Swordmaster Healer

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Chapter 33 – Winter Sovereign (3)

TL: Boko

Editor: Frost


And he briefly screamed. Sung Joon hurriedly retracted his killing intent. The intervening man forcefully raised his head.

Despite him taking the full force of Sung Joon’s killing intent, his expression pretty much didn’t change.

“Mr. Park Jang Hoon lost. That guy’s stubborn and won’t back off, but if you keep going, that guy will die.”

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Yoo Shin Chul.”

Sung Joon narrowed his eyes and inspected him. Based on the clothes he was wearing, a mage’s robe, he was definitely a Mage Hunter.

“Though you did so briefly, it should’ve been extremely difficult to endure my killing intent… You seem quite relaxed.”

“It was just very briefly, but I was able to endure by reinforcing my mind with mana,” Shin Chul replied, and Sung Joon looked excited. He used his mana to reinforce his mind and resist his killing intent? It was an interesting response to his killing intent.

“It wasn’t my intent, but I caused an accident. Let’s have the briefing in the evening. Will that be alright?”

Sung Joon looked at Cha Hyun and asked. Cha Hyun just nodded his head. Eventually, Sung Joon turned his attention back to Shin Chul.

“Is he your friend?”

“You could say that. Since I’ve known him since childhood.”

“You should warn him. I can’t guarantee his life if he acts like this during the Raid,” Sung Joon said. Shin Chul smiled meaningfully, as if he completely understood the implicit meaning behind Sung Joon’s words, and nodded his head.

“Even if I don’t warn him, he probably won’t oppose you anymore. After all, he’s weak to the strong.”

“Then it’s a relief.”

Sung Joon started walking and passed by the two.

“That’s an S-rank Hunter’s killing intent…?”

“I thought I’d die.”

“He truly seems amazing.”

He heard voices in awe of his abilities from behind him. Sung Joon smiled faintly and exited the makeshift building, returning to his lodgings.

“The Mage Hunter, Yoo Shin Chul, had great sense,” Rishubalt said.

As soon as he returned to his lodgings, Rishubalt immediately spoke. Sung Joon thought the same, so he nodded his head, and opened his mouth.

“Yeah, it’s not easy to reinforce your entire body with mana.”

Magic similar to buffs, which reinforced and strengthened one’s body with magic were abundant, but magic that reinforced one’s willpower was rare.

That’s because the mind was delicate compared to the body, so using mana to reinforce it was difficult.  

“His magic senses are extroardinary.”

“Yeah, he might even have the talent to become an S-rank Hunter.”

“Are you planning on keeping an eye on him?” Rishubalt asked, and Sung Joon nodded his head.

“You never know what’ll happen when people are involved, so… there’s a possibility that I can head a guild, no?”

There was a high possibility that Sung Joon would lead a guild in the near future.

If he wanted, he could use Seol Ah to acquire the Blue Dragon Group’s aid, and form a guild.

And if it comes to all out war with the other world, it would be good to have a bodyguard he could depend on.

“Are you preparing for an all out war with the other world?”

“It’d be nice if it didn’t happen, but… if they do come over to this world, then I need to take them out.”

Various circumstances pointed towards the other world invading his own world. Sung Joon didn’t want that to happen, but if the Emperor’s army was to enter this world, he would gladly face them.

Time passed by, and it was now evening. After he finished his dinner, he got a message from Cha Hyun stating that he had set up a time for the briefing.

“Is it Team Leader Im Cha Hyun?”

“It’s in an hour, at that place before.”

“If we take into account your walking speed, and assume that you’re not going to run, it’d be best if you started walking over there immediately.”

“He said he’s sending a car over.”

When he returned to his lodgings, he found a car waiting for him. He saw Cha Hyun in front of the black sedan checking his charts, and there was also a chauffeur inside.

“You’re here. Would it be alright if we depart immediately?” Cha Hyun asked politely. Sung Joon didn’t say anything and entered the car. Cha Hyun entered the passenger seat and the chauffeur departed.

Eventually, the car stopped, and Sung Joon disembarked first, walking towards the makeshift building.

“Please go easy on them this time!”

Cha Hyun followed behind Sung Joon and yelled. Sung Joon just waved his hand, and entered the building. All of their attention was focused on him.

Sung Joon stood in front of the Hunters, and inspected them. Perhaps due to the incident in the morning, he couldn’t feel any defiant stares on him.

He exchanged glances with Jang Hoon and Shin Chul, but they just smiled meaningfully, and didn’t provoke him at all.

“It’s nice to meet you all again. I’m S-rank Hunter, Kang Sung Joon.”

Sung Joon smiled softly and spoke. He wanted to create a light-hearted mood, but the Hunters were stiff, perhaps due to the incident in the morning.

All of them were silent, but someone in the middle stood up and began to applaud.

“Now, this isn’t the first time we’ve met, but since we’ve already gone through with the introductions, isn’t it time to clap?”

It was Jang Hoon. Following him, Shin Chul began to lightly clap, and the other Hunters followed suit. Seeing that, Sung Joon smiled and shook his head.

‘Was it this…?’

Now he could understand a bit of what Shin Chul meant when he said that Jang Hoon wouldn’t oppose him any longer.

“I think I understand. It’s like the disposition of the knights who were born poor. Though they were defiant, I remember that they would completely separate the strong from the weak and follow the strong.”

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Sung Joon just nodded his head.

The Empire’s public order didn’t reach the poor, and to them, strength determined everything, not laws. Therefore, it was natural for them to follow the strong.

