Syren’s Song

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Driving Her Wild

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Once they had switched positions, Carter leaned across the shifter. “Okay, basics first.”

He was very close. She liked him close. She already suspected she’d learned most everything she needed, but having him in proximity as he explained made her whole body tingle. He might not know just how much she wished him to touch her, but what if he did?

He leaned across the middle lever, close to her shoulder, and pointed down at her feet. “Two pedals down there. See em? Push down the big flat one to stop us. Push the tall one to make us move. You don’t have to push much, and even when you’re not pushing down on that tall pedal, the car will move on its own when it’s in gear. Use the brake to stop it.”

She dropped her right hand to the middle lever. “And putting it into gear is accomplished with this.” She pressed the button he had and attempted to move the lever, but it but it remained stuck. That disappointed her. She’d hoped to impress him off the bat.

“You were paying attention.” He sounded pleased. “But that shifter won’t move without the keys in the ignition, and it’s also good practice to push down the brake before you shift. With some cars, you can’t even shift unless you do that.”

In retrospect, the barriers to shifting the vehicle’s mode made sense. This was a safety feature like many she had come across. Her own ship would not descend lower than twenty meters above the ground without manual input.

Allison watched the side of Carter’s face. She loved how the light caught the line of his jaw. She wanted nothing more than to trace her fingers along that jaw and draw his lips to hers, but he had requested she learn to drive. She would honor his request.

“Mirrors are on your left and right.” He pointed those out. “Those let you see at a glance if anyone’s coming up on you without turning around, but they’re not perfect. It’s always best to sneak a look over your shoulder to make sure no one’s traveling in your blind spot.”

Like the drive shadow caused by an active pulse engine. An object could move within that drive shadow without being detected. It was dangerous for both the pursuing ship and the ship being pursued, as a quick bank could lead to a collision.

“The mirror in the middle up there lets you check behind you without taking your eyes off the road,” Carter continued. “Sometimes, especially if you’re on a single lane road, some dickhead may come up and ride your bumper. It’s not just frustrating, but unsafe.”

Such maneuvers were forbidden in planetary space. “Because if you have to decelerate rapidly, they cannot respond in time. So do I increase speed to compensate?”

“No, half the time they’ll just speed up along with you. I hate people who ride my ass, but if you try to play chicken with them it just makes them get more aggressive.”

“Chicken?” She imagined tossing a white, flapping bird back and forth. Was that a human game? How could it be played between two cars?

“Like if you brake check them,” Carter clarified. “So you keep an even speed and switch lanes to clear the way or, if the road’s smooth, ease over to the shoulder to let them pass. It feels like letting a bully win, but it keeps you from getting rear ended if a deer jumps out.”

She leaned close. “If you like, later, you can rear end me.”

He laughed and touched her arm in a way that absolutely thrilled her. “That one doesn’t count, Allie. That was practically a toss up.”

So much human slang had been left out of the data files she’d studied on their trip. She was determined to learn more of it. “Which is what?”

“Means it was way too easy. And we’re learning here, remember?”

“Fine,” she mock griped. “So what’s next?”

He paused. “Well... I think that’s it, actually. You paid close attention on the way here, right? Once you know how to move and stop, you just have to learn to turn the wheel gradually enough to keep it on the road or turn around. Driving a car honestly isn’t that hard, which makes it even more annoying when people drive like assholes.”

“Which again, is?”

“Too fast, too reckless, and without any consideration for other drivers. Also, if you drive like that you’re liable to get pulled over eventually. We can’t afford that, ever, since they’ll scan my license and find out I’ve got a warrant in Texas. You don’t even have a driver’s license or an ID, and either of those situations could get us arrested.”

“I had not considered that.” To be fair, she had never been in a position to drive a car, but this still sounded like a significant risk. “But you still drive?”

“I have to. There’s way too much sprawl out here to walk. I just make sure I keep my driving clean and stay defensive. And check my lights every day.”


“On the car. If one doesn’t work, a cop might pull us over.”

So the car’s lights were like its transponder. If a ship refused to broadcast one, it risked attention from the system authorities.

All of this was tremendously useful information. He had taught her so much in such a short time. She was now fully confident she could pilot this vehicle in an emergency and likely even to and from her workplace, if that made sense given their schedules.

“So,” he said. “You ready to drive us around the parking lot?”

“I am.” She offered an upraised hand. “The keys?”

