Syren’s Song

Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Venus

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Allison walked up the “tongue” on the shore and into her hovering ship without trouble, but Carter was more hesitant. The tongue looked slick, but the moment he stepped on it, it felt like stepping on rubber. He had no problem with traction or keeping his balance as he walked up the gray blue tongue and through the portal in the end of her floating ship.

That was an oval wide enough he didn’t have to duck to go through it, though it was dark inside. He wasn’t sure what sort of smell he expected inside, but it wasn’t... whatever this was. As he stepped through the oval into a hall just a little wider than his shoulders, he couldn’t decide if he was smelling sage or pine needles. And a hint of honey?

The oval lapped shut behind him, leaving him in near dark. Ambient light grew, but he didn’t see any actual lights. Rather, the floor, walls, and roof of the hallway in which he stood seemed to glow on their own. The inside was a dull purple spotted with tiny white dots.

Ahead of him, Allison trailed her fingers along one wall. Rainbow trails followed her fingertips. She peered up and around with a satisfied smile. “Oh, I have missed you.”

Carter found himself impossible curious. Was this ship some sort of advanced artificial intelligence? Or maybe even a... pet? He didn’t know anything about alien technology. He just knew this was really cool.

Allison turned to face him from down the hall and smiled. “What do you think of her?”

“She?” He considered. “Venus?”

Allison nodded. “That is the closest translation for name within the English language.”

“And is she... alive?”

Allison giggled like he’d tickled her.

Carter flushed as he felt foolish. “Was that a dumb question?”

“No, not at all.” Allison looked positively giddy as she walked back down the hallway to stand close. “I can see how you might think that, but while she is a magnificent organic machine, my ship is no more alive than your Acura. Though... I like my car better.”

“Cool,” Carter said quietly. He wanted to offer something far more profound given how incredible this all was, but “cool” was all his brain could come up with right now. This was a telepathic cloaking ship that could hover on a lake without disturbing a single drop. Also, his hot shapeshifting alien girlfriend looked so ready to fuck him right now.

“What led you to ask if my ship was alive?” Allison asked.

“Oh, I dunno. This just... seemed alien?”

She nodded. “Living and symbiotic ships do exist. I once met one with the most remarkable mind. However, they also require constant companionship. While my Venus does have an extremely advanced AI, she is not sentient in the manner of other sapients. Were she, I would not feel right burying her in a lake for weeks at a time. The pronoun I use for her is no different than those your human captains use for their vessels.”

“Got it,” Carter said.

“However, I do give her commands telepathically. That is why she appears to operate of her own volition. If you like, I can speak my commands aloud so it’s not so confusing.”

“No, that’s fine.” He pulled Allison close and marveled once more at the way the light played off the tight muscles of her bare arms. Even with her face and hair and whole body different, she still felt like Allison to his. Maybe their minds were simply matched.

Just when he was about to kiss her, Allison pressed a hand to his chest to pause him. “Her material is quite pleasant. Why don’t you feel her?”

He considered her a moment. “Feel... your ship?”


Carter reached out and traced his fingers along the walls. More rainbows followed, and Allison moaned softly. The ship’s wall felt both warm and slick, almost like a person’s skin, but not quite. There was definitely a hint of metal in the ship—in her—as well.

He was starting to get an inkling of just how closely Allison and her ship were connected. As he kept one arm around her waist and lightly traced increasingly tender circles along the slick surface of the hall, he glanced at her. “Can you feel that?”

She nodded. “In here, I can feel everything. Every touch.”

A faint hum also rose in his ears. As his hand hopped off the wall, the hum faded, but the... song... remained stuck somewhere deep in his brain. He couldn’t so much hear it was feel it. It was the same tune he’d heard Allison humming days ago in his bedroom.

“I think I hear... a song?”

Allison’s smile grew. She now looked absolutely thrilled.

“So your ship is singing to us?”

“I am pleased you can hear that. Not all sapients can, not unless their minds are attuned to a similar... channel... as mine. The song you hear represents a whole, in this case, my family. Venus has been a part of my family for generations. My mother handed her down to us.”

This was the first time she’d mentioned her parents. He’d been wondering about those of late. “So where is your mother now? Is she still around?”

“She is not.”

Carter immediately pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry.”

“It is not a sadness,” she assured him. “She is safe and well. She is home.”

As he eased back, that confused him a little. “Like... in Heaven?”

“She is home,” Allison said softly. “I do not know how else to explain it.”

So maybe despite how open she was, there was some element of her alien religion or even biology that she couldn’t fully translate. He was fine with that. “So what about Dad?”

“Our father is with our mother.” She tugged his hand. “Come. While we are absolutely going to test out my new body, but I want to show you the rest of my ship!”

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She seemed pretty excited about showing him around the place, and she really didn’t seem upset about her parents being... gone... so maybe syren treated death differently than others. He didn’t want to press her in case it was a sensitive subject. He followed her and then wondered if he could feel his footsteps on the floor.

Allison trailed her hand behind her as she led him down the short hall. “I will show you the common lounge first.”

They exited the short and narrow hallway into a large room that looked to be a perfect oval, like the inside of a beach ball that had gone a bit flat. Venus’ “skin” in this room was rings of the same dark purple with white spots and smooth, harder looking rings of light blue, all of which glowed and provided ambient light. The floor was a slightly darker shade of purple.

There did not look to be any furniture in this “lounge”, just two concentric rings of ship around the level floor, one wider than the other. The whole space was about the size of his living room back in his apartment. As they walked into the center of the circle, Allison turned her palm to face up and made a gesture like an orchestra conductor.

