Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 157: 157

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Chapter 50 – Blood Christmas (1)

TL: Boko

Editor: Frost

The vanguard, which consisted of Rash, the Red Axe Tribe, and some Dragonkin had failed miserably. News was relayed to the representatives of the Species Alliance first.

“Orc representative, you seemed so confident… But it seems like you’re not anymore.”

The Vampire representative, Rivulheim looked at the Orc representative and gently remarked.

Though the various species were allied together, they weren’t close, as evidenced by their history of war.

This was especially true for the Vampires like Rivulheim. Not only did he regard himself as a noble, but he considered the tribes like Orcs or Trolls as inferior.

The Vampires’ conduct caused problems within the inner circle of the Species Alliance.

“Urgh… You damn Vampire.”

“You have to restrain yourself.”

The Troll representative, Kulare, grabbed Helrod’s arm, which reached for the handaxe at his waist, and calmly spoke.

“You’re up against a Vampire. Please remember that.”

Helrod gritted his teeth. The reality was staring him in the face, so his rage abated. The Vampires consisted of the best of the best.

There were less of them than the Orcs, but the Vampires, like the Dragonkin, possessed the ability to summon ‘Living Armors’, so a number advantage was meaningless.

“We’ll be annihilated if we antagonize the Vampires.”

Helrod felt intensely anxious. His Orcish aggression reared its head, but he forced it down. Reality was too cruel.

The most important thing to him was the Orcs’ prosperity. He had no intention of recklessly antagonizing the Vampires.

“You made the right decision. If you had antagonized them, then us Trolls and the Ogres would’ve done the same. However, now’s not the time for us to be divided,” Kulare said.

The Vampires, Dark Elves, and the Dragonkin were part of one faction, while the other faction consisted of Orcs, Trolls, and Ogres.

Therefore, if the Orcs fought against the Vampires, then the Species Alliance would be split in half.

“What will you do now? The vanguard has been annihilated.”

The Elf representative, Nias spoke sharply, in contrast to her beautiful appearance. She wanted to know who would take responsibility. Her gaze was directed at the Orc representative, Helrod, rather than Rivulheim, who was pretty much the leader of the Species Alliance.

“Had the Dragonkin given us more reinforcements, we wouldn’t have lost.”

Helrod looked at Nias and said. Then, the Dragonkin representative, Rodium stepped forward and said.

“Please don’t distort the truth, Orc representative. Weren’t you the one who said you didn’t need reinforcements? I remember you saying that,” Rodium said and smiled coldly.

He didn’t want to make any invidious remarks, but because they were close associates with the Vampires, they couldn’t just do as they pleased.

“I’ll redeem myself.”

“Isn’t that obvious? You’re not just going to leave it like this, are you?”

“Please stop, Dragonkin representative. That’s enough,” Rivulheim said.

On the surface, it seemed like he was stopping him, but he sported a wicked smile. He acted politely, but he was a snake on the inside.

“I know you’ll redeem yourself. Am I right, Orc representative?”  

“Don’t worry. I won’t make anymore mistakes.”

“Let’s end today’s conference here.”

Rivulheim announced the ending of the conference and everyone left the room. However, the Orc representative, Helrod remained in the conference room for a very long time.

* * *

While the Orc representative planned his revenge, Sung Joon conquered an S-rank dungeon with his guild members and was in the middle of returning to the surface.

Sung Joon led in front and was going up the stairs, while the guild members followed a few steps behind him.

Rishubalt surveyed their surroundings, went beside Sung Joon, and said.

“Your synchronization rate is at 60%.”

Once he hunted the S-rank boss, his synchronization rate had increased. Sung Joon smiled. He wondered what new technique he’d be able to use.

“Any changes?” Sung Joon asked softly, so that only Rishubalt could hear him.

With a calm expression, Rishubalt spoke.

“Aside from your physical abilities increasing, there are no other changes.”

“Is that so…?”

He hoped that the limitations of his current techniques would be lifted, or that he would gain a new technique, so he was a bit disappointed.

“However, I feel like I have changed.”


“I believe I can temporarily assume a ‘physical form’ by using your mana, my lord,” Rishubalt explained, and Sung Joon’s eyes shined.

“Can you use a ‘sword’ too?”

He didn’t need to explain much. Being able to use a ‘sword’ was paramount.

“It’s an unfamiliar technique, but yes, I believe I’ll be able to use a sword.”

“That’s plenty.”

If he could use a sword and give himself a physical form, then he’d be able to ‘cut’ down his opponents.

If Sung Joon was caught on the defensive, then he could use his mana to manifest Rishubalt in an unexpected location and ambush his enemies.

At some point, they had arrived at the surface. Sung Joon paused his conversation with Rishubalt and approached the standby Dungeon Bureau worker to report the success of his dungeon conquest.

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“I’ve confirmed your conquest of the S-rank dungeon.”

“Thank you for all your hard work.”

“Hunter Kang Sung Joon? Please wait a second,” the worker said urgently. Sung Joon tried to leave quickly, but then stopped.

