Sweet Husband Pampers His Wife

Chapter 44: CH 45

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I dedicate this chappy to one of my closest friend’s baby girl~ Welcome to this world princess! Can see that you’re excited to see this world since you came out one month earlier than expected(*’∀’人)♡♡

May you be blessed with good health, good looks, good academics, and good taste in romance novels like me (*´∀`*)

It took Fei Fei a while to process the meaning of that sentence. After a while, she asked meekly, “really? I can call your mummy and go home with you? Grandma… Grandma said she’s sending me to an orphanage. I don’t want to go there. Grandma said… I can make a lot of friends there, but I just don’t like it.” 

The little girl’s sentences were choppy and her voice was soft and self-abased. It sounded very pitiful that Mo Li Xin felt a wave of sadness, but she was also surprised because this was the most words she heard Fei Fei speak in one go since knowing her. 

“En, when have I ever lied to you? Or you can ask Daddy Nan Feng if the things I said were true.”

After Fei Fei heard her words, the corners of her mouth lifted ever so slightly.

Mo Li Xin knew that Fei Fei’s autism was more severe and every word she spoke required a lot of courage. Thus, the length of her speech verified how much she desired for something. Just like at this moment, Fei Fei was afraid. Her grandma was gone, it was only natural that she was grieving and fearful of her uncertain future. And so, Mo Li Xin’s passionate words filled her with a sense of relief and hope.

In fact, long before this, Mo Li Xin had already discussed this with Ji Nan Feng. In the event that Grandma Fei passed away early, they would adopt Fei Fei. It was just that before they managed to inform Grandma Fei of their plans, she had already left them.

“Wlk Wlk, pbyzz ol ts bsxl? El nyd nsxl ytykd dlmv vkxl obldlhla usw’al xkppkdt Qaydexy,” Ys Nk Dkd nsymle.

Wlk Wlk zssjle yv vbl rbsvs sd vbl vsxcpvsdl sdl zypv vkxl clqsal dseekdt blpkvydvzu. Gqvlaoyaep, yzz vball csole kd alprlnv clqsal zlyhkdt.

Ju vbld, vbl pdsoqyzz bye kdnalyple. Rv czydjlvle vbl pju yde taswde kd obkvl, zlyhkdt pkzbswlvvlp sq vos ckt yde sdl pxyzz pbyesop pzsozu ekpyrrlyakdt byde kd byde.

Rd saela vs rashkel Wlk Wlk okvb y tsse nbkzebsse, vblu elnkele vs nbydtl bla pwadyxl. Fbl oswze vyjl sd Ys Nk Dkd’p pwadyxl, clnsxkdt Ys Wlk Wlk. Gde obld vblu altkpvlale Kk Hk Swk’p rlaxydldv alpkeldnl, vblu oswze yzps yrrzu qsa blap.

Fkdnl vbld, Kk Lyd Wldt’p pxyzz qyxkzu sq vos byp kdnalyple vs qswa. Gde sq nswapl, csvb Kk yde Ys qyxkzklp olznsxle Wlk Wlk okvb srld yaxp.


Fssd kv nyxl vbl eyu sq vbl Twdeale Pyup Jydiwlv1. Gnnsaekdt vs Ys Nk Dkd’p rzyd, vbyv eyu oyp dsv sdzu vs kdvasewnl zkvvzl Hk Swk vs lhlausdl, cwv vs yzps kdvasewnl Wlk Wlk. Jsvb Kk yde Ys qyxkzklp olal sq ralpvktkswp cynjtaswde, bldnl nswdvzlpp rlsrzl yvvldele vbl cydiwlv altyaezlpp sq bso ellr vblka vklp olal okvb vblx. 

“Jasvbla Kk, R vawpv usw’hl clld olzz pkdnl ol zypv xlv? Uskdnkeldvyzzu, R shlablyae uswa nlzlcayvksd obkzl R oyp kd Uswdvau G. Fs R pbyxlzlppzu kdhkvle xuplzq vs fskd vbl qwd. Jasvbla Kk eslpd’v xkde, es usw?”

No matter how much Ji Nan Feng did not like Boss Luo, in consideration of today’s event, he replied, “of course not. Everyone who turns up is a guest of ours.” 

