Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 101: 101

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Chapter 34 – Moving Warp Gate (1)

TL: Boko

Editor: Frost

The Chinook helicopter hastily changed its course.

“The warp gate is moving around? What are you talking about?”

Sung Joon asked, as a representative of his team. He’s never heard about a moving warp gate before. Therefore, he needed information, but Cha Hyun looked flustered as well.

“This is a first time for me as well so I can’t speak in detail, but it’s certain that the ‘warp gate’ is moving.”

“Is that really possible?”

“There’s never been a case like this thus far. However, like the Eroding Dungeon or the Invading Dungeon, I believe it’s certainly possible,” Cha Hyun replied, and Sung Joon furrowed his brow. If they were to enter the battlefield lacking sufficient information, then the combatants will pay in blood as a price for that lacking information.

“They could be using the Empire’s magic engineering techniques,” Rishubalt said.

He couldn’t imagine it, but now that he was sure that the Empire and the Allied Species were involved in the dungeons and Raids, he realized that the moving warp gate was also their doing as well.  

“We can’t go any further. We’ll start our descent now!” the helicopter pilot said. It seemed that the monsters’ resistance was fierce.

The Chinook helicopter began to lower  its altitude and in that short time, they heard the sound of an explosion and the helicopter rocked.

One of the attack helicopters responsible for their protection was attacked by a monster and exploded. Eventually, they heard the sound of machine guns firing and launched missiles.

“We’ve secured a location!”

While the attack helicopter formation fought back, the Chinook helicopter’s door opened. Since it was a height that wasn’t dangerous to Hunters, they didn’t use a rope and jumped down, landing onto the ground.

Likewise, Sung Joon did the same.

The only ordinary civilian, Cha Hyun, was aided by the Special Forces and used a rope to get down. When they had confirmed that all the team members had landed, the Chinook helicopter and the attack helicopter formation departed quickly.

“Team Leader, there’s a group of monsters quickly approaching with some A-rank monsters mixed in.” Shin Chul reported. Sung Joon had also felt their presences, so he nodded his head, and opened his mouth.  

“How many A-ranks are there?”

“Four,” Shin Chul replied, and Sung Joon’s eyes gleamed. The monsters were far enough that it was difficult for even Sung Joon to determine how many there were.

He was once again surprised by Shin Chul’s magic aptitude.

“What about the other monsters?”

“The group is mixed. It seems like there’re several types of monsters mixed in.”

After Sung Joon nodded his head, his eyes moved around, inspecting his teammates.

“You all know the basic formation, right? Let’s go with that!”

Even if they weren’t part of a regular assault team, it was essential that they know the most basic formation in order to easily assault dungeons through matching.

Combat Hunters in front, Mages in the second row, and Healers and Supporters in the third row; this was the basic formation.

“The basic formation shouldn’t be very effective… Is that alright with you?” Jang Hoon asked. Contrary to when they had first met, Jang Hoon didn’t show any signs of provocation. The only thing he heard from his voice was concern.

“You all haven’t been trained. We have no choice but to go with the basic formation,” Sung Joon said. Due to the warp gate opening so suddenly, he didn’t have the time to set up a different formation and get everyone in sync. Instead, he would use the basic formation, something that everyone was familiar with, which would therefore be the most effective.  

“I understand. I’ll move to the vanguard.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“But Team Leader, you’re…” Jang Hoon said, but Sung Joon just smiled.

“Did you want to say that I can’t because I’m a Healer?”

“Hahaha. No, I just briefly made a mistake.”‘

“If I’m at the front, my ‘Heal’ will be more effective.”

The reason Healers stood in the rear was because their combat abilities were much lower than Combat Hunters’.

If their combat abilities were just a little higher, then them being in the vanguard was much better. However, Sung Joon was the only Healer here who could do so.

“They’re close!” Shin Chul reported. The Hunters all together raised their weapons and Shin Chul, as well as the other Mages, casted their attack magic.


The Supporter Hunter casted the most common buff, ‘Bless’, but perhaps because the buff was from a B-rank, he didn’t feel as though his physical abilities increased by very much.

“The A-rank monsters are four Orc Warlords!” Shin Chul informed his team about the most important A-rank monsters, and launched a pre-emptive attack.

The magical wind blades struck the monsters. Following his attack, Fire Spears casted by two other Mage Hunters cut through the air and flew towards the monsters.

Several Orcs were struck by attack magic and collapsed, but the Warlords didn’t take any damage whatsoever. The moment that Wind Cutters approached them, they swung their aura clad swords and cut them apart.

“It’s tough, perhaps because they’re A-rank monsters. There’s no chance with high-rank magic. I’ll prepare something more powerful immediately.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ll take care of three of them. Please take care of the rest.”

Sung Joon drew his mana and spoke to Shin Chul. Because the warp gate was moving around, there was a chance that it would be a long battle.

To the others, who couldn’t use ‘Mana Absorption’, it would be better for them to save their mana.


Roel, which had been in the form of a ring, transformed. Seeing that, the other Hunters cheered.

“The S-rank Hunter has drawn his sword!”

“This is my first time seeing an S-rank Hunter fight!”

“Me too!”

Sung Joon would meet all their expectations. He started the battle with the use of his high-speed movement.

“H-High speed movement!”

“He’s fast!”

His high-speed movement was much too quick that the B-rank Hunters couldn’t even track him. On the other hand, the A-rank Hunters could only track a faint afterimage.

The Orc Warlords raised their swords radiating with aura. Sung Joon aimed for the one who looked like the leader amongst them.

It was an Orc Warlord wielding two swords.

As soon as it noticed Sung Joon’s advance, it immediately crossed its swords. Sung Joon clashed with both swords, and shards of mana flew everywhere.

