Syren’s Song

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Nature Hike

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He parked at the end of the same road they’d parked at the night he called Agent Holloway to talk about a UFO. Beyond, tall evergreen trees grew closely together and stretched across Pennsylvania’s rolling hills for as far as he could see. The blue sky beyond had a few wispy clouds, but it was otherwise a perfect day for hiking in the woods.

There was a sign for a nature trail that started here, but Carter doubted they would be sticking to the trail for long. The sign said that parking was only allowed until sunset, but they had still had six hours or more until the sun went down. Allison had said it was a thirty minute walk to the small lake in which she’d hidden her ship.

He didn’t see how it would take more than six hours to get to her ship, tool around in it a little, and get back. That assumed the park service even bothered coming out here to check for cars. There were already two more cars parked at the end of this trail, but Carter saw no sign of the occupants. That assured him the trail would be lightly traveled.

They now had under three weeks before the junction that would allow the Tharons to take Larika out of the system opened again. It already felt like so little time, and it bothered Carter that neither of them had been able to come up with a strategy to rescue Larika in a week. He’d even driven by the warehouse the Tharons were using on his own (they would have detected Allison) and been discouraged by what he saw from the road.

The Tharon base had chain link fencing all the way around, with barbed wire on top of that, and a single gate and gatehouse. It didn’t have watch towers or anything, but the entire area was well lit. There were no trees leading to the fencing. It was open fields all around.

Sneaking onto the warehouse grounds, even at night, would be difficult to impossible. Allison had also assured him the Tharons would have security cameras watching their surroundings and, of course, have Tharons standing sentry and scanning mentally for intruders. How could they get in and get to Larika, let alone get out and to Allison’s ship?

When Allison’s fingers slid across his thigh, it snapped him out of his thoughts. He realized then he hadn’t even shut the engine off. He stopped the car, pulled up the parking brake, and glanced at her. “Sorry for spacing out. Was thinking about the warehouse again.”

“I suspected as much.” Allison smiled warmly. “We will find a way to free her, together.”

Carter nodded. She still had her seat belt buckled, and the contrast of the dark strap over her white knit-top was striking. She didn’t even need to show off her cleavage when her top was that tight and her boobs filled it out like that.

She knew how much he liked looking at her. He could tell by the shy and seductive smile she offered in response to his gaze. “Now, as to our discussion on the drive.”

He was eager to see what she’d come up with. “You want to try out a new form?”

“Yes. Since we are not in public today, it would be the ideal day to play around. The location to which we are traveling is remote, and the chances of encountering anyone we know are virtually zero. I can easily shift back to my current form before we go home.”

“Then go nuts, Allie. Craft a form you really like.”

She unsnapped her seatbelt, leaned across the parking break, and lowered her voice as her light green eyes stared into his. “Also, you could play around with my new form.”

Carter grinned at her naughty tone. “So that wouldn’t be cheating on you?”

“Would it feel like that to you?” She actually sounded worried.

He touched her chin with two fingers and then brushed those along the line of her jaw, which rewarded him with a small and contented sigh. “No.”

“You’re certain?”

“I am. If we look at this from your perspective, you putting on a new form is no different than you showing me a dress you really love. And then letting me fuck you in it. So long as it’s still you in there, I don’t think it would feel like cheating at all.”

“That is good to know,” Allison said quietly. “Because if you truly are okay with me practicing my art, you are going to be not cheating with a lot of different forms.”

He unsnapped his seat belt. “How much time will you need?”

“Five minutes. Would you mind keeping watch on the woods?”

“So you can surprise me with whatever you come up with?”

“Yes,” Allison said. “I do not want to show you my new form until it is ready.”

“You’ve got a deal. I’ll keep an eye out for Tharons.” He snorted. “And bears.”

Carter got out of the car, slammed the door, and walked around to get his small backpack out of the trunk. It held a couple of bottled waters, some granola bars and other trail snacks, and a compass and folded map of this area. He wasn’t an expert navigator, but he wasn’t worried about getting lost in the woods.

