Syren’s Song

Chapter 36: 36: Drug Deal

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The inside of Skeeter’s apartment was much nicer than Ryan’s. His living room was open and clean, and the light-colored carpet was free of stains. The walls were free of dirt and even had decorations, including an interesting painting of sunflowers. Finally, a thick, flat TV much larger than Carter’s dominated one wall, along with speakers half as tall as she was.

The brown-stained coffee table in the center of the room was littered with drug paraphernalia, but it was at least well organized. A few traces of white powder assured Allison that these men had perhaps been in the process of enjoying drugs when visitors arrived. That likely accounted for the alarm she’d felt upon Izzy’s knock.

The brown-haired man sitting on the couch in a T-shirt and boxers reminded her of Tommy’s companion at Red’s tavern. He was obviously comfortable with physical conflict and would have likely attempted to intimidate her had she been alone, but in the presence of Skeeter, he remained calm. He was not “top dog” here. He was a lieutenant.

Moreover, Allison immediately sensed another presence. The woman who emerged from the back room of the apartment was dressed much like Izzy, though without the jacket, and her piercing gaze made it clear she was not under the influence of anything. She had dark hair that fell to her waist and two rings piercing her lips. What fascinating jewelry!

A brief surface probe of Skeeter detected approval of the woman’s arrival, but only a token amount of lust. So he, too, found this woman attractive, but he was not involved with her. Their relationship remained professional.

So did this woman cohabitate with these men, or was she also here to buy something? Allison suppressed her curiosity. As Izzy suggested, she simply needed to slide in and out.

“Lose the sweater,” Skeeter said from behind her.

Allison felt a hint of alarm and again searched his surface thoughts for malevolence or lust. Yet while she found a hint of anticipation at the thought of her removing her sweater, it was eclipsed by his business-like nature. This did not seem to be a lecherous request, yet Allison still did not understand it.

“Why do you wish for me to remove my sweater?”

“To make sure you’re not wearing a wire,” the dark-haired woman said as she approached. “I’m also going to search you, and I’m going to be thorough. If you’ve got a problem with that, chica, you can walk right out the door.”

What was a wire? Allison scrambled through her studies of human slang and then remembered, of all things, the “cop show” she and Carter had watched earlier tonight, as she made eyes at him from the couch and he teasingly resisted her advances. She had heard this phrase in that show, and she mentally scrambled to remember the context.

A wire was a microphone, one hidden in her clothing. Police officers used them to record conversations which could then incriminate the speaker. Of course! Skeeter and his allies were worried that she had come here to incriminate them.

“I understand, and this is acceptable,” Allison said. “I wish to do honest business.”

She stripped off her sweater and dropped it on the floor. The immediate spike in lust from the man on the couch was understandable—she was, after all, now wearing only the thin white tank tops Carter so enjoyed—but the relief she sensed from Skeeter was the more important of the emotions in the room. He was now considerably more relaxed.

The dark-haired woman frowned as she approached. “Arms out.”

“Do you really need to search her?” The man on the couch looked amused. “It’s pretty obvious she’s not hiding anything under that.”

“Settle,” Skeeter growled from behind her. “And you, Allison? Don’t move.”

Allison obediently spread her arms as the dark-haired woman patted her down, and rather intimately. She also sensed a surprising amount of attraction as the actions occurred, though the woman controlled her face and her emotions. Interesting.

It now seemed clear why Skeeter respected but did not covet this woman. She was not, in human terms, interested in men. And despite the woman’s understandable attraction to Allison, nothing in her inspection felt unnecessary. She was worried both for herself and her companions, but when she completed her inspection, those worries eased.

“She’s clean.” The woman stepped back. “You can talk.”

Skeeter walked past her toward his couch. “Care to sit?”

“I am fine standing,” Allison said. “May we speak now about what I wish to purchase?”

The man on the couch grinned. “I think this chick goes to college.”