Rainbow ripples coursed from the floor. Carter watched in wonder as a pillar grew directly ahead of her. It stopped about the height of her waist, then split out to form what looked to be a flat and narrow desk.

She pressed her palms to the desk, one on each side, and closed her eyes. Rainbow colors pulsed from her hands and down the pillar, into the ship. Each pulse came with a low thrum that sounded a bit like the beat of a bass speaker.

Carter didn’t dare ask what was going on. He assumed Allison would tell him when she was ready. He heard the faint song in his head once more, even though he wasn’t touching the ship, and it seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.

He noticed that the pulses of color that started at Allison’s flat palms coursed down the pillar spread out across the ship, like circles expanding in a pond after someone tossed in a rock. After an indeterminate time, Allison sighed, lifted her hands, and turned to face him as the desk and pillar melted back into the floor. “Thank you.”

Carter cocked an eyebrow. “For what?”

“Thanks to all your generous donations, I have now restored my ship’s batteries to full power. We now have full transformative and cloaking abilities, and enough energy to travel to the stars if we wished.”

“So you...” Carter paused, then frowned. “Oh, no way. Really?”

“I have just transferred Venus a great deal of transformative energy. She, like me, needs this to execute her basic functions. Given how generous you have been with me over the past week, I have more than enough to spare.”

So this now, literally, a cum-powered ship. He didn’t know how to wrap his head around that. He decided he wouldn’t even try. He almost wanted to laugh at how ridiculous it all felt.

Allison walked over to lace her fingers through his. She leaned in and kissed him, and once again, he found the fact that they were almost the same height intensely sexy. Judging by the way she pushed her whole body against him, she was obviously horny again.

Carter pushed back just enough to grin. “So what else do you want to show me?”

“My bedroom.”

“All right!” He hoped her bed was bigger than his. “Lead the way.”

Still holding his hand, she led him to the... left?... side of the ship. Another portal irised open as they approached the wall, revealing a hall beyond, and a short walk down that brought them to another door. That opened as well, and then Allison led him into a room that was smaller than the lounge, but still around the size of his bedroom at home. It, too, was empty.

So did aliens not need furniture? The floor looked flat, but he was perfectly willing to fuck her on it. He could probably make that floor as soft as she liked. Allison casually waved a hand, and then the room changed before his eyes. He stared in wonder.

A round “bed” rose in the center back of the room, literally coursing up from the floor in the same way the ship had risen from the lake. In moments it had shaped itself into a loose oval that was a soft pink instead of the star-filled purple of the rest of the ship. For some reason Carter couldn’t fully wrap his head around, it looked impossibly soft.

“Pillows” appeared as well, quite a few of them, and while there was no blanket, the ambient warmth inside her ship was more than comfortable enough. Given how hot they’d likely get after fooling around in here, a blanket was likely unnecessary.

More furniture appeared. An oval opened on the wall that Carter momentarily expected to be another door, but it remained solid, and then, it went reflective. A perfectly clear mirror. What might be the alien equivalent of a desk grew beneath that, along with a tall stool.

The oval wasn’t the only one. More ovals appeared around the chamber, but these, instead of displaying mirrors, instead displayed what Carter could only describe as portholes to space. He would swear he was staring right out a window at a multi-colored nebula. Or a beautiful rainbow-colored planet with multiple fragile-looking rings. Or a massive glowing sun wreathed in what looked to be colorful space clouds.

Was this artwork? Photography? Holographic photography? Whatever it was, it looked as real as any scenery outside any window he’d ever looked out of, and it made his heart race. These must be the sights Allison saw all the time as she flew around in outer space in this ship. Sights he could barely imagine before today, but now knew he’d never forget.

Finally, what he could only describe as a flap peeled open in one wall, and inside was a much smaller chamber with shelves. Strange and obviously alien clothing sat folded neatly on those shelves, made of fabric that shimmered almost like the rest of the ship. So Allison did have clothing. Just not stuff she could wear while walking around a small college town.

She walked to stand just before her bed and turned to face him. She clasped her hands behind her back and smiled. “Do you like it?”

“It’s gorgeous,” he assured her. “This is all gorgeous.” The ambient light did wonders for her tall, leggy, athletic, blond-haired form. “Just like you.”

She smirked with obvious satisfaction. “I want you to fuck me in here. In my room, on my bed. However... there is something else I’ve long wished to try. You could call it a fetish.”

“Fetish or not, I’m up for it. If it gets you hot, I’m all in.”

“Then allow me a moment.”

Allison walked to the open flap leading into her closet and knelt. One motion of her hand opened a previously invisible compartment. She reached inside and produced a thin silver device that looked almost like... a tiara? Except it would go all the way around a person’s head.

She cradled the item like it was impossibly precious and walked back to her bed, then turned and sat on her bed. She glanced at him. “Come sit beside me. Before we slip our clothes off and enjoy this new body together, there is a bit I need to explain.”

He settled himself beside her on the bed, scooting to press his hip against hers. The bed was so soft it felt like sitting on a cloud. He slipped an arm around her waist, and she sighed contently as she leaned against him. She turned the tiara in her hands.

“There is no English word for this device, but I will create one that approximates its purpose. The most appropriate term might be to call this a ‘muffler’. When secured around a sapient’s mind, it blocks all telepathic and mental contact. This works both ways.”

Carter raised an eyebrow. “That’s cool, but weird. Why would you need that?”

“Normally we would not. But under the right circumstances, and with a partner I truly trust, wearing a muffler can be... well, extremely exciting during sex.”

He leaned close. “Tell me more.”

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