He shrugged on the pack, then walked to look out over the woods leading off to the horizon. This was a really nice state park. The greenery was gorgeous. He hadn’t gone hiking in way too long, and Texas, unlike Pennsylvania, was mostly a whole lot of flat.

He was still enjoying the view over the trees and the cool wind against his skin when a pair of soft hands brushed his sides, then slowly wrapped around his still bandaged midsection. A woman’s chin rested on his shoulder, and he glanced sidelong at her, he found a tall, leggy blond embracing him from behind.

She was just as gorgeous as the Allison he knew, though obviously and visually different. Her skin was a bit lighter than Allison’s had been, and her nose was a bit more narrow, more like that he’d see on a model than the girl next door look Allison favored. Her eyes were now a dark and gorgeous blue.

She had the rest of her blond hair bound up in a tight ponytail—she must have borrowed a hair band from Izzy as well—and just a hint of gloss made her light pink lips look warm and wet. She smiled and stepped back to give him a better view of her new form. She stood almost as tall as he did now, which was intriguing.

Looking her over, it was obvious Allison had put a lot of work into her latest body. It was also obvious why she might need a larger wardrobe. The denim jeans she’d worn out to the trail remained as tight as ever but now ended well above her ankles, leaving her calves bare from midway down. This new Allison had legs for days.

Her bust was also smaller, given she’d put on at almost a foot of height, but still more than enough to stretch her white-knit top. That top had also left even more of her tight midriff bare, since she was taller now, and her abs were both visible and tight. Her jeans were also basically a low rise at this point, which looked great on her.

Her default Allison configuration was fit, but this body was visibly more athletic than her original configuration. It was the difference between a woman who was naturally slim and one who actively worked out every day. All her muscles had more visible definition.

Carter grinned. “You look like you’re ready to compete in the Olympics.”

“Thank you!” Her warm, pleased smile turned him on like always, but he didn’t fail to notice her voice was a bit different in this new form. She still sounded like her, but maybe... in a different octave? Her vocal cords must be a different length now, too.

“Your reaction is as I hoped,” Allison continued. “I have seen several women out jogging on my morning strolls, and all have impressed me with their visible athleticism. I wanted to craft a ‘sporty’ body. Have I succeeded?”

“Definitely. You’re just as hot as you’ve always been, but you look like you do a lot of crunches and running.” The more he looked at her, the more Carter realized how much she turned him on. “You go into a gym like that, you’d be getting looks from everywhere.”

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“I’m mainly interested in looks from you.”

“Trust me, I’m already undressing you in my brain.”

“Excellent.” She grinned with satisfaction. “Since this is my first time shifting into a different from in front of you, I would like to explore how we feel about it. This still feels like me, to you?”

Carter approached her. She eyed him curiously as he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. He no longer had to look down to gaze in her eyes. She was almost his height. He kissed her softly, then more firmly.

She melted into his embrace, sliding her arms around his middle and around his back. She kissed just like the Allison he knew too, even if she looked physically different now. She tasted the same. Her tongue felt the same. Her little moans were the same.

Carter gave her one last lingering kiss, eased back, and then slid his hands down to rest on her ass. “Yeah. This’ll work.”

Allison’s blond bangs drifted lightly in the wind as her dark blue eyes gazed into his. “Would you like to break me in before we hike?”

He truly considered that. “Probably better to wait. I need my energy for the walk.”

“But I need your energy, too.”

He gave her ass a squeeze. He could swear it was even tighter than in her original Allison form, which tracked. He’d always had a thing for athletic girls, too. She had him sorely tempted to roll those tight jeans down her thighs, push her down on the hood, and fuck her on it, but another car could drive up at any moment. That could get the police called on them.

“There any good places to fuck inside your ship?”

“There are many good places to fuck inside my ship.”

“Then we’ll wait.” He stepped back and motioned with his head. “Lead the way. We might as well get a move on before we lose any more light.”

She once more brushed his lips with hers. “Very well. Do try and keep up.”