He dropped them into her cupped palm, and she sorted through them until she found the same one he’d used. She leaned forward and poked experimentally until she found the angle at which it fit. Like the activation rod in her ship. It had to enter at the right angle.

He had also mentioned the need to depress the brake. Allison pushed down and turned the keys. She kept the turn engaged long enough for the brief start up sequence she’d heard earlier to complete, then released. Her reward was a smoothly rumbling engine.

She glanced at Carter. “Good?”

He shrugged, but she detected approval. “Seems like we’re still sitting in the same spot.”

“Where would you like me to take us?”

He looked around, then pointed. “Drive us to the store front over there and stop with the passenger side of the car in front of the double doors.”

A laughably easy request. Allison glanced at the shifter and realized there were settings he had not yet explained. The P in which it stood currently was obviously equivalent to hover, but what of the rest? The human letters and numbers must stand for something.

“Park.” Carter pointed. “Reverse, Neutral, Drive, and the lower gears. You can just ignore those for the most part. We never use them.”

“Then why are they there?”

“If you want to get some real good traction to pull something, though that’s really only useful in a truck.” He shrugged. “Don’t know what we could pull in this little thing. It’s great for driving around town, but I wouldn’t want to haul a car out of the mud.”

“I am ready.” She depressed the brake, shifted down to D—Drive—and then hesitantly released the brake pedal.

The vehicle accelerated slowly without any further action on her part. Her ship would not accelerate until one pushed the throttle forward, while this vehicle had some auto-thrust. They were already heading toward their destination, but inefficiently.

Allison lightly depressed the gas pedal, giving it just a nudge. Thrusters could be extremely sensitive. The car accelerated smoothly. This also pleased her.

They quickly approached their destination, which would require a 90 degree bank to the left. No, they were only moving on two axis, so this would be a turn. She visualized the curve.

While the vehicle’s current velocity suggested it could make the turn at this speed, she suspected the G-force would be higher than necessary. At the proper moment, she lightly depressed the brake to slow their forward progress and turned the wheel the same approximate distance Carter had shown in the parking lot at the mall. The turn was smooth.

They cruised to the location he’d requested and, once they reached it, Allison again depressed the brake. The whole car lurched violently as it stopped, tossing them both forward against their seat belts. That shocked her. She felt like the vehicle had betrayed her somehow.

She glanced at Carter, chagrined, to find him already chuckling. Despite how much she enjoyed his laugh, this time it annoyed her a little bit.

“Shift to Park,” he reminded her.

She complied, but her success didn’t make her any less annoyed. “It stops too fast.”

“Trust me, you’ll want it to do that if someone hops in your way.” When he warmly squeezed her arm again, her annoyance faded. “That was damn near perfect, Allie. This is really the first time you’ve ever tried to drive a car?”

“It is,” she assured him. “But is there a way to avoid the sudden stop?”

“If you want to slow down easier, just gently ease the brake pedal down as you get close. You get a feel for it. Other than that, you did everything right.”

Despite the ease of this task, his praise pleased her. “So I am ready to drive?”

He visibly hesitated. “No, not yet. There’s still dealing with other cars, turn signals, stop signs, all stuff I need to teach you how to navigate through and around. But you just showed off all the basics. Drive us back to where we stared and we’ll practice how to reverse.”

Carter next taught her the steps involved in executing a “three point turn.” That was a tiny bit more complicated, requiring multiple shifts of direction. It was still well with Allison’s capabilities. She got them turned the way they had come in easily.

Once one learned its quirks, this vehicle was far easier to pilot than a starship. This “car” was practically a child’s toy by comparison. Still, driving remained fun.

Carter nodded after she shifted again into Park. “All right, so... best thing now would be for us to find some back roads and just let you practice, but I worry about that a little.”


“Cops. You do even the smallest thing wrong, like fail to signal, and one could pull us over. Remember, without a license, that’s bad.”

“I remember,” she agreed softly.

“But we have this whole lot to ourselves, so how about you just drive around for a while? Pick your own route. If you want, you can even imagine there’s turns or obstacles and drive around them. No reason you can’t get lots of practice in an open lot.”

“And I should avoid the light poles.”

He chuckled warmly. “Yeah, definitely avoid those.”

She now knew more than enough to pilot this vehicle easily, but she humored him by guiding it around the parking lot in increasingly complex laps. She even did the same loop backwards and at a decent speed. His proud smile made it all worthwhile.

