Once upon a time the being known as the “Demon King”, terrorized the lands of humanity. One day a powerful duo of brothers organized a party to slay the Demon King, succeeding at the cost of the younger brother’s life. Decades later, that same man had grown a family- the Grimm family. However, the dukedom had lost power and significance in the aftermath of a war with the death of its leaders, leaving the single Ashlain Grimm, along with his three children. One child- Ashford Grimm- was always in the shadow of his renowned twin sister, Aisha Grimm, and was only ever known as the inferior twin. However, all that changed when he stumbled upon his family’s hidden secret- that his family is the descendants of ancient magicians who used the mystic art of occult magic and that the Demon King was captured, not slain. Using this newfound power, Ashford takes the Demon King as a subordinate and rises above the highest level of magicians, and becomes the empire’s strongest battlemage!
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