“I’m heading back to bed,” the woman said. “You got this, Skeeter?”

The man nodded. “I do. Night.”

The dark-haired woman tossed Allison one more glance, this one a bit more longing that the earlier one, and then turned and strode away. Allison did not miss the way she swayed her hips more than was likely necessary. She was likely hoping Allison would look.

Meanwhile, Skeeter sat down on his couch beside the other man, who scooted over to make room for him. He watched Allison calmly. “What can I get for you?”

“Antibiotics,” Allison said at once.

The man in his boxers snorted and slapped his knee. “I love this chick!”

Skeeter glanced at his companion. “Why don’t you go make yourself something to eat?”

The man grinned directly at Allison... or rather, her chest. “Oh no, I’m fine right here.”

As Skeeter continued to stare at him, the man’s grin faded, and then he immediately hopped up. “Oh. Yeah. Sure, I’ll go... make myself a sandwich.” He, too, offered Allison one more covetous glance before he left to some back room of the apartment.

Once he was gone, Skeeter glanced at her. “You can put your sweater back on now.”

It was a generous gesture, one likely designed to make her more amenable to negotiation. Allison accepted it. Once she was once again fuzzy and warm, she clasped her hands behind her back. “Can you acquire antibiotics?”

“I can,” Skeeter said calmly. “I’d like to know why you want them.”

“Will it be difficult?”

“It would be unusual,” Skeeter corrected. “Obviously, I’d be more comfortable knowing why you need them. I don’t know you yet.”

Allison considered him for a moment and then allowed herself a slightly more immersive probe. Going this deep into a sapient’s mind butted right up against her moral center, but Carter’s life was at stake. Not to mention the continued well-being of Izzy and Rick.

She sensed more curiosity than caution. She also sensed that this man would grow hesitant if she refused to explain. Finally, she sensed that he would never talk to the human authorities. He did not want involvement with those any more than she did.

“My friend has what I believe is a bacterial infection,” she stated plainly.

“And what’s wrong with your local pharmacy?”

Skeeter would understand what she said next. “The infection came as a result of a stab wound. The stab wound came as a result of an altercation. That altercation is not one we can report to the police, because my friend is not comfortable talking to the police. Were we to go to the hospital and request treatment, the hospital would notify the police.”

“Ah,” Skeeter said. “So this really is just about medicine.”

“It is.”

“And how do know Izzy?”

Skeeter had no doubt asked these same questions of Izzy as they spoke alone in his apartment. There was no reason to think Izzy had lied, nor did Allison think she would have been so foolish as to do so. Izzy was smart.

“We met at Red’s Tavern yesterday night.”

Skeeter raised one thick eyebrow. “That’s it?”

Allison nodded again. “In that time I found her to be generous, protective, and thoughtful. When I mentioned my need to her, she showed no hesitation in offering to help.”

Skeeter evaluated her for a moment. “You must have impressed her.”

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“She also impressed me.”

“And your friend. Is he also Izzy’s friend?”

“He is. That is also why I believe she was willing to help me.”

“I see.” Skeeter visibly relaxed. “I can get you what you need, but not tonight. I can’t deliver until tomorrow, but I’ll need payment today.” He quoted her a price.

Allison had prepared for this. She had pulled money from Carter’s bank after he slept. She knew he would approve this purchase, and they could afford it. However, she did not intend to simply hand money to this man without guarantees.

“I will pay you half today,” Allison said.

Skeeter’s eyes narrowed. “No, you’ll pay it all.”

“That implies we do not trust each other.”

Skeeter smiled faintly. “We don’t.”

Allison realized at once that she had overplayed her hand. This man knew she was desperate for this medicine. He fully intended to obtain his payment today, and moreover, he was absolutely comfortable telling her to leave if she did not agree to that.

Still, she had one advantage he did not know about. Her scan of his immediate thoughts assured her he would honor his deal. He drove a hard bargain, but an honest one, and he liked repeat customers. He preferred to conduct his business without trouble.

