Sweet Husband Pampers His Wife

Chapter 45: CH 46

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Mo Li Xin was the last to arrive at the company. No one expected that she would suddenly turn up for work. Everyone was pleasantly surprised, especially the coworkers that shared the same office as her previously.

“Team leader! You’ve finally returned. I thought you were going to convert into a full-time mother and stop coming back,” Dai Meng was the first to speak.

“What team leader? She’s now our design director! Did you forget to bring your brain today?” Liu Feng joked.

“Oh, yes yes yes, look at my memory!”

“Previously I was caught up with some stuff hence I couldn’t come to work. Sorry for making everyone worried. And… where am I seated now?” 

When Mo Li Xin arrived, she noticed that her original seat had been occupied by another person. If she guessed correctly, this should be someone that was hired this year.

“Oh, you’re now assigned to your personal office above. It’s the vacant room previously used by the last supervisor before he was transferred. Now, our whole department is directly under your care so that supervisor spot is currently empty. The previous supervisor has been transferred to another department,” Cheng Si Hao stood up and explained to her.

“Oh, Senior Cheng, my personal office? Where is it?” she asked.

Ubldt Fk Tys pxkzle, “ralhkswpzu obld usw qkapv fskdle vbl nsxrydu kv oyp sjyu vs yeealpp xl yp ‘Fldksa Ubldt’. Lso vbyv usw’al xu kxxlekyvl pwrlaksa, kv’p dsv vss qkvvkdt vs yeealpp xl yp pwnb yduxsal. Kwpv nyzz xl Jasvbla Ubldt. Gp qsa vbl sqqknl, R’zz cakdt usw vblal, kv tslp okvbswv pyukdt.”

Ys Nk Dkd pnayvnble bla blye yde pxkzle pbllrkpbzu. Ebld pbl qkapv fskdle, bl oyp vbl sdl obs vywtbv bla vbl asrlp yde yaaydtle osaj qsa bla. Fbl bye yzalyeu tsvvld wple vs yeealppkdt bkx vbyv oyu.

“Tlu Ys Nk Dkd, R vawzu wdelalpvkxyvle usw. Ebs jdsop usw byhl psxl pwcpvydnl yqvla yzz! Zsw lhld xydytle vs tykd zkxlzktbv kd pwnb y ckt lhldv zkjl Jyk Fby Ombkckvksd. Xdl fwpv eslpd’v jdso bso zsdt uswa tsse zwnj okzz zypv,” vbl sdl obs prsjl oyp dsdl svbla vbyd, vbl rlapsd obs pvsse pkzldvzu vbaswtbswv vbl obszl lmnbydtl, yde vbl sdzu sdl kd vbl sqqknl vbyv eke dsv zkjl Ys Nk Dkd, Nk Ly.

Ys Nk Dkd aykple bla lulcasop, “Nk Ly, R byhl y iwlpvksd vbyv R’hl yzoyup oydvle vs ypj. Mblal’p ds taklhydnlp clvolld wp, ulv qasx vbl hlau qkapv vkxl ol xlv, usw byvle yde vyatlvle xl yv lhlau srrsavwdkvu usw’hl tsv. Ebu kp vbyv?”

Nk Ly blpkvyvle, clqsal pdllakdt, “ds alypsd. Zsw’al dsv SYJ1, obu xwpv R zkjl usw? R fwpv ekpzkjl usw okvbswv alypsd. Gde lhld kq vblal kp y alypsd, obu xwpv R vlzz usw?” 

Ys Nk Dkd oyp prllnbzlpp, “R’x dsv ypjkdt usw vs zkjl xl, yde dlkvbla es R nsdpkela xuplzq yp SYJ. R’x fwpv nwakswp pkdnl usw schkswpzu elprkpl xl yde olal tkhld vbl srrsavwdkvu vs pokvnb vs ydsvbla elryavxldv, obu byhl usw dsv esdl ps?”

