Syren’s Song

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Inspiration

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He pushed up just enough to let Allison use her arms again. “Get those pants off.”

She wriggled beneath him as she scrambled out of her tight jeans, which were so tight they were obviously giving even her trouble. Carter hopped off her just enough to help, and eventually, though her jeans ended up inside out, she was naked on the bed save for the plain gray panties he’d bought her last week. A visible wet spot dampened the center.

He dropped beside her and kissed her hungrily, pushing her down again. He slipped two fingers inside her wet panties and then dragged them down her legs. He tossed them off the bed and figured they’d be easy enough to find them later, then slipped two fingers inside her and teased her with his fingertips. She was so wet.

She moaned loud. “Oh, sir!”

“Carter, now. And you can open your eyes.”

Her eyes snapped open, wide and blue and desperate for him. “Please fuck me.”

“Need my pants off first.” He pushed up and suspended himself above her, holding her wild gaze as her hands fumbled open the button on his pants. Even from below and even half pinned, she was an expert at stripping his clothes off him. He hadn’t even gotten her pants down past his knees before he slammed his cock deep inside her.

Allison cried out in pleasure and surprise, and then Carter wrapped her up again and pinned her flat. He drove into her forcefully and repeatedly, grunting as her warm, wet pussy swallowed his cock to its base. She wasn’t jacking him off like she sometimes did, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He probably had her mind too melted for that, which was good.

With another woman he’d never have started fucking her so hard with no warning, but he knew Allison could take it and, more importantly, he knew she wanted it. He balanced on his forearms and gripped her muscular arms tight as he fucked her mercilessly against her bed. Her gaze went increasingly glassy as her moans grew more intense.

With her muffled he didn’t have her special mind powers to help him pace himself, but he knew how to do that. The moment he felt the edge approaching he pulled out and kissed her against the bed as hard as he’d wanted to when he first got her topless.

The brief respite let him finally get his pants the rest of the way off. As he recovered he slipped a hand between her legs and teased her with his fingers, kissing her all the while. He played with her until he knew he could keep going without losing himself.

Then he rolled over and buried his cock in her again, returning to his steady rhythm. This time she cried out so loudly he temporarily worried he’d hurt her, but the half-delirious smile on his face assured him he had not. He grunted and fucked her as her moans grew more and more frequent and intense, then pulled out one last time. So close.

He pushed up to his knees as she recovered just enough to stare up at him, eager and breathless and a tiny bit confused. “Can I... do you wish to finish in my mouth?”

“Not this time. Get up, Allie.”

She blinked as if dazed, but nonetheless attempted to as he ordered. When she rose he grabbed her hips and flipped her over, dropping her flat on her stomach. She gasped in shock before he pulled her hips up and pushed his knees into the back of hers, spreading her legs with her ass high in the air. She moaned with understanding and pushed herself into position.

He slowly eased inside her from behind, taking his time even though it was obvious she wanted him to go much faster. He’d already given her new form a good workout, but he still had one more feature to break in. As he knelt behind her raised ass, he pressed one palm flat against her back to pin her anew. Then, he wrapped his other hand around her ponytail.

“Okay?” he asked softly.

“Yes,” Allison moaned. “Fuck yes, please.

Carter went at her from behind this time, fucking her hard enough each thrust shook the bed. He tightened his grip on her blond ponytail and wrenched her head back and up while keeping her upper body pinned down. Her cries of pleasure grew so loud he was glad the ship didn’t have any neighbors.

She was so close. He fucked her until he came in an almost blind burst of passion, and the moment he flooded her with his cum, the contact triggered the orgasm she’d already been on the verge of anyway. They didn’t share it—not with her muffler—but it felt good enough he didn’t care. He loved that she loved this.

It was after she finished shuddering that he finally released his tight grip on her ponytail. He let her head fall to the bed but stayed inside her, determined to ensure not a single drop fell on her bed. Everything he could give her was hers.

Only when he was finally relaxed did he slide out and wrap his arms around her from behind. He rolled onto his side and pulling her back against. She felt limp as he spooned her on the impossibly soft bed, far more gentle than he’d been when he was fucking her. He wanted to make sure she still felt safe with him.

He held her and they breathed. Then, she wriggled around to face him and planted a kiss on his lips that was so hungry he wondered if she was already ready to go again. Instead, she broke their kiss and cuddled into his arms. He pulled her close and wrapped her up.

Her breathing remained shallow, and she looked so happy he wondered if he might just melt. Just a little. That had felt incredible, and it has obviously been just as great for her.

He expected her to slip the tiara off now, but she made no move to do so. Perhaps having his arms around her, his warmth close to her, was enough to assure her he had no intention of letting her go. At some point, he actually drifted off with in his arms.

When he woke up to find her still snuggled against him, sleeping or... hibernating... contentedly, he couldn’t bear to move. She looked so exhausted, so peaceful, so content. He wondered if sleeping... or whatever she did... was somehow more restful when she wore that tiara too. If she could hear thoughts, that must happen even when she slept.

Fortunately, she stirred before the cramp developing in his arm got to be intolerable. Her blue eyes blinked in momentary disorientation before she focused on him, and then her whole face lit up like the sun. She sighed contentedly.


“Hey, sunshine.”

“That was more than I ever expected. That was absolutely incredible.”

“Yeah, I felt the same way.”

“Where did you learn to do all that? The teasing? It felt like you’d practiced.”

“I told you, Barb and I tried that a little. I wasn’t sure how far to take it with you.”

“Take it as far as you like. All that you did? I want more of it.”

“Any time. So... the ponytail thing didn’t hurt?”

“It did,” she said softly. “But in a very good way. Next time I take you in my mouth, you can use it to guide my actions. I think we would both enjoy that.”

