Sweet Alpha

Chapter 6: 6

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Ch6 - Call Mister

The Marvelous Liang Liang; Dress-Up Game

Editor: MinMin 

Chu Yuwen’s eyes landed on Ryan, who maintained a calm expression that said, ‘I am ignorant, so you decide’. 

Chu Yuwen withdrew his eyes. “The Michelin restaurant.”



When the hover car heard the command, its blue light turned on as the vehicle moved to its new destination. 

The Michelin restaurant is a western restaurant that has a very comfortable environment, quality service, and a large variety of food that has an exquisite and delightful taste in the capital. It has insane prices as well, of course.  

Chu Yuwen remembered how much the little guy loved the steak and cake in the morning, so he simply let the youth eat his fill in one sitting, before taking him to enjoy Asian cuisine in the future. 


Chu Yuwen’s identity predestined him to have privileges wherever he went. There was no need to make a reservation or wait in line. The dishes he ordered would always be a priority and be served first, so they would enjoy the best service from the entrance to their table. 

Yan Weiliang also has the same privileges. He even got a special private room in this restaurant as a regular. 

Although he could walk around the restaurant with his eyes closed, Ryan still needed to pretend that this was his first time here and followed cautiously behind Chu Yuwen, checking out the exquisite furnishings from time to time. 


They were seated in a luxurious and secluded private room. The napkins and silverware were already prepared. 

The sizzling grilled steaks were quickly served. The meat’s color was glistering, seared crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, fatty but not greasy. It got some chew with its tendons near the bone. Topped with a thick black pepper sauce, it was a mouth-watering combination of color, smell, and taste. 

The fried steamed buns were served next, followed by smoked salmon, chicken braised in red wine, and a delicious cream of mushroom soup. 


In addition, there were a variety of fruit juice drinks to choose from. After the main course, there would be delicious desserts such as fruit pudding and mousse cake.  

Ryan was overwhelmed by this feast for the eyes. 

When all the dishes were served, the waiters exited the room and gently closed the door. Chu Yuwen encouraged, “Let’s eat.”

Ryan tried to recall how Chu Yuwen used the knife and fork in the morning. He clutched the silverware in both hands and awkwardly sewed at the food on his plate. 

Chu Yuwen kindly asked, “Do you need me to help you?” 

He was very interested in feeding Ryan. 

This time, Ryan firmly turned down the offer, saying, “Lord Marshal, I want to learn on my own.” He lowered his voice, “…I do not want to have to ask for help forever.”

The youth’s voice was soft and sticky, but there was a sense of determination in his eyes. 

Chu Yuwen replied, “Okay, I will teach you.” 

He picked up the knife and fork and gave Ryan a demonstration. “Hold the fork in your left hand, and the knife in your right hand. Put your index finger on the handle of the cutlery, and do not face your wrists outward…”

Ryan looked without blinking and imitated mechanically. 


Chu Yuwen’s table etiquette was more elegant and exemplary than any aristocrats in the Empire, without deliberate pretentiousness. 

He is the Marshal of the Empire. He could fight alone for months on end in the dark battlefield, taking nutrition solutions to satisfy his hunger, or sit in a brightly lit room with well-dressed people and enjoy a gourmet meal.  

It was different from those aristocrats who could not handle even the smallest hardship. 

This was a soldier who had fought back against the zerg many times and protected the empire and its people. The aristocrats under his protection were only interested in power and secretly cursed the so-called Marshal as a vulgar and reckless man who only knew how to fight and kill, hoping to curry favor with the Third Prince, who stood on the opposite side of the Marshal. 

Yan Weiliang never paid attention to such dancing clowns. 

He would never slander a worthy opponent.  

Chu Yuwen looked up and noticed that Ryan had stopped cutting. The boy was just quietly looking at him, so he asked, “Did you get it?”

Ryan nodded, lowered his head, and began to cut his steak in style, but he still had a hard time with the precise motion. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tbe jgf vblcu la kgbcu. Ktfgf lr cb cffv ab tbiv la rb aluta.” C ygbjv qjiw revvfcis kgjqqfv jgbecv tlr tjcv, jcv j vffq nblmf mjwf ogbw jybnf tlr tfjv, fztjilcu j ygfjat atja ygertfv atf alqr bo tlr tjlg. 

Tjc Qfliljcu’r ybvs rajucjafv jr tf gfragjlcfv atf olutalcu lcralcma atja regufv eq lc tlr ybvs, reqqgfrrlcu atf atbeuta bo ygfjxlcu atf cfmx bo atf qfgrbc yftlcv tlw.  

Most of those who approached too closely behind him were dead. 

