Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 156: 156

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Chapter 49 – South Korea’s Strongest Guild (3)

TL: Boko

Once Zelos was registered as an A-rank Hunter, and the rank 1 S-rank Hunter, Choi Han Seok joined, the Lord Guild became a top 30 rank guild.

This is the first time a guild consisting of a small handful of elites (less than ten members) had reached the top ranks.

Han Seok, who had entered the Lord Guild, now lived in Block B with Jung Chul. He had lived in quite a luxurious home before, though not as luxurious as Sung Joon’s.

Thus, one might think he would complain, but the ‘rune of loyalty’ prevented that from being an issue.

“I can’t believe it. Not only did you get the rank 1 S-rank Hunter to join your guild, but… you got him to behave too…”

Seol Ah came to Sung Joon’s mansion to discuss guild-related matters. When she saw Han Seok, who remained still from behind Sung Joon, like a loyal aide, she spoke.

This was the first time she’d ever seen Han Seok, but because she had heard several rumors regarding him, she thought the two might be playing an elaborate joke on her.

“Rumors tend to exaggerate.”

“That’s true.”

Sung Joon spoke. Seol Ah nodded and agreed.

“Still, it’s not the Middle Ages anymore, so it seems kind of awkward to have someone standing behind you like that.”

To be honest, she only said that to get Sung Joon alone in the living room.

“I suppose that’s true.”

Sung Joon didn’t notice her intent, as he assumed that Seol Ah was uncomfortable because this was her and Han Seok’s first meeting.

He responded willingly and ordered Han Seok to briefly step out. As soon as he left, Seol Ah took the briefcase from her bag and said.

“This is your report on the sale of magic stones. Please take a look at it.”

Originally, Sung Joon planned until he was paid for the raid, but Shin Chul and Joon Hoon had finished resting, so Sung Joon had gone through a dungeon assault with them.

He planned on selling the magic stones to the Blue Dragon Group, as he had a contract with them. Seol Ah was asking him to look over the relevant documents.

“I guess it’s true. Once you become Guild Leader, you have to do a lot of bothersome things,” Sung Joon said as he perused the documents. Seol Ah smiled faintly.

“That’s how it is for anyone in charge.”

“There are no problem with the documents. You can proceed as planned.”

Sung Joon gave her back the briefcase.

“Ok. Also, grandpa wanted to say ‘thank you’.”

Her ‘grandpa’ was the Blue Dragon Group’s chairman. Though they hadn’t acquired that many magic stones, as they were a small group of elites, the magic stones were nevertheless high quality, so the Blue Dragon Group profited considerably.

“He wanted me to give this to you too.”

Seol Ah took out a thick envelope and placed it on the table. His eyes shimmered with curiosity and Sung Joon grabbed the envelope.

“May I open it?”

“Yes, please take a look.”

Within the envelop were ten dungeon priority tickets. The item was a necessity for any Hunter who owned a guild.

“I didn’t have enough priority tickets… Could you give him my thanks?”

“Yes. I’ll make sure to.”

Sung Joon smiled and replied. She removed the briefcase, but before she said her farewells, Seol Ah anxiously said.

“It’s almost Christmas… Do you have any plans?” she mustered up her courage and said. Was her sincerity relayed to Sung Joon? Seol Ah felt intensely anxious and watched Sung Joon.

“I’m planning on renting a party room and hosting a party for my guild members.”

Sung Joon’s reply was much different from what Seol Ah had expected. But because she had a lot of experience in the business world, she didn’t show her disappointment.

“Why not use our hotel’s banquet hall?”

“We don’t have enough people to warrant using a banquet hall.”

“You can invite other people too. It’s a good opportunity to form connections.”

Although South Korea had changed significantly with the outbreak of dungeons and raids, personal connections still remained important.

Because Sung Joon was an SS-rank Hunter, he wanted a lot of high rank connections. Since he was connected to the Blue Dragon Group, they were already approaching Seol Ah to talk to him.

If they had the opportunity, they would come and find Sung Joon with an attractive offer.

“It’s a good idea to form a lot of connections, Mr. Kang Sung Joon,” Seol Ah said. Sung Joon agreed.

“Then, can you take care of it please?”

“Yes. I’ll take care of it,” Seol Ah replied happily, as she could be helpful to him.

She wasn’t a Hunter, so she could only help him in business matters like this.

“Please check the list of attendees later.”

Checking the list of attendees was paramount. Therefore, she wanted Sung Joon to do it. Sung Joon nodded his head and said.

“Of course. Thank you for doing this for me.”

“I’ll take care of it perfectly like always.”

“I’m counting on you.”

Seol Ah smiled. Because she wa done with what she came for, Sung Joon quickly stood up from his chair.

Then, Seol Ah sported a disappointed expression and followed behind to the parking lot.

If one wanted to get to the parking lot, then they would have to pass the garden. Jang Hoon was going on a walk while pushing his (Sung Joon’s) father’s wheelchair. The armed guards were guarding the perimeter meticulously.


Sung Joon saw him and bit his lip slightly. He was getting the best of treatment, but even so, his health had been worsening significantly as of late.