However, that was all. Sung Joon then drew the dagger at his waist, imbued it with aura, and slashed the Orc Warlord’s right arm.


The right arm touched by aura was so easily severed. The Orc Warlord screamed in agony and hastily retreated.

As soon as Sung Joon chased in pursuit, another Orc Warlord raised their mana.

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A War Cry.

The mana infused shout that would stiffen their opponent’s body didn’t work against Sung Joon, an S-rank Hunter.

He ignored the War Cry, and as he closed the distance with the Orc Warlord with the severed right arm, he threw his dagger. It was impossible for it to dodge his mysterious dagger throw which had mixed in a feint and was precisely aimed at a vital point.  

Then, the dagger burrowed into the middle of the Orc Warlord’s forehead.



Orcs at around the Orc Warlord level could speak in the other world language, and Sung Joon could understand that language. In anger, the Orc Warlords quickly closed the distance.

‘I don’t even need to use Illusionary Sword.’

Sung Joon released his killing intent. Though it was just a mere instant, their bodies stiffened. Sung Joon swung his sword like lightning and cut off their heads.

‘What about the last one?’

There was one Orc Warlord remaining. It had given up on facing Sung Joon and had instead charged at the assault team with a portion of the group.

Jang Hoon, as well as the other A-rank Hunters, blocked the path of the Orc Warlord.

“Alright! Let’s go!”

In an instant, they, as well as the Orc Warlord used their high speed movement, and passed by each other.



A battle fought by the skilled would typically end in a single strike.

Blood spewed through the air. The Orc Warlord’s right arm and left leg were severed and it had incurred a fatal wound on its side. It fell onto the floor and two of the A-rank Hunters it had fought against likewise spewed blood.

Though Jang Hoon was fine.


The two B-rank Hunters had been earnestly watching the battle so they weren’t aware of the A-rank Hunters’ injuries, so Sung Joon casted his Heal instead.

He casted Heal twice in a row, and the two injured A-rank Hunters were treated quickly.

“As expected of an S-rank Hunter!”

“His healing speed is extremely quick!”

They were in awe at the speed at which the two A-rank Hunters’ wounds were healed. Sung Joon’s ‘Heal’ used a lot of mana, but in exchange, his healing power was tremendous and the speed at which he healed injuries was overwhelming.

“We’ll return to the battle immediately.”

Because there were more monsters in the group than expected, the assault team was struggling against them. It also seemed as though there were several injured.

From just one look, Sung Joon realized that the two B-rank Healers wouldn’t be able to handle it. He extended his left hand towards an area with a large concentration of wounded and opened his mouth.

“Healing Spray.”

An orb of light from his outstretched hand wrapped around the injured Hunters. ‘Healing Spray’ wouldn’t treat them as quickly as his ‘Heal’, but it had the advantage of healing several people at once.

The assault team’s fighting strength, which had declined from the many injuries, had been restored all at once through Sung Joon’s healing Spray.

“Gale Sword.”

Sung Joon utilized his Gale Sword and plowed through the center of the monster group.

The monsters were swept away by the Gale Sword. They sprayed hot blood into the air, and collapsed. The sword winds that accompanied the Gale Sword weren’t as effective as aura, but they were still sharp.

It was plenty against B-rank monsters or less.


With just one Gale Sword, the assault team began to dominate the battlefield. The group of monsters consisting of Orcs and Ogres had pushed the assault team back at the beginning with their numbers, but as time passed, their numbers dwindled and were pushed back, so they fled.

“Should we pursue?” someone asked. He didn’t remember his name, but it felt like he was recorded as a B-rank Hunter on the list Cha Hyun had given him.

“Our primary goal is destroying the warp gate.”

He didn’t go into a lengthy explanation, but everyone understood.

If they didn’t destroy the warp gate, the monsters would endlessly pour through. Because of that, the Beta Team sustained tremendous damage, as they were responsible for restraining the spread of the battlefield.

The Alpha Team needed to focus on their original objective.

“Team Leader Im. How far are we from our destination?”

Sung Joon looked at Cha Hyun and asked. Cha Hyun was the only person in Alpha Team Two with a radar.

“It’s 10 km north.”

“All the Hunters here are at least B-rank or higher, so if we go at top speed, shouldn’t we reach it quickly?” a Hunter said after hearing Cha Hyun. However, Shin Chul shook his head and opened his mouth.

“It’ll be difficult. The monsters will have already set up a line of defense. Mr. Hunter, this isn’t a dungeon.”

The monsters in Raids were much more proactive than the monsters in the dungeons.

“We’ll send our Light Drones ahead and move quickly,” Sung Joon said. Like he instructed, the Hunters sent their Light Drones ahead in order to maintain a line of sight, and they moved as quickly as possible. Just a short while later, they encountered a group of monsters, but they were easily able to break through them because of Sung Joon.

“The warp gate is nearby!”

Cha Hyun’s voice was tinged with joy, but there were several trees in the surrounding area, so it was difficult to procure a clear line of sight.

“Mana detected from the front!”

The ground shook, and not far away, a large sized monster around five meters tall revealed itself. It was covered in white hair, and it looked like a yeti.

“T-That’s it…”

Cha Hyun trembled and pointed at the yeti.

“What are you talking about?” Sung Joon asked.

“The warp gate’s peculiar mana is coming from that monster. It’s difficult to believe, but it seems like the warp gate is within that monster,” Cha Hyun replied.

“That’s possible?”

Sung Joon couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“I’m positive! The device is never wrong!”

“It’s the Boss and at the same time, it’s the warp gate, huh…”

Sung Joon spoke to himself and gripped his sword.

“It’s become a lot easier for me.”

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