He chuckled and gave her a squeeze. “I think you’re right.”

She nuzzled his chest. “So? What do we think of the new form?”

“I absolutely loved fucking you like this. But honestly, I think this would have been great with redheaded Allison too. Or any other form you come up with.” He kissed her nose. “It’s you, honey. You’re the reason this all feels so great.”

“As I feel about you,” she agreed. “Still. The visuals were enjoyable?”

“Yup. Great visuals. This new body is a work of art.”

“I will make many more works of art for you.” She kissed his chest. “But my initial form will always be ready for you any time you desire it, and when we are with others.”

“We’ll just have to make sure no one ever sees us fucking when you’re configured as someone else. Might raise questions if they recognize me.”

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Her eyes widened in surprise as she obviously considered that. “That is a good point.” Then she smiled. “We will be very careful.”

As his eyes lazily traveled across the silver ring around her head, still perfectly in place despite the firm treatment he’d given her, a crazy thought smacked him almost directly in the face. Allison blinked as he suddenly sat up on one elbow, staring at her wide-eyed.

She popped up on her elbow as well, blond ponytail dangling toward the bed. “Is something the matter?”

“That tiara.”

“The muffler?”

“Right. You said it blocks all telepathy both ways.”

“It does. Do you have concerns?”

“Can it stop Tharon mind blasts?”

She pressed her lips together. “Yes, it should block those, though I would be defenseless as well. Unless...” Her own eyes widened. “You wish to take it to protect yourself?”

“Sort of. I just had several weird ideas, and I’m not even sure if any will work.” He thought back to everything she’d told him about her powers, her ship, and he night she’d tracked Agent Holloway back to the Tharon base outside down. “You told me that when you tracked down Holloway, you didn’t fly down close because the Tharons would sense you.”


“How would they do that? Can they see this ship even though the cloak?”

“No. Piloting this ship requires mental energy. Not as much as a long distance sending or a mind blast, but enough that were I to descend to a level where I could scan for Larika, they would detect our constant mental communication.”

“So you can’t pilot the ship without telepathy?”

“That... is not entirely correct.” Allison visibly considered. “I pilot with telepathy because that is the most efficient way to do so, but...” Her eyes widened. “You are thinking of your vehicle. The Acura. Its manual controls!”

“That’s right.” Carter grinned and sat up straight. “You can reshape this ship. Change it around, right? If you made yourself some manual controls, could you pilot the ship with those? While wearing that muffler? Could the Tharons detect you then?”

Though Allison smiled, she couldn’t quite hide her disappointment. “They could not detect me. However, the moment I attempted to leave the ship, they would spot me. They do not rely simply on telepathic detection. They have officers on visual patrol, too.”

“But could they mind blast you?”

“No, but neither could I them. I also do not think I could physically disable them without hurting them badly, and Tharons are actually fragile beings. The risk of killing one by mistake would be too great. I want Larika free, but I can’t hurt the Tharons to free her.”

“No, of course we can’t.” Carter focused on the problem. “Still, I feel like we’ve got something here. If we made this ship some manual controls and you piloted that way, we could at least get low enough to get into their base. Maybe from the roof.” He glanced at the closet from which she’d pulled the muffler. “Do you have any cloaking suits?”

“The power required to cloak this ship and the material that channels that power is expensive and heavy,” Allison said. “Sadly, it is not suitable for personal cloaking. Such technology does exist, but is not generally accessible. We do have a pair of spacesuits we use for repairs and hostile atmospheres, but while they can change between colors to aid in visual identification, neither is capable of active cloaking.”

“Damn.” He frowned. “So even if we sneak past their telepathic sensors with the muffler, we’ve still got their lookouts to deal with. If only we could just get them all to...” Once again, the answer practically slapped him in the face. “Holy shit!”

“What?” Allison blinked and then, as if remembering, slipped the tiara off her head.

Her mind came questing for his. He’d learned enough by now to sense when she wanted to touch minds and enough to open himself to that. As they stared into each other’s eyes, a dozen questions were answered and at least four different plans were made and discarded. When they settled upon the last plan together, Allison blinked as if in a daze.

“It could work.” She stared at him. “It could work, Carter, but it would place you in danger. I am not comfortable with putting you in that much danger.”

“It’s the best plan,” he assured her. “You know it is, and you know we can pull it off. We need to free your sister, and I’m perfectly willing to take this risk.”

“And what if I am not willing to let you take that risk?”

He touched her cheek. “Trust me.”


“Trust me to handle this. Like I trust you. So far as I’m concerned, you’re the one who’s taking all the risk. I hate that you have to do that, but I think we have to.”

“To help Larika.” Allison blinked. “We really could free her, couldn’t we?”

“I don’t think we’ll have a better plan or a better chance.”

“Then...” She sighed. “Yes. You’re right, of course. There was no plan we could devise that would come without risk. Risk was inevitable. This, at least, has a chance for success.”

“A pretty good chance, actually.”

“So long as they take the bait. What if they do not take the bait?”

“Then we abort and figure out something else.” Carter shrugged. “We’re not just going to jump in blind. We’ll poke the nest, we’ll see how they react, and we’ll move if they do.”

“So move, but with caution.” Allison looked more comfortable. “I agree to this.” She looked around, suddenly filled with purpose. “I need to show you the pilot compartment immediately. We should make sure we can configure it as we wish.”


“Where did you toss my panties?”

Carter grinned. “Oh. Uh... somewhere over there?” He pointed in what he hoped was the right direction.

She sighed and then glanced at him with a warm, contented smile. “I suppose there’s no harm in showing you the rest of the ship while I am naked.”

“No,” Carter agreed. “No harm in that at all.”

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