Just as Rishubalt said, Jang Hoon’s disposition was much closer to that of a poor man born in the Empire, rather than a contemporary man.  And Sung Joon didn’t hate that kind of person. Why? Because he was always in the position of the strong.

“Are you all finished with your introductions?”

Cha Hyun examined the mood in the building and carefully asked.

“It seems like it’s mostly finished.”

“Then, please excuse me for a moment.”

Cha Hyun, who was holding a chart, stepped in front.

“The Hunter at the back; could you please turn on the overhead projector?”

The Hunter nearby the overhead projector pressed the power button, and Cha Hyun smiled and opened his mouth.

“Thank you. Oh my, I had the remote in my hand.”

He belatedly realized that the remote was in his hand. Using the remote, he operated the overhead projector, and switched screens.

“Your team’s name is Alpha Two. The Alpha Team is responsible for destroying the warp gate while the Beta Team is responsible for limiting the spread of the battlefield. If you haven’t understood something thus far, please tell me. You can just raise your hand to ask me a question.”

There were no Hunters who raised their hands, and Cha Hyun opened his mouth to continue with his explanation.

“Alright. You all know already that your Team Leader is S-rank Hunter, Mr. Kang Sung Joon, and on the condition that you all strictly follow his command, you will be given an additional 10% reward.”

The Dungeon Bureau’s raid situation room predicted that the Raid would be at least an S-rank Raid.  If a Hunter wasn’t at the same level as the Raid or dungeon that they faced, they would receive a penalty to their rewards, but despite that, the rewards from an S-rank Raid for A-rank or B-rank Hunters should still be tremendous.

“I will stress this one more time, but the Alpha Team’s mission is to shut down and destroy the warp gate. Limiting the expansion of the battlefield is the Beta Team’s job.”

“Is there no hazard pay?”

“You should’ve been taught this when you first became a Hunter, but your hazard pay is included in your reward.”

It was a question tinged with sarcasm, but Cha Hyun naturally answered the question and went on.

“According to the raid situation room, its most likely that the warp gate will open in one of these three marked areas.”

On the projected screen, there were three dots that were highlighted in red.

“Mr. Na Joon Yeol’s Alpha 1 Team will take care of point A. Ms. Choi Eun Joo’s Alpha 3 Team will take care of point C. And Mr. Kang Sung Joon’s Alpha 2 Team will be responsible for point B.”

Cha Hyun, using his pointer, emphasized the red dot and explained the outline of the mission. Due to his simple explanation, everyone understood quickly.

“Finally, we’ll listen to what the Team Leader, Mr. Kang Sung Joon, has to say.”

Cha Hyun stepped back and Sung Joon stepped in front.

“I’ll just get straight to the point. Please listen to my orders. As long as you do, not much will happen.”

It was brief, but his intent was definitely relayed. The Hunters weren’t deeply impressed, but they at least applauded.

“It’ll be difficult to trust me immediately. I won’t pressure you, but I trust that you’ll make the right decision.”

Since they had already seen Sung Joon’s strength for themselves, several Hunters agreed, and applauded, but it wasn’t enough to completely get their trust.

However, Sung Joon wasn’t really worried. He thought that eliciting this much of a response from them was plenty. The trouble with Jang Hoon was actually helpful. He would garner the rest of their trust on site.

“I’ll prove it to you on site. That’s all.”

When he was finished, Sung Joon stepped back. Eventually, Cha Hyun’s attention turned to Sung Joon.

“Mr. Kang Sung Joon.”

Cha Hyun’s expression stiffened. It wasn’t difficult for Sung Joon to predict why.

“Has the warp gate opened?”

“Yes, it seems like we’ll have to move to command immediately.”

“I understand.”

Sung Joon nodded his head and left the makeshift building first; then, Cha Hyun looked at the other Hunters and opened his mouth.

“For starters, please remain on standby here. You’ll soon receive a corresponding message.”

Sung Joon and Cha Hyun got into the car and departed to command. The Hunter Team Leaders were already gathered at command.

“The details of the operation are simple. While the army and the Beta Team limit the spread of the battlefield, the Alpha Team will close the warp gate.”

There weren’t any special details in their request for cooperation, so it was easy for him to understand.

“Those are all we have to tell you. Henceforth, the operation will be called Winter Sovereign. Please get moving immediately.”

The Hunter Team Leaders moved towards their respective teams. Sung Joon sensed Na Joon Yeol’s presence from behind him and paused his stride.

“Mr. Na Joon Yeol?”

“I’m counting on you this time as well.”

Na Joon Yeol slightly bowed his head towards Sung Joon, and walked away.

“Will we going by car?”

Sung Joon looked at Cha Hyun, who quickly approached his side, and asked. Cha Hyun shook his head and opened his mouth.

“We’ll go by helicopter. There will be a formation of military planes guarding us. And I will also accompany the Alpha Two Team in order to investigate.”

A large-scale S-rank Raid wasn’t something that happened often. It seems the Bureau had dispatched an investigator in order to collect plenty of data.

Sung Joon joined up with his Alpha Two Team and went to the airfield. There, a Chinook helicopter was waiting for him. When the Alpha Two Team finished boarding, the Chinook helicopter took off.

“Mr. Kang Sung Joon.”

Immediately after the helicopter took off, Cha Hyun checked a certain message and turned his attention to Sung Joon.

“The operation has changed. We’re not moving to point B.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The warp gate is moving around.”

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