“What’s the matter?”

“Team Leader Kim Hyun Sung left a message requesting for you to contact him.”

“Ah… Team Leader Kim?”


“I understand.”

After Sung Joon nodded his head, he parted ways with the worker. He could tell why Hyun Sung had asked Sung Joon to contact him. It was probably regarding his payment for the raid.

“Choi Han Seok,” Sung Joon called. Han Seok, who silently followed behind him, came beside him and answered.

“You called?”

Han Seok had now became his second loyal aide after Rishubalt.

“Sell the magic stones to the Dungeon Bureau with the other guild members. I’m going to the Hunter Bureau.”

“I understand.”

Although the two Bureaus were close, the parking lots were separate, so it was a pain in the ass. Han Seok nodded his head, joined up with the other guild members, and relayed Sung Joon’s message.

“I’ll go first.”

Sung Joon waved his hands at the guild members and then called Hyun Sung in front of his Hunter sedan.

“Yes, Mr. Kang Sung Joon?”

Hyun Sung took his call immediately, as if he were waiting for Sung Joon to call.

“It seems like you were waiting for me to call you.”

“Hahaha. You got me.”

“Is it regarding the payment for the raid?”

“Yes. Han So Eun’s not in right now, so it falls to me,” Hyun Sung replied. So Eun was responsible for Sung Joon, but she couldn’t work 24/7, so Hyun Sung filled in when she wasn’t there.

“I just have to come to the Hunter Bureau, right?”

“Yes. I’ll get ready for you.”

The call ended. Sung Joon drove his Hunter sedan to the Hunter Bureau. After parking, he joined up with Hyun Sung on the first floor and they walked over to his office.

“I’m done with the preparations. All you have to do is go over this and sign it, Mr. Kang Sung Joon.”

Sung Joon accepted the document and examined it. It detailed the rewards for his performance in the raid.

“Your reward amounts to $500 million. However, the government has promised another 30% and as the MVP, you get another 30… Plus, you get another 10% for leading the other Hunters, so its adjusted to a total of $850 million. The other Hunters weren’t the same rank as the raid, so they get less, but because you were, you aren’t affected by the penalty,” Hyun Sung added. His payment was high because no other Hunter had been SS-rank.

“It’s a lot less than I thought it would be,” Sung Joon said honestly. He thought his payment would surpass $1 billion, as it was an SS-rank raid. Hyun Sung smiled faintly and said.

“We judged it to be an SS-rank raid because so many warp gates opened. However, aside from your warp gate, not many monsters appeared.”

“Is that so?” Sung Joon asked and Hyun Sung nodded.

Although the Species Alliance had mobilized, most of them were Orcs, so that overall level of the monsters wasn’t very high. Therefore, it wasn’t really an SS-rank raid.

“If it were a real SS-rank raid, then half of Seoul would’ve been destroyed,” Hyun Sung said with a serious expression. Sung Joon was South Korea’s only SS-rank Hunter, so if a raid occurred in a place where he wasn’t available, then it would truly be a calamity.

“Of course, if you weren’t here, then there would’ve been a lot of damage regardless. You took out the warp gates that unleashed the most powerful monsters.”

“I was just at the right place at the right time.”

“The raid situation room expected a third of Seoul to be destroyed, but you stopped that from happening, Mr. Kang Sung Joon.”

South Korea was lucky that Sung Joon was in the area where that specific warp gate opened, as their main forces (which were their most powerful) came through that gate.

“I live in Seoul with my family as well. I don’t even want to imagine what would’ve happened if the battlefield had spread.”

It seemed like Hyun Sung’s eyes had become damp. Hearing that, Sung Joon silently nodded his head. Hyun Sung soon calmed down and proceeded with processing Sung Joon’s payment.

“I’ve deposited your payment. Please check that it is successful.”

“I checked it. Thank you for all your hard work.”

Sung Joon did a final check and they were finished. Although a ton of money had been deposited into his account, the process didn’t take very long.

Sung Joon parted ways with Hyun Sung. Before he returned to his residence, he visited the Blue Dragon Group to see Seol Ah, calling her at the first floor.

“I’ll come down right away.”

Seol Ah sounded enthusiastic. He didn’t have an appointment, but she would make time when Sung Joon came by.

They talked about how they were doing for thirty minutes. After that, Sung Joon returned to his mansion, went to the B block and met with Jung Chul.

“How is the party preparations?” Sung Joon asked. While Seol Ah was responsible for reserving the location, Jung Chul was responsible for all of the various, informal tasks.

“I’ve spread the news that you are hosting a party. They’re people who have responded already.”

“They’re pretty fast.”

“Most people who want to attend are politicians or high ranking businessmen.”

His response made it clear just how far reaching Sung Joon’s influence as an SS-rank Hunter was.

“Please organize the list for me and give it to me later.”

“I understand.”

Jung Chul nodded his head. At dinnertime that day, Sung Joon picked the attendees from the list that Jung Chul had given him. They were all powerful individuals who had great influence in South Korea.

And finally, it was the day of the party.

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