Chu Yuwen was too strong for his current weak self, making him miss Chu Yuwen’s approach. 

Ryan raised his eyes suspiciously and asked, “Lord Marshal?”

Chu Yuwen came behind him without him noticing. He bent down and taught him the proper way to hold a knife and fork.  

The backrest was the only thing standing between them, but the petite and beautiful youth seemed to be enveloped in the arms of the handsome young man. 

The two palms with thin calluses held the boy’s soft and fair hands. The contrast was very obvious. Ryan was paler than Chu Yuwen, and his hands were much smaller. This was the difference between a youth and a young man. 

Chu Yuwen corrected his movements bit by bit, held his hand, and cut off a piece of meat, putting it in Ryan’s mouth. 

Then he let go of Ryan’s hands and returned to his seat.  

Ryan chewed slowly and swallowed. 

The youth hardly made a sound when eating, and he did not gobble his food. He did not have the kind of composure of putting on a show during dining that some aristocrats have, but the way he ate was very gentle and pleasing to the eyes. 


Chu Yuwen felt a sense of satisfaction when he watched the boy eat as if he was getting full from it. 

Ryan hesitated for a moment and asked, “Lord Marshal, you are not eating?” 

I am full just from watching you eat. 

Chu Yuwen did not say this out loud, otherwise, it would make his little fellow feel uncomfortable. 

He stated along the way, “Do not call me Lord Marshal in the future.”

“Eh?” Ryan was at a loss. 

“That’s an address for an outsider. You are no longer one.” Chu Yuwen raised his eyes. “You can call me mister or call me by my name.”

It was only then that Ryan remembered that he and this man had become a legitimate couple. 

Naturally, Ryan dared not address the imperial Marshal directly by name, so he had to whisper, “…Okay, mister.”

The meal was quiet. Ryan was not a big eater and was full after eating small portions. He was using a spoon to dig into a piece of cream on the cake, which was decorated with cherries and blueberries, both of which tasted fresh and sweet.  

With one bite, his lips were covered with a bit of cream, against his flower-like, delicate face, making him appear like a huge, sweet cream cake, just like the smell of his pheromone. 

Chu Yuwen went to ask for a glass of cold water. 

The little guy was a feast for his eyes; he needed to calm down. 


After lunch, Chu Yuwen has someone send Ryan back to his mansion since he has other things to do. The Marshal was always so busy that it was extremely rare for him to spend a morning with Ryan. 

In the absence of Chu Yuwen, the servants in the mansion dared not neglect him. Whenever they saw him, they all respectfully greeted him, “Madam.”

The Ryan of today was different from the Ryan of yesterday, as he was registered as the Marshal’s spouse, and no one had the thought of offending him with this fact alone. 

Ryan only showed a flattered look.  

The housekeeper personally introduced him to the layout of the Marshal’s residence. “The first floor is the living room, the second floor is the Lord Marshal’s study and some equipment rooms. The third floor is the guest room and the master bedroom. The fourth floor is the dining room and the lounge, which has an indoor pool. There is a garden behind the house, where you can go for a walk at your leisure. If you want to go shopping or hold a banquet, you can ask the servants, and they will prepare everything.”

“I can go anywhere?” Ryan said. 

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“Yes, you can go anywhere you want.” The housekeeper replied. 

Ryan asked to confirm, “That includes the study?” He was showing some worry. “I am afraid of going into places I should not go. For example…an off-limits area?” 

The housekeeper smiled. “This is Lord Marshal’s home. There is no such area. You can go to the library to read. Lord Marshal does not like to be disturbed when he is in the office, but if it is you, maybe he will make an exception.”

Ryan nodded. “I got it. Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure.” The housekeeper bowed slightly. “Your room is the second from the left on the third floor, but tonight you should be sleeping with Lord Marshal in the master bedroom, the third room from the left.”

Sleeping with Chu Yuwen… 

Yan Weiliang felt an incoming headache. He had a hunch that he would be losing sleep tonight. 

Ryan beamed. “Okay.”

The housekeeper nodded and added, “If madam has nothing else that needs me, I will go back to work.”

Ryan replied, “Okay.” 

The housekeeper bowered again, turned, and left. 

Ryan’s warm smile gradually dropped by a few degrees. 

The permission to enter all areas was given to him with such confidence, whether it was a bait to lure him in or this place did not hold what he sought. 

The real place Chu Yuwen dealt with private matters must be at the military headquarters, a place that was off-limits even for family members.  

Yan Willing was not in a hurry to search for anything. So this afternoon, he wandered around the mansion curiously, like a real youth who unexpectedly gained the Marshal’s favor. After a while, he got tired and ran back to his room to surf the net. 