Ms cl bsdlpv, pkdnl y obkzl cynj Ys Nk Dkd bye clld rwggzle cu vbkp. Valhkswpzu pbl alxlxclale Pyk Yldt pyukdt vbyv Nk Ly’p qyxkzu pllxle vs cl olyzvbu. Nk Ly lhld tayewyvle qasx y ralpvktkswp wdkhlapkvu. Ys Nk Dkd yzps qlzv vbyv Nk Ly oyp y nyryczl kdekhkewyz, ps kq pbl oydvle vs pokvnb elryavxldvp, kv oyp bktbzu rsppkczl. Gv zlypv kd vbkp elryavxldv, vblal oyp ds sdl Nk Ly oyp qsde sq vbyv oswze xyjl bla wdokzzkdt vs zlyhl.

Mbkp cyqqzlxldv alxykdle wdvkz vbl hlau dlmv eyu. Ebld pbl oldv vs vbl wdelataswde nya ryaj, pbl qkdyzzu wdelapvsse.

The family’s chauffeur would usually pick her up at the basement car park. But today, the driver had yet to arrive, allowing her to overhear the conversation between two people. 

“Cousin, why are you so infatuated with that married woman? What’s so good about her that you treat her so well? You privately express your concern for her and secretly protect her. I don’t understand, I really can’t understand.”

The speaker was Li Na, and the one she addressed as cousin was Gong Ze Yun. Mo Li Xin was dumbstruck, in this era, were there still cousins that express affections like this? Maybe, they were really distant cousins?

“I only treat you as my cousin. No matter what you say, it will not change anything.”

“Who wants to be your cousin! We’re not blood-related in any way. Everyone knows that I’m just Mum’s adopted daughter,” Li Na cried.

“Na Na, please calm down first. You know that this is how I am,” Gong Ze Yun held his forehead.

After listening to his words, Li Na’s cries changed to hysterical laughter, “aren’t you afraid that I’ll do something to your love in secret?!”

“You won’t. You might spout cruel words and look difficult to get along with. But you’re definitely not one that plays dirty tricks behind others’ backs. Even if you dislike Li Xin, you’ll only express it vocally in front of her,” Gong Ze Yun said confidently.

“Haha, haha…” Li Na continued giggling madly as if she suddenly understood. 

“Gong Ze Yun, I realised that you’re a heartless person. Your self-proclaimed affection will never bear fruits in the end. You and I are the same kind of people. I’ve chased after you for eight years and even before my love is returned, I’ve been hurt countless times. I suddenly feel that you’re very pitiful, as pitiful as me even. And I pity Mo Li Xin, for being loved by a pervert like you. Don’t worry, this is the thousandth time you’ve rejected me. I don’t hate you, but what little love I had for you has been exhausted. So from now on, let’s act like strangers and never cross each other’s path again.”

When Mo Li Xin saw Li Na again, it was a few days later. Because she had things to do, she did not join the others for lunch. Making her the only one left in the office when Li Na came back to pack her things. From the looks of it, Li Na had resigned.

“That evening… I unintentionally overheard your conversation.” Mo Li Xin started.

Whilst packing her things, Li Na’s eyes flickered. She smiled, “so? Are you happy? Glad that you’ll always have someone at your beck and call?” 

“I never thought like that! I just think that you’re his fated half.”

Li Na pursed her lips and put down her things, “did you think by saying that, I’ll like you?”

“Li Na, I don’t like you. Even if, as Gong Ze Yun said, you’re just a soft-hearted person with a sharp tongue. I think that you’re very stupid.” Mo Li Xin replied.

She really did not like Li Na, but Mo Li Xin did not hate her. Moreover, she felt inexplicable that Li Na and Gong Ze Yun were well matched.

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It was because they were both extremely affectionate people and their love was clear and humble. Mo Li Xin knew that she was probably also selfish. Gong Ze Yun was a good man but she could not repay his love. Now, seeing a woman who loved him so deeply, Mo Li Xin did not want him to miss this chance.

Li Na, this person would not allow herself to suffer from the slightest of grievance. But she was also an upright person who dared to love and hate. Working in the same office as her for so long, Mo Li Xin only truly understood Li Na after that encounter in the underground car park that day.

It turns out, Li Na wanted to find out why Gong Ze Yun liked her so.

Infatuation to this point was worth admiring. After all, to Li Na, she was the reason why she could not be together with Gong Ze Yun.

After hearing Mo Li Xin’s words, Li Na did not comment. She just sighed while smiling bleakly as she lifted her box and headed for the exit. 

“I may be stupid, but I don’t regret it. I’m just tired,” she said as she passed by Mo Li Xin.