Now it was only a matter of appearing to hesitate before defeat. “How do I know you’re going to actually get it for me?”

“Again, you don’t,” Skeeter said flatly. “But you do know Izzy, and she knows me.”

“So because I trust Izzy, I can trust you.”

Skeeter shrugged. “You can make up your own mind about that.”

Allison visibly hesitated. She made herself obviously think about it, and did so just long enough for a hint of impatience to rise off Skeeter. Then, she nodded. “All right.”

His impatience vanished, replaced with satisfaction and a flush of victory. She was glad to sense those feelings inside him. It meant this deal would be resolved smoothly.

She reached into the pocket of her jeans and produced bills, then counted out the requested amount. She offered it to Skeeter, but he simply pointed to his table.

Interesting. So even after all this, he would not directly take the money. He expected her to leave it and simply walk out his door. Another odd human custom.

She settled the agreed upon price upon his coffee table and rose. “Tomorrow, you will have my purchase?”

“If nothing changes,” Skeeter agreed. “Swing by tomorrow evening after 8. No earlier.”

Allison nodded. “I understand.”

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Allison.”

He rose, but didn’t offer to shake her hand. She sensed this was a dismissal.

Allison allowed herself a warm smile, and was pleased when she felt a trace of Skeeter’s composure melt beneath it. “Thank you for agreeing to help. I truly do appreciate it.” She glanced to the door. “Could you let me out now?”

Skeeter walked past her and unlocked locks. Then, like a true gentlemen, he opened the door for her. Outside, Rick and Izzy waited with relieved eyes.

Allison strode out into the night and nodded. “All went well.”

Izzy grinned and slapped her arm. “I knew you could charm him, babe.” She looked past Allison into the apartment. “Told you, you big grump.”

Skeeter signed from behind Allison. “Go home.” The door closed and locked again. Allison half-expected to feel an approaching Tharon hunter or to hear the approach of human sirens, but the night remained undisturbed. They had gotten away with it.

Rick took a deep, relieved breath, then wrapped an arm around Izzy. “After all this excitement, I’m going to need something serious to relax.”

“I’ll relax you.” Izzy planted a kiss on his cheek. “Just the way you like it.”

“Okay!” Rick agreed at once. “So... let’s drop Allie at her place?”

“I would appreciate that,” Allison said.

“And tomorrow?” Izzy asked. “You need a ride then?”

“Shit, I can’t,” Rick said. “I’ll be on shift.”

Izzy whistled. “And I can’t drive. Fuck.”

“Carter can drive,” Allison assured them. “He will be taking the day off tomorrow. Now that you have made an introduction, I will have no problem acquiring what I purchased.”

“You sure?” Rick asked.

“I am.” Allison smiled warmly. “You have already done so much for me. For us. I am grateful and will remain so, but you need not worry about me.”

“Right,” Rick agreed ruefully. “I believe you there. Carter’s one lucky fool.”

Izzy elbowed him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Rick reached out to draw a hand across Izzy’s cheek, bring her gaze to his. “My dear, it simply means Carter is fortunate to have two such gorgeous women concerned about his welfare.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “As I am fortunate to have you.”

Izzy laughed and slapped his hand away. “Lame. But I’ll let you off the hook this time.”



As the woman he recognized from Red’s tavern got back into Rick’s beaten-up station wagon and they all drove off without a care in the world, he started up his car and followed. He hadn’t expected to run into his ex-girlfriend and her idiot friends here. He certainly hadn’t expected them to waltz right past his car without a care in the world. They must be high.

And he must still have some luck he still hadn’t cashed out.

Once it was clear from their direction that they weren’t heading back to Rick’s place, Tommy also decided they might be taking that redheaded chick back to her place. If she lived with that hick who’d sucker punched him, he’d have a lead on that asshole as well. That gave him options, and Tommy was a man who appreciated options.

One way or another, he was determined to get what he deserved.

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