Syren’s Song

Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Homecoming

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It was just past two PM when Allison, riding in the back of Rick’s beaten up green and brown station wagon, returned to the place she had never intended to visit again. Briar Oak apartments. An apartment here was the current residence of her first partner, Ryan, and many who still languished in similar conditions.

It was the guilt that clung to her. When she left this place, she had been wrapped up in her urgency to protect her sister and to escape capture. Yet seeing these apartments again, and remembering the kindness Ryan had showed her when she was here (and he was here) she could not help but feel guilty about her wonderful new life with Carter.

Leaving Carter peacefully sleeping in his bed after their last vigorous session of lust and pleasure had reminded her just how lucky she was to have him as her partner. Now, it also reminded her that so many were not as lucky. Ryan was among those.

If the Tharons had not mind wiped Ryan after they searched his place, he still remembered “Sarenia.” He likely wondered what had happened to her and, had he finally come home, longed for her. Moreover... he remained addicted to such powerful drugs.

Allison had tried those drugs herself soon after she arrived, thinking they would simply be the first of many pleasant diversions in her new human life. She had not been prepared for the intense high they provided or the cravings they left in her human body. Even with all of her advantages, the craving those drugs inspired in her human body had been impossible to ignore.

She had only freed herself from such cravings by reconstructing her body from scratch, and she had only been able to do that thanks to Ryan’s donations. He had obviously enjoyed himself immensely, so that wasn’t the issue. It was that she knew firsthand just how powerful a thrall still gripped him, and unlike her, he couldn’t simply remake his body to escape.

She had abandoned Ryan. She knew Carter did not see it that way and knew it was likely unhealthy to view it that way herself, given Ryan was an adult human male fully capable of making his own decisions. Yet she could not help but feel, in some way, responsible for him.

This guilt was difficult to ignore. It was also a distraction she would ignore, because while she still felt guilt over leaving Ryan behind, she was not here to save him. She was here to help Carter, and her need to help him easily eclipsed all other concerns.

Nervousness radiated off Rick as they pulled into the parking lot outside the apartments. What cars parked here were older models, and many looked quite worn from use. Some were even missing tires. They sat suspended by hollow gray bricks.

Meanwhile, Izzy was practically bouncing in her seat as equal nervousness radiated off her in waves. More guilt pushed past Allison’s calm as she stared at the visibly distracted woman doing all this for her and Carter. Again, she pressed her case from earlier.

“I still do not believe it was necessary for you to come.”

“Skeeter doesn’t know Rick,” Izzy reminded her firmly. “He wouldn’t trust Rick. Not without a deal first, and we can’t afford to buy his normal stuff. Not right now.”

“She’s right.” Rick pulled into an empty space and killed the lights. As he glanced back at Allison and grimaced, his long brown hair slid across his shoulders and the loose gray windbreaker he wore. “I don’t like her being here any more than you, but she’s got this.”

“You’re damn right I do.” Izzy leaned close and patted Allison’s thigh. “You don’t need to worry about a thing, babe. Skeeter’s got a hookup at the hospital that can get you anything you need. Oxy, morphine, fentanyl—”

“The antibiotics are all we need,” Allison interrupted, and more sharply than she intended. As Izzy frowned, Allison immediately gripped her hand.

“I would never judge,” she said softly. “I still cannot fully express my gratitude toward the two of you for doing all this to help Carter. I am simply... nervous.” She released Izzy and breathed. “I do not want either of you to get hurt. I need this to go smoothly.”

Izzy smiled and slapped her arm. “Just stick with me. Let me do the talking. We’ll slide in and out of there so smooth you won’t even realize you got laid.”

Rick frowned from the front seat. “So tell me, how isn’t that sexual harassment?”

Izzy snickered as she opened the door. “Never said it wasn’t, stud.” She hopped out, stood, and leaned down to wink at Allison. “You sure you don’t want to stay in the car?”

They had argued about this as well on the drive over. Allison nodded and opened her door as well. “No. I will go in with you. I will not ask you to do something I will not do myself.”

