfca yfobgf tf delmxis ibbxfv jkjs. “Ktlr wera yf atf Obgv Zjgrtji’r klof. Zjs atf akb qifjrf mbwf klat wf. “

Ktf cbalmf kjr ulnfc lc jvnjcmf. Ktf vlgfmabg vlv cba jma nfgs regqglrfv, cbg vlv tf ajxf j rfmbcv uijcmf ja Esjc.


Although he was curious to death, he dared not look at the Lord Marshal’s wife. 

In a single glance, he saw the delicate nose and rose-colored lips. It was enough to get an idea of just how beautiful this omega was.  

The most handsome Lord Marshal of the Empire deserved the most beautiful omega of the Empire. 

One thing to keep in mind when registering for marriage is that you are committing to another person. It was easier said than done. A thin and light-weighted piece of paper that could easily be torn into pieces holds the promise together. 

The newlyweds would need to take a group photo, fill out the applicant information and sign their signatures. Once the marriage certificate was issued, they were done. They tied the knot. It was very efficient. 

Yan Weiliang’s heartbeat stayed the same.  

Even though Ryan showed the appropriate expression of whether to be bashful during photo taking, nervously filling in information and signing with hesitation, Yan Weiliang himself just found the whole thing ridiculous. 

The photo captured was with a fake face, the information filled was with a fake identity, and the signature sighed was under a fake name. 

Including the two people in the photo who smiled happily and sweetly, all was false. 

“I will announce our marriage on the Star Network tomorrow.” Chu Yuwen instructed his subordinate as they walked out of the marriage registry.  

Ryan was stunned, “You…”

“For your safety, I will not disclose your identity.” Chu Yuwen looked at him calmly. “But to show my respect, I will not hide this marriage.”


Are you sure you are not trying to find out who ‘Ryan’ is working for? 

If he was an undercover agent sent by a third party, as soon as the news was released, the mastermind behind it would surely not sit still. 

Yan Weiliang believed in Chu Yuwen’s conviction. 

Ryan showed a touching expression. “You are too good for me.”

“Let’s go back.” Chu Yuwen ran his finger through the other man’s soft hair.  

Once they entered the self-driving hover car, Chu Yuwen did not say ‘Marshal’s mansion’ when prompted for a destination. Instead, he said, “Meteor Garden.”

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Ryan questioned, “Eh?”


“You seemed interested in the scenery of the First District earlier.” Chu Yuwen smiled at him. “I will show you around.”

Ryan nodded with joy as his excitement could not be concealed in his eyes.  

Chu Yuwen took him around to enjoy the First District’s scenery. Their first stop was the Meteor Garden, where many stars once fell. Meteorites striking the earth used to be a huge disaster, but now it’s just like rain.

It was just a meteor shower. 

Some meteorites carry substances that are unique to the outer planets. Some have a faint spice scent like cinnamon, some emit beautiful light at night, and some have strange shapes, carved like flowers… People gathered these falling stars together in one place, which became the Meteor Garden. 

These beautiful stones could only be seen in the First District.  

The middle three districts only had ordinary stones, and the lower three districts were almost in ruins. They could not find a single good-looking stone. 

“My mother once told me that if I make a wish on a shooting star, it will come true.” Ryan asked Chu Yuwen curiously, “Is this true?”

How could that be true? This was just a beautiful lie made up by those who could not see shooting stars in the middle of three districts to comfort themselves. Everyone in the upper three districts knew that these stones were beautiful, but they were still stones in the end. 

The Meteor Garden would only receive new visitors when new displays were added. Usually, people do not bother to have a second look.  

The stars they dismissed were beyond the reach of people outside of the upper three districts. 

Chu Yuwen nodded. “Yes, it is real.”

Ryan immediately closed his eyes and sincerely put his palms together in prayer. “Then I wish that my neighbors’ lives would be better.”

Ryan’s identity was that his parents died early and he was raised by his neighbors—of course, these so-called neighbors were all implanted with false memories by Yan Weiliang with his powerful mental power, mistaking him for a boy named Ryan whom they had helped.  

Chu Yuwen looked at the praying boy and said nothing. He quietly used his optical computer on his wrist to convey instructions to his subordinates—provide some material help to Ryan’s neighbors in the Fourth District. 

Shooting stars could not fulfill the boy’s wish, but he could. 

Ryan opened his eyes. “I am done!” His bright eyes twinkled like the stars. 

Stars that never fall.  

Chu Yuwen smiled. “It will come true.” Definitely.

He did not say where they would go next as he enabled the random mode for the self-driving hover car to drive aimlessly. Whenever the hover car took them, Chu Yuwen would give detailed information about the place. 


Ryan saw many places and learned a lot in a day. For example, there were many strange animals in the interstellar zoo, a botanical garden that could come to life, the heroic statues of all ages in Times Square, etc. Everywhere, Chu Yuwen would patiently tell him the story related to the place. Ryan listened attentively and showed amazement from time to time. 

“Do you want to go into the sky?” Chu Yuwen noticed Ryan’s desire for the hovercar to go higher in the sky.  

“Of course!” Ryan exclaimed. The boy seemed to be getting better acquainted with Lord Marshal who had been his guide all morning. 

Without saying anything more, Chu Yuwen switched on flight mode and the wings on both sides of the hover car immediately extended out slowly before taking off into the sky at once. 

Ryan looked delighted and babbled, “I have never flown into the sky before! It is so beautiful!” Looking down from above, the beauty and prosperity of the First District were very stunning. 

“I will take you on a spaceship in the future.” Chu Yuwen’s eyes were smiling as he used an affectionate tone, “I will take you to see the Milky Way.” 

Ryan stared longingly, nodded with emphasis, and turned to look out of the window again. 

The moment he turned his head, the smile on his face faded as the emotion in his eyes fell silent. 

Yan Weiliang had seen the scenery of the imperial capital more than he could count. He once flew over the First District by himself in a mech. At first, he also thought it was beautiful here. But later, when he saw the desolation of other districts, he felt that this prosperity was too hypocritical. 

Humans were suffering under peace and prosperity.  

He thought he was tired of seeing this scenery, but today’s trip with Chu Yuwen gave him a new sense of wonder. 

This should be the first time they see the scenery together. 

Or because he was with his sworn enemy. 

This feeling was different, if subtle.  

“Okay, it’s about time.” After seeing almost the entire First District, Chu Yuwen let the self-driving hovercar slowly descend and retract its wings. “Did you have fun with today’s still?”

Ryan’s eyes were curved. “Yes, I had a blast. I never had this kind of fun with anyone for so long.”

“Are you hungry then? It is about time to have lunch.” Chu Yuwen asked this very casually, “Where do you want to go for lunch?”

—The Michelin restaurant at Thirty-Six Avenues des Champs-Élysées. 

As Yan Weiliang was about to blurt out the place he used to go, he quickly silenced himself. 

Chu Yuwen dutifully introduced many scenic spots to him in the morning but did not tell him the name of any street or restaurant. 


So Ryan should not be able to respond. 

This was another test.  

This morning’s indulgence was for him to lower his guard.

Yan Weiliang chuckled. At all times, he should never lower his guard against his opponent.

Ryan shook his head, raised his eyes, and replied, “I do not know what place serves delicious food…How about you decide?”

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