One day, perhaps, she would teach him to pilot her starship.

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Was she really thinking so far ahead? The only way that would happen is he chose to continue to partner with her if she left the planet, which... she did not plan to do anytime soon, even after she rescued Larika and they evaded the Tharons together.

But eventually. Perhaps. Would Carter actually come with them if they decided to travel back into the stars? Would he consider it?

Despite the current confusion in her thoughts, she hit no light poles and executed a number of precise turns while increasing her prowess with this vehicle. Carter appeared satisfied. He patted her thigh in approval once she completed another lap, which thrilled her. If only he would pat other parts of her.

“That’s enough, Allie. Might as well save gas.”

“Of course.” Even so, she would attempt one last maneuver. She drove them around the building until they reached the back, which was even more secluded. There was nothing but the back of the building surrounded by field in all directions. There, she stopped.

She glanced at him. “So? How have I scored?”

He eyed her thoughtfully. “Really well.”

“And have I earned my reward?”

“I think so. And I’m just gonna come straight out and ask this, because you’d do the same. You ever had a guy go down on you?”

She considered him. “It has happened.”

“Did you like it?”

“It was interesting.” She wondered how much she should say about disappointment with that activity. She’d read it was much better than it turned out be, but was “going down” on her one of Carter’s fantasies? If so, she was determined to indulge him.

“Maybe you’ve just never met a guy who could do it right.”

She smiled warmly. “If you wish to do that to me, I absolutely consent.”

“But would you like it?”

He looked like he expected an honest answer, so she gave him one. “I know many human women like it. I don’t have enough experience to say for certain. I would like to gain that experience with you, though I thought my reward would be to go down on you.”

“Might have hedged that one a bit. I want to give you something back, or at least give it a try.” He eyed her. “You remember when you were eating ice cream?”

“Oh yes.” She had loved eating ice cream.

“The sounds you made... well, that’s how I’d like to make you sound when I’m going down on you. But I don’t want you to fake it. If you don’t like it, we’ll stop.”

“Carter, you had me at ‘really well’. I crave your touch. I’d love to try this with you.”

“All right!” he said. “So, we should probably get out of the car.”

“Out of it?”

“It’ll be easier. I’ll show you.” He slipped out the passenger side and stood.

Intrigued, she also emerged from the driver’s side.

“Stay right there, okay?” Carter said. “Don’t move a muscle.”

So he was giving her directions again? That was always fun during sex. She obediently stood beside the driver’s side door and waited for him to come to her.

Instead, he walked to the trunk and opened it. Was he going to do something with her newly purchased clothes? She was surprised when he pulled out an oddly patterned blue blanket—no, it was too thin to be a blanket one used for sleep. Did he fear she was cold?

He walked around the passenger side of the car and draped the blanket on the hood. Was he... had he just converted the hood of this car into a makeshift bed?

He then returned and gently pinned her against the side of the car. Welcome thrills rushed through her core as he gripped her upper arms, staring at her with longing that immediately made her damp. He had full control of her... and when he kissed her, she melted.

This was what she had been waiting for since they left his apartment.

His hands roamed freely over her shirt and repeatedly groped her breasts as she caressed his muscular back. She hadn’t been entirely honest with him. Her skin was still more sensitive than normal, which made penetration close to overwhelming.

Fortunately, overwhelming was something she enjoyed.

As she attempted to remove her shirt, he gently stopped her. “Keep it on. Even over the moving blanket, the hood will still be hot from the drive. Don’t want you to get scalded.”

She smiled at his plans for her became clear. “I understand.”

“Good girl,” he said approvingly. He kissed her again and then gripped her hands, then led over to the front of the car. She went eagerly.

The covered hood of his Acura was slanted down a reasonable angle. It was also wide. She watched as Carter dropped to his knees before her, unbuttoned the button on her slacks, and let them drop, leaving her lower half bare. She remained without panties.

He wrapped his arms around her, then gripped her ass and lifted her. She gasped with delight as he stepped forward and then settled her onto the blanket-covered hood, on her back. Her head settled against the windshield, which allowed her to gaze down at his hair.

The air was cold outside, but only enough to give her goosebumps. As they rose along her sensitive skin, those thrilled her. Even through the blue blanket and her shirt the metal remained warm, but it was a welcome warm. A little like resting atop a hot tank of coolant.

