Syren’s Song

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Dressing Up

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By the time they finally got back to his apartment it was already past dark, but he considered that unavoidable. While he felt a little tired, Carter was pretty damn happy with how the day had gone. They’d bought Allison a set of clothes, she’d landed a job offer, she’d really enjoyed her ice cream, and then she’d enjoyed... just about everything else.

As they pulled into the apartment parking lot, he glanced at her. The long red curls of her hair remained in disarray and she lounged in the passenger seat, simply breathing. Her gaze even had a bit of a glassiness to it, but it was nothing like the first night they’d met.

This was the distant gaze of contentment. Right now, she just looked happy.

He loved that he was responsible for the way she felt right now. Her shirt and slacks were now both wrinkled from the day’s events, but it wasn’t like she actually had to wear them into work tomorrow. He could sneak them back into the shop this week.

If he was going back. Was he going back? There was no reason to think Agent Holloway had returned, and his next shift wouldn’t be until tomorrow night. He didn’t want to get lost in worries about his job right now. He wanted to let Allison get ready and then take her on a date.

In the past, his dates with girls he liked had happened before the wild sex. Having been together just over a day and change, he and Allison had moved light years faster than he ever had before. He had no problem with that, because she obviously didn’t.

Still, he wanted to take her on a date. A real one, where he could buy her some drinks and eat some greasy food with her and just... hang out and have fun. He wanted to show her the world outside of crappy human apartments.

As he’d sat alone in the food court while she shopped, he’d realized just how many interesting things about her he hadn’t even asked. She’d said her planet was gone, but what about others? What were they like?

She’d mentioned Tharons, another alien species, and had heavily implied there were a number of others as well. Did they have cool spaceships? Obviously they did, but what those look like? Were they all Star Trek type aliens, where everyone looked human except for some weird ridges or giant ears, or were they as beyond human as she was?

Granted, she wasn’t beyond human currently. She was just an absolutely gorgeous human... but he couldn’t forget that the woman he saw now was simply her current configuration. What did she look like in her natural form? Would she show him?

Moreover, did he even want to know?

Maybe he didn’t. Either way, he couldn’t imagine anything she could show him that would change how he felt about her. As they’d figured out when they talked in his bedroom, this was her identity, for him. She seemed inclined to keep it.

His determination to have her stay with him hadn’t changed in the slightest. He couldn’t dream of a better woman than her—funny, kind, smart, beautiful, and fucking amazing in bed—and he still had a little trouble believing he’d lucked into meeting her like this.

Sure, there was the whole “fugitive from a bunch of space bounty hunters” thing to deal with, but what prospective partner didn’t come without a little baggage?

As they pulled into a parking space, she perked up. “We’re home.”

“We are.” The way she said that made him smile.

She glanced at him. She obviously understood what she had just said and how she had said it. She didn’t look to want to take it back.

“I need to change my outfit and get ready for our date,” she told him. “Do you need a nap? You’ve had quite the busy day.”

He laughed. “I’ve still got energy. Nothing some nachos won’t cure.”

“Then we are still going out?”

“After we restock. Sure you don’t need a snack first?”

He was already worried she wasn’t eating enough. Carter had grabbed some fries to quiet his grumbling stomach while he waited for Allison to finish shopping, but she’d dived straight for the ice cream. He couldn’t let her forget she still needed to eat human food.

She cocked an eyebrow. “Is this snack what I hope it is?”

He chuckled as she continued to work on her dirty humor, but he couldn’t let her slip away on this. “It’s food, Allie. Human food. You need that, remember?”

She sighed. “You are right. Now that I have had time to come down from the way you destroyed my mind, my stomach is troubled. I should probably eat a thing or two.”

“I destroyed it?”

She blinked. “Sorry. I wanted a word beyond blowing, but it does sound strange in context. Do you recall when you said the way I sucked you off was mind-blowing?”

That was what he’d thought she’d meant. “Oh, I get what you meant. It was just little—”

“Odd,” she agreed. “You exploded my mind with what you did today. Or... this still sounds violent, doesn’t it? My mind melted. It cooked.” She frowned. “This is your fault, you know. You’ve made me so happy I’m having difficulty translating myself.”

Carter grinned wide. “I like what you just said.”

“So what shall we eat?”

He wished he had more to offer her. “You pick. Eggs, sausage, or turkey sandwich. We’ll get some more groceries tomorrow, some stuff I can actually cook. You like chicken? Rice?”

“I love all sorts of food,” she assured him. “I will eat any of that. Surprise me.”

They got out of the car, grabbed her big bag of new clothes, and headed upstairs. Once inside Allison hurried to his bedroom to try on her new wardrobe as Carter headed to the kitchen to cook her a snack. He realized he’d failed to rinse out his only pan this morning, so it remained greasy from the morning’s sausage and eggs.

Red’s served a limited menu in addition to its open bar, so they could get anything from sliders to wings to some artery-hardening nachos at the tavern tonight. All of it was far more expensive than Carter would normally spend given his circumstances, but this was a date. He was going to take Allison on a real date and treat her right. If he had to splurge, he’d do it.

The still greasy pan would have to do for now. They could split the last of the sausage links to settle her stomach and then get something better and more filling at Red’s. He didn’t know exactly how her metabolism worked or what her alcohol tolerance was, but assumed it was about the same as any other human woman her size and weight.

As he cooked, he soon detected a sound from his bedroom. Humming. She was humming? She was humming in his bedroom, just loud enough that he could hear it over the sizzling of the pan. He didn’t recognize the song, and she didn’t put together notes the way he was used to hearing them. Even so, whatever she was humming sounded... haunting.

And all kinds of beautiful.