In truth, knowing firsthand the type of trouble one could find in this place and knowing nothing about this “Skeeter”, Allison refused to leave Rick and Izzy unprotected. Thanks to all of Carter’s generous attentions over the past few days, she had more than enough mental strength to lull or even knock out multiple human attackers, should the worst occur.

Using her mental blasts would remain her last resort to avoid Tharon intervention, but if it came down to it, she would not allow Rick or Izzy to come to harm. Both had agreed to help her and Carter the moment she asked. She would protect them.

“Right.” Rick got out as well, slammed his door, and stared forlornly at the darkened two-story apartment buildings all around them. “You know, while we’re here...”

“We are not stopping at Tara’s,” Izzy told him crossly. “No distractions.”

“Right,” Rick agreed reluctantly. “Just trying to be efficient.”

Izzy glanced back at Allison. “Follow my lead, babe.”

Allison nodded her assent. Izzy turned and set off at once, as confident as ever in her new wardrobe. She now wore a stylish leather jacket that was zipped to ward off the chill and a pair of weathered jeans that hugged her curves as tightly as those Allison had once worn. She’d replaced her pumps with sneakers, and they were nice sneakers.

Moreover, Izzy had not simply allowed Allison to borrow clothes from the expansive wardrobe she had already somehow imported to Rick’s. She had insisted, and it had taken effort to remind Izzy they needed to speak to her contact instead of trying on cute outfits. While Izzy was a bit shorter and had a smaller bust, they were otherwise close enough to the same size that Allison had found many of Izzy’s garments fit her remarkably well.

Ah oh, did Izzy own cute clothing. Allison had been tempted to ask if she could borrow several attractive pieces, but restrained herself. She already had several lovely tops in mind which Miss Ellen had set aside for her at Two Times Around. She would purchase them soon.

For now, she wore dark jeans that were not quite as tight as Izzy’s, but remained form-fitting. They were even reasonably comfortable. Izzy had also let her borrow a thick and fuzzy sweater that felt delightfully soft against her arms. That plus the tank top she wore beneath left her human body both comfortable and warm.

In a situation like this one, she did not need to flash her cleavage or draw any more attention to her body than was necessary. She needed to, as Izzy suggested, slide in and out of this situation smoothly. She also had every last one of her mental senses on alert.

As she followed Izzy up a set of steps and then through the bowels of the seemingly abandoned apartment complex, she knew which apartments were inhabited and which were not, who was awake and who was asleep, and even how many sapients were inside. She did not peer into any one mind, but she remained alert for any alarm, worry, or malevolence that felt associated with the three of them.

Some of the emotions and surface thoughts she detected made her grimace. Others pained her. Not everyone who lived here had lives she would wish upon anyone, and leaving herself open to their thoughts and feelings took its toll. She felt some sadness. Some despair.

Yet there was warmth as well, and not all drug induced. Allison sensed the tender overprotectiveness of a parent watching her child sleep after arriving home after a long shift at her place of employment. She sensed a young couple proud of their first apartment and determined to rise higher. The fact that many humans still had hope, even here, was a comfort.

They soon passed Ryan’s apartment—her old apartment—and as painful as she knew it might be, Allison mentally reached inside. She felt both guilty and relieved when she found the apartment unoccupied. Ryan was out again, if he had even come home.

But was he all right? Even with his vices, he would still be all right. Sooner than she expected, Izzy paused at a closed door at the end of a balcony and glanced at them.

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“So, Skeeter’s absolutely up right now, but he doesn’t like new folks to just come in. I need to talk to him first and let him know you two are cool. That means I go in alone.”

“Hey, you didn’t tell me that!” Rick said. “That’s not a good idea.”

The waves of protectiveness and worry that radiated off Rick at Izzy’s suggestion reminded Allison of how Carter reacted when he believed she might suffer harm. It really was wonderful to know Rick felt that way about Izzy, but she also sensed the truth in Izzy’s words. Furthermore, she knew she could protect Izzy, even from out here.

She touched Rick’s arm. “She will be all right. We need not worry about her.”