He knew that his every move was being watched. 

Military headquarters. 

Chu Yuwen kept receiving updates from the housekeeper all afternoon.

Joel: [Madam spent half an hour in the garden.]


Joel: [Madam went to the study and read the Achievements History of the Marshal.] 

Joel: [Madam played in the pool.] 

Joel: [Madam went to the game room on the fourth floor to play a game for ten minutes.]

Chu Yuwen: [What game? Did he have fun?]

Joel: [Galactic War. Not very interested. Looking at the gameplay, madam is a novice. Madam died many times in a single game, so he got angry and closed the game.]

Chu Yuwen pictured the boy’s pouting appearance and unknowingly curled his lips.  

Galactic War is a virtual reality simulation game set in interstellar wars. People could choose a faction and profession to defend against the zerg. Players could also compete with other factions, or even other players in a one-on-one or team battle. 

Because mental power was needed to connect to virtual reality games, the strength of the characters in the game was also linked to the player’s actual strength. Many military schools would use this game to train students in combat simulation practice. 

This game was the most popular among alphas in the Star Network app store. It could be imagined that omegas were guaranteed to get crushed playing this game, which resulted in an extremely poor gaming experience. 

Omegas do not like games that only involve killing and fighting. They prefer to play dress-up or mini-games.  

Chu Yuwen: [What is he doing now?]

Joel: [Madam is surfing the network in his bedroom. Searching for questions such as ‘why is steak so delicious?’ He does not seem to be familiar with using this state-of-the-art optical computer.]

Chu Yuwen: [Download the Marvelous Liang Liang; Dress-Up Game for him.]

Joel at the mansion sprayed water on his screen. For the first time, a startled look appeared on that handsome and calm face.  

The Marvelous Liang Liang; Dress-Up Game is a popular dress-up game in interstellar. It had been loved by omegas since its public beta testing. The game was about a girl named Liang Liang, who solved all her problems by changing her outfits. 

There was nothing that could not be solved by changing one article of clothing, and if there was, then changing two articles of clothing. 

Despite the high popularity of this game, Joel could hardly imagine the Marshal’s expression when typing the name of the game. 

Joel: […Understood.] 

Ryan was lying on the bed, engrossed in his optical computer. Optical computers are widely used throughout the world nowadays, and the middle three districts were not so backward that they did not even have these devices. It was not like they were isolated from the world. 


It was just that the optical computer prepared for him was much faster than an ordinary one available in the Fourth District. The internal memory was also infinitely larger, allowing any game to run very smoothly. 

He suddenly heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.  

Ryan immediately got up and sat down. “Come in.”

Joel, the housekeeper, walked in. 

Ryan politely asked, “What can I do for you?”

Joel gently said to the outrageously beautiful youth, “Madam, please allow me to use your optical computer.” 

“Of course.” Ryan handed him the device in his palm and said, somewhat embarrassingly, “This was given to me in the first place.”

“Madam, you misunderstood. It is yours now. I am just borrowing it.” Joel quickly downloaded the game and returned the optical computer to the youth.

Ryan’s eyes popped when he saw the pink, pretty-dressed girl app icon on the screen. 

He smiled, “This is…” 

“This is a game.” Joel said in a haste, “You can use it to pass the time.”

“Have fun playing.” Joel stepped out and closed the door in one go. 

Yan Weiliang lowered his head, pondered for ten seconds, and opened the dress-up game that he had never paid attention to before. 

The pink and bright page soon appeared, with the following big characters—[For ages six and up.] 

…The Third Prince, who had never played games under an age limit of eighteen—quit overthinking it, what he played was all kinds of gory life-like games, and always dominated the top ranking. 

He was also the leader of the bard class in the Galactic War and the top combat force of the human faction. The reason he played so poorly was to deceive the watching eyes. 

It seemed that his deception was too successful. 

He would only give this childish game ten minutes of his time. Yan Weiliang thought in disdain.  

He played the game with a straight face and began to match the exquisite virtual character with her hairstyle, skirt, shoes, socks, and accessories…

The Third Prince possessed a high aesthetic, and as he played this game, he felt that the game’s recommended combination was ugly and simply too over-decorated. He must turn this terrible situation around and dress the virtual character in very beautiful clothes. 


Two hours later.

Chu Yuwen: [Does he like the game?] 

Joel: [Madam loves it. He played for two hours, matched 32 sets of outfits, and posted and shared them all on his social network. We all gave him a like.]

Chu Yuwen: [Share the link.]

Chu Yuwen: [I will also give him a like.]

Joel: […Oh, right away.] 

Which person’s soul transmigrated into Lord Marshal’s body?

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