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Carter smiled as he listened, and he grew so intent he almost burned the sausage. He saved most of it at the last moment, then scooped it off onto a plate. One of the links was definitely more seared than it needed to be, so he’d just take that one for himself.

Allison’s humming had stopped, but he still heard the occasional creak of the floor as she walked around in there. She’d left his bedroom door wide open, but why would she have trouble with him seeing her change clothes? Knowing how horny she got after a few hours without sex, she was probably hoping he’d come look.

He was tempted. Yet he also remembered how excited she’d been about whatever outfit she’d picked out, and specifically, showing it to him. He didn’t want to walk in there before she was ready. He’d let her come out in her own time.

He set the plate and its trio of sausage links on the counter and glanced at the wall clock. It was almost seven-thirty, so they’d want to leave in fifteen minutes or so. He wished he’d given her more time to change and get herself ready, but then again, she hadn’t complained about any of the extra time they’d spent in that parking lot.

He grabbed a fork, parked himself on the stool on the living room side of the counter, and took a bite of the seared link. It was all right. He was halfway done when the creak of the floor announced Allison emerging from her bedroom, and he swiveled to look.

He dropped his fork.

She looked stunning. She’d done her eyes up with black eyeshadow—where did she even get eyeshadow?—that brought out their light green. Her full lips were now crimson and wet-looking, and her cheeks had just enough blush to balance everything out.

Her previously red hair had also changed entirely, and was now a gorgeous raven black. It was no longer curly, but straight, short on one side and all the way down past her shoulder on the other. That led his gaze to the black lace strap on one bare shoulder... and down.

She was wearing a damned corset, or something close, and the way it lifted and pressed her already impressive breasts together made her cleavage absolutely epic. It was obvious she wore no bra and didn’t need it in this top. Her boobs were so close to falling out.

Her entire top was a frilly black lace that stopped shortly below her breasts to reveal her sexy midriff, and a pair of low-rise jean shorts hugged her hips like they were painted on. Visibly pleased by his wide eyes, she raised both arms seductively and slowly twirled in place. The back of her top had a bunch of laces, and her shorts looked like they were painted on her ass.

The only thing that didn’t quite fit were her shoes, which were just the same pair of beaten up sneakers she’d worn when they’d met. No one was going to be looking at her shoes. Once she finished her little twirl, she lowered her hands and smiled.

“How do I look?”

He needed to check on the fork. He needed to answer her question. Finally, words came. “You, Allie, are driving me out of my mind with lust.”

She walked over with a sway in her hips. “That is exactly what I hoped to hear.”

“How did you even... damn!” He looked her over again. “You changed your hair.”

“Only my hair,” she assured him. “I am still the same Allison you enjoy.”

“Oh, I see that, and you definitely are.” He looked her over again, unable to pick any one feature that didn’t made him hard. “You just... why black?”

“Do you like it?”

“I love it. It... kinda goes with the outfit?”

“Precisely,” she said with satisfaction. “I considered changing my eyes to be darker as well, but then I remembered that we will be in public. Should we encounter anyone you know, you will need to introduce me. In that situation, I should be in the configuration you prefer.”

“Except for hair, because if anyone asks you can just say you dyed it.” Her thinking made sense, though he was having a hard time thinking at the moment. “Damn you look terrific.”

“Thank you.” She smiled. “Would you like me to ease your tension before we leave? I would be happy to suck you off while you stare down at my form in this outfit, and I promise I won’t let anything get messy. I am eager to repay you for what you did for me on the hood.”

Carter was really, truly tempted, then shook his head. “No. Not because I don’t want it, but because I want it so much. I mean damn, Allie, if you let me get started on you right now, I’m not sure I could stop. We won’t get to go on our date. We’ll be here fucking all night.”

She smiled coyly. “That does not sound so bad.”

“No, I want to take you out.” He stood and focused on self-control. “You said you like eating human food, right? And human culture?”

She plucked a sausage link off the plate with bare fingers and brought it to her lips, where she kissed it gently. She sucked on it and then bit into it, which was sexy and a more than a bit unnerving. She was teasing him again.

She popped the whole sausage into her mouth, chewed thoughtfully, and then swallowed. “I am eager for any human experiences we can enjoy together. And while I have been to a bar before, I have never been to one with you. I would like that.”

“Then we’re going tonight, right now. Just let me get some cash out of the bank.”

She picked up the other link. “In your absence, I will finish off your sausage.”

He chuckled once more at her relentlessly dirty jokes. “We’ll get more food at Red’s.”

Now that she was done in the bedroom, he lifted the corner of the bed and got another forty dollars out of the tin can. He might end up spending a third of his entire savings in a day, which went again every financial instinct in his body. Yet Allison would have a job soon as well, and tonight was special, dammit. He wanted it to be special for both of them.

He walked out of the room to find Allison waiting patiently in front of his door. She leaned against it with her hands behind her and her bare shoulders pushed forward. That enhanced her already jaw-dropping cleavage all the more.

Carter walked over and forcefully kept his eyes on hers. “Ready to go?”

She simply raised one hand and beckoned him closer with a finger.

Not like he was arguing with that. When he reached her and the door, she took his hands and leaned forward to give him an even more impressive view of her tits in that top. She stared up at him and smiled the same sexily submissive smile she’d used their first night.

“I am happy to do whatever you ask of me tonight. I look forward to doing anything and everything you ask of me.” She licked her lips. “Sir.”

Even after admitting she wanted to go out, she remained determined to tempt him every way she could. He wanted to just... no, dammit, they were going to the bar. As much as he wanted to bend her over his couch and fuck her right now, it would be even more incredible if they waited until after their date.

And he let this amazing woman tease him halfway out of his mind first.

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