Ji Nan Feng left him as soon as he finished his glass of wine.

After a while, Mo Li Xin carried the infant and led Fei Fei into the ballroom. On the half-meter high stage, the emcee began his speech.

“Today is a cloudless and auspicious day, Ji Family celebrates the birth of their son. And representing the hosting family, I would like to thank all that have attended and we’ve received your well wishes.”  

After hearing the introduction, everyone turned in the direction of Mo Li Xin. They were mainly women, scrutinizing the two children, one big and one small. 

This was the first time Fei Fei was faced with such a large crowd of people. Inevitably, she would feel nervous. Although she came to Ji Family for more than two months, and Fei Fei’s condition had improved under their meticulous care and attention. But she was barely able to adapt to this situation even though she was holding onto Mo Li Xin.

“I didn’t know exactly who Third Master Ji was. Turns out he’s already married. I only got to know of this piece of news last month. Who knew that not only is he married, he even has children already,” a madam whispered.

“Exactly! There were rumors before but I didn’t believe them. Turns out they were true,” the person beside replied.

“I heard of this about a year back when I was coincidentally attending a party. But at that time, I thought that she was just Second Young Master Ji’s girlfriend since he didn’t clarify. It was afterwards that I learnt that they were already married for a year!”

“Wasn’t his partner originally Duan An Ran or something like that? Why did the person disappear and someone else pops out to be Second Young Master Ji’s wife? And she even turned out to be Mo Family’s Miss.”

“Ah, you must not have known. This Duan An Ran seemed to have committed some serious crime and was arrested shortly after Bai Sha Exhibition last year. She’s currently serving time in prison! And as for what happened in between… I think no one would ever know,” the first madam that started this topic gossiped.

Married women, in general, would always have an endless amount of things to gossip about. But their words did not affect the party who was the center of their conversation. As of now, Mo Li Xin and Ji Nan Feng were currently playing with their children as if they were the only ones present. 

The surrounding madams watching in envy. Everyone belonged in the upper class society, yet how many could proudly proclaim that they married their spouses because of love? Majority had their marriages arranged by their family due to some political or business motives. Feelings and emotions were not part of the equation. Naturally, they would not be able to portray such a loving front like the family before them. However, there was not much that they could comment about other than just watching enviously.

“Mommy, when can little Rui’er, talk and play with me?” Fei Fei gently squeezed little Zi Rui’s tiny hand and asked.

“He’s still too young. Wait till Fei Fei enters elementary school then is Rui Rui big enough to play and chat with his sister,” Mo Li Xin explained patiently as she caressed Fei Fei’s head.

“Oh… then Fei Fei will study hard and make it to elementary school soon! So little brother can start playing with me.”

“En, then Fei Fei must study hard and make more friends. So that next time you can introduce them to your little brother,” from time to time, Mo Li Xin would be seen guiding Fei Fei, as though it has already become a habit. 

It had also proven that her methods were effective as in the past two months, Fei Fei’s condition had improved by leaps and bounds. Now Fei Fei was not as taciturn as she used to be and neither did she continue hiding in a corner. Regardless of whoever that met little Fei Fei, they would form a favorable impression of this likeable child.

On the day they brought Fei Fei for household registration, Mo Li Xin and Ji Nan Feng finally understood why they felt so inexplicably familiar with her. It happened that Fei Fei’s birthday fell on the same day as when Mo Li Xin was forced to abort their baby in their last life. This was probably fate!

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“Mommy, I want to go to the toilet,” she stood up to leave as she completed her sentence.

“Fei Fei, I’ll accompany you,” Mo Li Xin also stood up and said uneasily. After all, there were many people around. Even though they made prior arrangements to have the whole location under surveillance, it was still hard to guarantee that no accidents would occur.

The place where the Hundred Days Banquet was held was not at home, nor in the old mansion, but in a hotel. So when Fei Fei went to the bathroom, Mo Li Xin waited outside with a bodyguard a few steps away. Ji Nan Feng had demanded so for safety reasons.

This was because, more than half a year ago at Bai Sha Exhibition, the crime syndicate was nearly completely eradicated. However, even with the most intricate of plans, the leader still managed to escape and there had been no news since. Even Lu Xing Yan was powerless. Thus, for safety’s sake, Ji Nan Feng made sure to protect Mo Li Xin and their children closely.