Rick frowned and patted Allison’s hand. “I always worry about her.”

Izzy leaned over to kiss him. “I won’t be long.” She turned and rapped firmly on the door with clenched knuckles. “Just give me a few minutes to make introductions.”

Allison sensed alarm from the occupants inside the apartment immediately upon Izzy’s knock. Yet the minds inside merely felt cautious, not afraid. She got the impression that late night visitors were not unusual for this apartment.

She sensed a man leaning against the door and felt his suspicions ease as he peered through the peephole. Then she listened as locks unlocked—far more locks than were visible on the outside of this door—and the door came open to reveal a pull chain.

“It’s late,” the man inside said calmly.

“Got a friend who needs a rush order,” Izzy said confidently. “Can I come inside?”

The door didn’t open further. “I’ve seen Rick before. I don’t know the other one.”

So they could see her? How? Allison took a moment to further probe the apartment and felt both interest and lust from an unseen occupant. Yet the window between her and the apartment was closed. She covertly scanned her surroundings and soon spotted a tiny camera.

So the people inside the apartment were catching her on the camera! They could see all three of them from up there, and did not need the peephole. That was clever. Allison looked away in hopes they would not realize she had spotted their surveillance device.

“She’s cool, Skeeter,” Izzy said confidently. “And she doesn’t even need the hard stuff. This is just a favor for a friend.”

“Not outside,” Skeeter warned.

“Then let’s talk inside,” Izzy insisted calmly.

Allison sensed hesitance from Skeeter, then resignation. From inside the apartment, a pull chain left a slot. The door opened, but the man inside did not step out.

“Just you,” Skeeter said. “They stay outside.”

Izzy grinned Allison’s way and waved. “Be right back, babe.” She stepped inside. The door shut behind her, and Allison did her best not to wince as she heard the chain slide back into place. Multiple locks again clicked shut.

Rick, however, was obviously having difficulties. He visibly paced outside the door as he glanced between it, Allison, and the night sky. As she sensed rising suspicion from whoever was watching them on the camera, she reached out to Rick. She settled him.

It was not quite a lull. She did not distort his perceptions. She did, however, ease his worries and calm his mind. He stopped pacing, and he looked for all purposes like a man who was impatient but relaxed. Eager for a fix, but not wary of being caught.

Soon after, Allison also felt the suspicion of the occupant observing them using the camera ease. She did not like calming Rick without his consent, but the danger his behavior might present to Izzy made it more than necessary. Everyone must remain calm.

After a longer delay than she liked but one in which she did not sense any alarm from Izzy, only frustration, locks opened again. As did the door. A dark-haired man with hard eyes who was visibly older than Carter stepped out. He wore a long T-shirt and swim shorts.

He gave her a visible once over, then beckoned her forward. “We’ll talk.”

As Rick moved to join her, one glance from the man froze him in his tracks. “Not you.”

Allison sensed fear, then hesitation, the resolve. Rick straightened to his full height. “I need to be in there with them.”

Skeeter frowned. “No, you don’t.”

Before Rick could do anything rash, Izzy walked out to join them. Allison sensed her frustration and uncertainty, and a moment later, she realized its origin. Skeeter now expected her to enter his apartment and speak to him alone.

Still visibility frustrated, Izzy huffed. “Babe, I tried to talk some sense into him—”

“It is fine.” Allison raised one hand to caution her. “I am the one who wishes to acquire these items. I owe it to this man to allay any suspicions face to face.”

Skeeter’s hard gaze returned to her again. She sensed his attraction to her at once, but unlike the attraction she’d felt from others, his was measured and controlled. He appreciated her form but was not distracted by it. She also sensed he approved of her forthrightness.

Allison walked forward and stopped before his door. “I am ready if you are.”

Skeeter nodded and glanced at Rick and Izzy. “You two chill out here.”

Izzy visibly grimaced as Rick looked more than a little upset, but neither protested. Allison had made it clear to both of them she could handle herself. After one more glance at Skeeter for permission, she stepped into his dimly lit apartment.

She did not look back as he shut the door behind her.

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