He smirked as she walked past him, then realized she was moving at a truly impressive pace. Her now longer legs ate up distance even with a fast walk. Her ass and legs also looked amazing in her tight jeans, which offered all the incentive he needed to follow close.

They hurried onto the nature trail and proceeded along it at the pace she set. It was definitely a more aggressive pace than they needed, but Carter enjoyed the challenge. This was a reminder he hadn’t done nearly as much jogging as he had before he come out here to Pennsylvania. He missed it. A morning jog always got his blood pumping.

He was really glad his middle didn’t really hurt anymore. Allison’s mental soothing and the antibiotics had done their work. He was still a little stiff, but mending steadily.

Carter checked his watch periodically as the trail wounded downward and narrowed, and wasn’t surprised when they turned right off it about ten minutes into the walk. He doubted Allison or Larika had wanted anyone to easily find the lake where they parked their ship. Or... was it more of a pond? She’d been a little unclear about that.

The going got a little more difficult once they were off the trail, but Allison didn’t slow down. If anything, she increased their pace, and now Carter had to deal with uneven ground, pokey undergrowth, and fallen trees lying this way and that, not to mention bushes. Fortunately, his hoodie and jeans were up to the challenge of keeping the scratchy parts at bay, and while his boots weren’t exactly perfect for hiking in the woods, they managed.

He was more worried for Allison, given her bared midriff and ankles, but was surprised when even the spikiest bits of undergrowth slid right off her skin without drawing blood. He wondered if she’d toughened up her skin somehow. She could probably do that.

They continued through the woods without conversation, but it didn’t feel awkward. He liked that they could just be together in silence and enjoy the woods. Carter appreciated the sound of birds chirping and the rustles of small critters in the undergrowth. The gentle sound of wind through the woods soothed his soul.

Allison glanced back from time to time, always smiling, and that was about the only distraction he got from checking her out from behind. He loved watching her blond ponytail bounce. He was having all sorts of naughty thoughts about that ponytail, particularly if she intended to let him pull on it. He suspected that was exactly what she had in mind.

Fortunately, while the path she chose was certainly not one that would be used by the average hiker, it wasn’t anywhere near impassible. Carter was only a bit winded by the time they reached what looked to a large, still pond that looked to be about the size of his apartment complex at home. He could see to the far bank, which was more rocks and trees.

There was no sign of her spaceship. He knew it could cloak itself, but the trees were so densely packed together he didn’t see where anything as large as her ship could have landed. Unless... it was down in the pond? Under the water?

Allison walked to the edge of the bank, just a step from the gently lapping shore, and glanced back at him once more. “Are you ready for my latest trick?”

He grinned. “Let’s see it.”

She knelt before the pond. She leaned forward and trailed her fingers through it, then closed her eyes. She remained like that for a good thirty seconds, then rose. She walked back to him and then took his hand in hers. She stood in silence.

Moments later, just when Carter was on the verge of asking what they were waiting on, water visibly coursed off something at it emerged from the pond. While he didn’t see an actual object there—just air—the water coursing off the object on either side revealed its basic shape. It was probably as long as two buses parked nose to back and as wide as one.

Oddly, the water beneath the shimmering nothing barely stirred. He’d expect its engines to send wake and water in all directions, but whatever made this ship hover evidently didn’t kick up air like all the other engines he’d seen. A soft hum filled the air.

Allison gently pressed two fingertips to the bottom of his chin. That closed his mouth.

The nothing form shimmered to reveal a sleek gray-blue hull that reminded Carter, more than anything else, of the coloration and slick skin of a bottlenose dolphin. A portal in the back opened, and what looked like a tongue slowly grew from the portal like it was forming from thin air. Its tip touched down on the muddy bank, maybe two feet wide.

“This is our ship,” Allison said proudly. “I cannot pronounce her name in your tongue, but I have chosen a human name we will use for her in its stead. You may call her Venus.”

Interesting. “Like the planet?”

“Like the Greek goddess of love.”

“Oh.” Carter’s grin grew as he glanced sidelong at Allison. “I can see that.”


Next Week: Blindfolds, Sexy Tricks, and a Rescue Attempt

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