Thus, it was difficult for him to even walk to the garden without his wheelchair.

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“Sung Joon!”

Jang Hoon, who noticed Sung Joon, called for him. Soo Hyuk, who was watching the cold wind shake the trees, turned towards Sung Joon.

He waved his hand happily, as though signaling Sung Joon to come over. Soo Hyuk (Sung Joon’s father) hadn’t seen Sung Joon with women very often.

So he was curious. Sung Joon noticed that his father had called for Seol Ah as well and sighed.

“Would you like to see my father before you go?”

“Can I?”

Sung Joon asked, thinking she might be bothered. But contrary to his expectation, she replied enthusiastically.

He smiled at her response and was the first to begin walking towards them. As they got closer, he noticed how emaciated his father’s face was. Sung Joon’s heart hurt at the sight.

“Is this your girlfriend?”

That was the first thing Soo Hyuk said when he saw Seol Ah. She was so happy at the misunderstanding that she smiled, but Sung Joon just smiled awkwardly.

“She’s our guild manager, dad.”

“Is that so…”

Sung Joon responded firmly, so Soo Hyuk turned his gaze towards the lawn. He was attempting to hide his disappointment, but Sung Joon was easily able to tell how he was feeling. Seeing that, he spoke.

“I’ll have some good news for you soon.”


“Of course.”

Sung Joon nodded his head and replied. Soo Hyuk smiled.

“I’m sure you’re busy. Sorry for using up so much of your time. I’ll get going now,” Soo Hyuk said. It seemed like he was a bit invigorated from what Sung Joon had said.

Sung Joon accompanied Seol Ah to the parking lot. Seol Ah’s secretary, Choi Ara, was waiting by her car.

“Then, I’ll contact you soon.”

Seol Ah was happy that she could stay in contact with Sung Joon, even if it were work related.

She felt like this relationship, which seemingly hadn’t progressed, was getting a bit better. Once she entered the car, Choi Ara got into the driver’s seat. As soon as Sung Joon waved, the car left.

“Choi Han Seok.”

Once the car left the main gate, he called for Han Seok. Han Seok appeared from nowhere with a calm expression and said.

“You called for me?”

He spoke completely different from before. It was because the ‘rune of loyalty’ was active.

“The rune of loyalty is a lot more effective than I thought it would be.”

He looked at the changed Han Seok and muttered to himself. He had said it softly, but Rishubalt, who was beside him, could hear it too.

“I believe it’s a good thing. It’s better to establish a master-servant relationship than to allow for any insubordination,” Rishubalt said.

Even if he was still insubordinate, the effect of the ‘rune of loyalty’ would prevent Han Seok from disobeying Sung Joon’s orders. It also made Han Seok submissive, which was made it easy for him in several ways.

“We’re going to ‘Seo Guk’.”

‘Seo Guk’ referred to the research facility that Sung Joon had bought.

“Bring the car over.”

“I understand.”

Han Seok replied and began to move. Sung Joon’s Hunter sedan was parked in the garage.

Five minutes later, his Hunter sedan arrived in the parking lot. Han Seok was in the driver’s seat and Sung Joon got into the rear passenger seat. Once he got in, the car left for the Seo Guk research facility.

Their destination was the Seo Guk research facility. It was a visit to check on their drug development progress. While Han Seok drove, Sung Joon called Director Na Han Soo.

“Yes, Chairman. This is the Director.”

“I’m going to visit.”

Before he even heard Han Soo’s response,. he ended the call. Not longer after, he arrived at the laboratory and Han Seok skillfully parked the car.

“Wait here.”

“I understand.”

Han Seok nodded his head. The head researcher, Joo Sung waited for him at the first floor entrance.

She soon noticed Sung Joon and greeted him enthusiastically. After that, she lead Sung Joon to the director’s office. As soon as he opened the door and entered the room, he saw Han Soo, who was trying his very best to hide his anxiousness.

Sung Joon naturally walked in and sat on a sofa. Han Soo sat across from him.

Sung Joon hadn’t even said anything yet, but Han Soo felt an unknown oppressive feeling pressing down on him, so he felt uneasy.

“How is the drug development going?”

“It’s progressing smoothly.”

“Don’t say what you always say in the reports and tell it to me straight,” Sung Joon pressed. Han Soo felt intensely anxious and said.

“The drug will be ready by February of next year. It should be able to halt the progress of Kang Soo Hyuk’s rare blood cancer, but we haven’t gotten approval for animal testing yet.”

“Animal testing?” Sung Joon asked. Han Soo nodded his head.

“Yes, it’s necessary to test the safety of the drug. Human tests is best, but it’s difficult to find others with the same disease, and it’ll also difficult for the clinical judging committee to approve our request.”

Sung Joon wasn’t familiar with the processes that came with developing new drugs, but he saw how serious Han Seok’s expression was and could tell how troublesome the situation was.

“Do we need approval for animal testing too?”

“Of course. If we go ahead with it, then the ethics board or an animal activist group won’t let us get very far,” Han Soo said, frightened. However, Sung Joon calmly organized his thoughts.

‘The Christmas party… might be a good way to resolve this issue.’

Sung Joon’s eyes shined.

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