Just so happened, nothing had happened yet.

“Mrs. Ji, what are you doing here?” While Mo Li Xin was standing outside, a man leaving the men’s toilet spotted her and asked. 

Mo Li Xin turned and noticed the man who was addressed as Boss Luo. Although she did not like the gloomy feeling this person gave her, she still politely replied, “I’m waiting for Fei Fei who’s in the toilet.” 

As soon as her words fell, Fei Fei exited the washroom. Fei Fei’s expression immediately paled, showing that something was wrong.

“Ah! Mommy, mommy, that person… that person… ah… wuu, wuu…” Fei Fei suddenly looked extremely terrified as she cried in hesteria and hid behind Mo Li Xin.

“What’s the matter Fei Fei? Mommy’s here,” Mo Li Xin was at a loss. Why was Fei Fei’s demeanour like this after a trip to the washroom? 

Fei Fei did not speak any more afterwards. She just clung tightly onto Mo Li Xin’s clothes.

Mo Li Xin was bewildered. Disregarding Boss Luo, she picked Fei Fei up and left.

Except for Fei Fei that started withdrawing after her trip to the toilet, the Hundred Days Banquet could be said to have concluded smoothly. After the banquet, Fei Fei did not speak for several days.


“What’s wrong? Look at your frown,” Mo Li Xin holding a glass of water approached Ji Nan Feng who was sitting on the sofa.

“It’s nothing. Just that, that group is taking actions again. Yet we’re unsure what they’re planning to do. For now, whenever you want to go out, remember to call upon me.”

“Why are they appearing again? Truly, a centipede dies but never falls down2,” she lamented.

“Oh yes, it will be Ji Zi Hang’s 10th birthday. Don’t forget, we’ll have to attend.”

Ji Zi Hang was Ji Nan Feng’s nephew. Although Ji Nan Feng and Ji Family’s eldest young master were step siblings, there was no conflict between them. In fact, their relationship was pretty amicable even though they did not actively contact each other other than during festive periods. Their blood relation was not something that could be forgone. 

Wei Xiu Lan only married into the family a few years after the death of Ji Family’s eldest young master’s mother. It was just that, not even a year after she married, Father Ji passed away dubiously. 

Hence the age gap of ten years between Ji Nan Feng and his half brother. And although Ji Zi Rui had only just celebrated his Hundred Days Banquet, Ji Zi Hang was already ten years old. 

“I know,” he replied lightly.

“Oh yes, I’ve decided to go back to work tomorrow. If I still don’t go, I’ll start to get moldy.”

Normal people’s confinement only lasted for a month. She however, was forced to do three months. 

After much hesitation, he finally gave in, “en, but you’ll have to let the family chauffeur take you there. And when you’re at work, remember to always pay attention to your safety.” 

“En, my company’s security is very strigient. After all, it’s your second Brother’s company, don’t you have faith-” 

Mo Li Xin immediately covered her mouth the moment those words left her lips. Ever since returning from Bai Sha Exhibition, Ji Nan Feng learnt that Gong Ze Yun was also a reborn person who had loved Mo Li Xin for both lifetimes. The two seldom saw each other again. For one it was extremely awkward. And two… they no longer see eye to eye. Fortunately, their relationship can still be said to be maintainable.

Mo Li Xin was eternally grateful to Gong Ze Yun. After all, he had helped her a lot in both lives. Unfortunately, there are some things that could not be reciprocated. She even thought hard on how to repay him. At that time, it was a month after they returned back to Country A, when she accidentally overheard a conversation when she went for her checkup.

Gong Ze Yun warned Ji Nan Feng that if he mistreated her, even in the slightest, he would take her away without hesitation. Even if it meant the end of their brotherhood.

He said that in their previous life, he placed importance on their brotherhood, hence he decided to give up on her. However, in this life, if she was ever unhappy, he would give up on said brotherhood for her.

He treated her extremely well, and she was very grateful. But that was all it was, gratitude. There was nothing else she could give him.

Ah… my poor second male lead 

And I would like to give a heads up to everyone reading this novel… My exams are round the corner so postings will be erratic… Once again, much apologies in advance!


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