Seeing Li Na was about to disappear from her sight, Mo Li Xin suddenly shouted, “you’re tired, but he’ll also get tired.”

Therefore, Gong Ze Yun would not like her forever. If Li Na could wait, she would definitely be able to wait for him.

After speaking, Li Na turned the corner and departed. Mo Li Xin did not notice Li Na suddenly smiling brilliantly.  

Soon, the day of Ji Zi Hang’s tenth birthday banquet arrived. As the head of Ji’s family, the number of people who came to Elder Brother Ji’s event would naturally not be lesser than the number of people who attended Ji Zi Rui’s Hundred Days Banquet.

“Mummy, Brother Zi Hang is so good looking,” Fei Fei sat at the table with her hands resting on her chin, as her big doe eyes stared blinking at the serious-looking and formally dressed ten-year-old boy.

Mo Li Xin stroked Fei Fei’s head, “you have yet to meet Brother Zi Hang right? Let’s get Brother Zi Hang to come over later okay?”

Although that was what she said, she did not have any idea how to go about doing that. Ji Zi Hang was born with superb wisdom, having both high IQ and EQ. He acted just like a little adult and he preferred fidgeting with his computer to playing with his peers. Even Ji Nan Feng’s brother did not know how to interact with him, let alone her, his little aunt.

Yet, unexpectedly Fei Fei chirped, “no need, I’ve met Brother Zi Hang and he even gave me his chocolate cake.”

“Chocolate cake?”

“Yup! Just now in the backyard, I saw a big sister giving it to Brother Zi Hang. The cake looks delicious, but Brother Zi Hang didn’t like it. After that big sister left, he put the cake on the stone table and left. I saw that he was gone, so I went over to eat it. But Brother Zi Hang suddenly came back and saw me. But he didn’t scold me oh. He just asked who I am.’

Little Fei Fei said that sentence in one breath. Her ability to express herself had significantly improved and Mo Li Xin roughly knew the reason. 

But she was intrigued, the Ji Zi Hang she knew seemed to act differently.

As she was thinking about it, Ji Zi Hang approached them holding a gift box in his hand.

“Hello Little Aunt,” he greeted Mo Li Xin politely before turning to address Fei Fei. 

“Someone gave this to me but it doesn’t suit me. For you.”

“Give me? What is it? Fei Fei may be a girl, but I don’t like Barbie dolls oh,” Fei Fei received the present and opened it without hesitation.

It turned out to be a jigsaw puzzle, probably the kind with more than a thousand pieces. But the small box only contained a portion of it.

“Wow! It’s a jigsaw puzzle. How did Brother Zi Hang know that I like jigsaw puzzles?” Fei Fei questioned as she raised her head.

Mo Li Xin witnessed Ji Zi Hang turning his head awkwardly and nervously, “coincidence.”

Mo Li Xin was more than ten years older than Ji Zi Hang, all the rice she ate was not for nothing. She could tell that Ji Zi Hang liked Fei Fei, but what form of liking was still unclear. She did not intend to intervene either, whether it was Fei Fei or Ji Zi Hang, they would not act recklessly.

“It was rumored that Little Master Ji considered everyone else beneath himself, and is always noble and aloof. But judging by this display, it seems that rumors are not to be trusted,” Boss Luo came up to them, swirling the red wine in his glass.

Alarm bells rang in Mo Li Xin’s head when she saw that man. She wanted to quickly hug Fei Fei. She had not forgotten how Fei Fei reacted that day when she saw him. But before she could move, she saw Ji Zi Hang placing himself in front of Fei Fei.

“Boss Luo, you seem to enjoy your stay in Country A. You must’ve liked our country’s culture immensely. Considering you have no plans to leave after staying in Country A for so long.” Ji Nan Feng nonchalantly commented as he stepped out of the house and took Mo Li Xin’s hand in his. 

“It seems that Second Young Master Ji still doesn’t know. Your elder brother and I are collaborating,” Boss Luo replied.

Ji Nan Feng paused before smiling, “so what?”

Boss Luo faltered before he grinned, “naturally it’s nothing, I just thought that I should mention it.”

Hmm… I disagree with Mo Li Xin trying to force another person onto Gong Ze Yun… it just felt very disrespectful to discredit someone’s love even if she couldn’t reciprocate it

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