He now pinned her to the hood and kissed her lips, her ears, her neck. She had felt kisses like this before, but something about the way he did this just made it better. It was all the desire radiating off him, and not just a desire for her. His desire to please her.

As he kissed her shoulders and neck his hands roamed freely inside her shirt, then slipped up to cup her breasts. Allison gripped his back and moaned. She ran her fingers across the curves of his muscles and across his shoulder blades. Her only regret was that she could not quite reach his ass from her current position, but she could fix that in a moment.

The sun was descending and they were out in the open, but there wasn’t a car or soul visible for miles. This was the perfect spot for a public fuck, and her whole body quivered at the thought. At his thoughts... about her.

This was why sex felt so different with him. He did not charge blindly into the act as her other lovers had done. He built up to things, and his desire to make her feel good was a constant warm pleasure that did for her mind what the rest of him did for her body.

Carter did not rush between her legs like her last partner. Instead he patiently worked his way down her whole being, kissing and caressing as his hands roamed so widely each touch soon merged into the next. He paid attention to all of her, not just the sexual parts.

His warmth above and the soothing heat below the cushion relaxed her body. Pinned against the hood by his weight and his caresses, she slowly drifted into an almost meditative bliss. Eventually, he knelt at the front of the car as his hands gripped beneath her thighs. He lifted her and slid her down to meet his mouth.

She gasped as he did so, becoming alert. As he balanced her on his hands his tongue soon found her pussy, but rather than attempting to penetrate her, he slowly circled her slit again and again, though never in the same pattern. Every so often his tongue would brush her clit and then hop away as she tensed.

How was that fair? How could he tease her so mercilessly? Just when she was on the verge of voicing a complaint, he gently sucked... there.

Oh. Oh. Oh! That felt nothing like she remembered from last time, and certainly far better than it had before. No partner had ever used their mouth like that. Soon she was lost in simply enjoying his touch, his lips, his tongue.

She was still trying to process all this new and wonderful input when a finger entered her. She welcomed this and moaned encouragingly, not needing to fake her enthusiasm in the least. So he planned to combine multiple methods of stimulation into a single act? That seemed like it would be far more effective than... oh! That was better. That was better.

She had fingered herself many times since she made this body, experimenting with all the ways it could experience pleasure, and had thought herself quite adept. Yet Carter was not simply adept. His desire to pleasure her made every touch more intense. And his tongue...

Allison’s breathing quickened rapidly. Soft moans came soon after, and none of those were the least bit staged. Carter was good at this, and more importantly, he was eager to do it. She longingly reached down to run her fingers through her silky black hair, then gripped.

“May I guide you?”

He nodded. He pushed against her pussy as she took a firm hold on his hair, all the while continuing to stimulate her in ways that were positively inspired. She could tell he was enjoying this, and the fact that he enjoyed it so much increased her pleasure all the more.

Now that she knew what he was capable of, she merely had to offer him hints. He responded brilliantly, slowly increasing pressure and intensity. Her pleasure built with her moans, steadily, and she soon began to writhe against the hood. This. Was. So. Good!

Despite the vigorous attention he lavished upon her, Carter showed no indication of exhaustion. He also seemed in absolutely no rush. Both physical and mental pleasures built inside her until she could not contain herself any longer. Even as she came in a burst of mental color Carter’s affections remained steady, guiding her through a delicious orgasm.

She expected him to stop. She looked down to find him still going softly. Did he... did he intend to that again? Allison had experienced multiple orgasms while alone, and she knew this body was capable of it... but she had never orgasmed quite like this.

He eased up and smiled up at her. “How’d that work for you?”

She trembled on the hood as her headily disorganized human mind struggled to translate how she felt into the limited set of words available. While any contact with cum offered pleasure, those orgasms, while thrilling, remained short. Intense solar bursts.

By comparison, the constant physical and mental attention Carter had just lavished upon her was a spectacular solar storm, one that buffeted her for hours and threw her off course. It melted shielding and fried systems. “I... it was ice cream.”

He laughed softly. “Now that’s good to hear.” He kissed her thighs, then her slit, then looked up at her once more. “Want me to do all that again?”

She moaned in delight. “You would do this again?”

“I think we can get in one or two more before the sun goes down.”

“Oh, Carter.” She collapsed back on the hood. “You spoil me too much.”


Next Week: They go on a date and get in a bar fight.

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