Syren’s Song

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Muffler

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Allison turned the device, which on closer inspection he now realized was more like a slim headband, in both hands. She settled it in her lap and settled her now blue eyes on him. “You asked why a device like this would be useful for a sapient like me. The reason is that on some worlds, with some species, being innately telepathic can be uncomfortable.”

So she was going to tell him more about other planets, and other aliens? He loved learning about this sort of stuff. Carter listened intently.

“Succubi are one example. While their males only engage in telepathic communication during copulation, their females constantly broadcast their thoughts, desires, and feelings at what I can only describe as high volume. They are an exceedingly mentally expressive species, and when there are many succubi present in close proximity... such as inside one of their colonies, or on a planet where a large population of succubi have settled... the mental noise they produce can be overwhelming for a sapient like me.”

“So it’s like being an auditorium with a huge crowd, with everyone trying to shout over each other,” Carter said. “And the muffler... that tiara... helps you hear yourself think.”

“This concept makes sense to you?”

“It does. I’d never thought about how noisy it could be to have everyone’s thoughts on full volume, but I can see how it’d be distracting.” Carter thought back to the night he’d been stabbed. “Still, isn’t wearing that thing a little dangerous for you?”

“You mean because it suppresses my ability to detect threats and defend myself.” Allison nodded. “That is a downside to donning a muffler. Larika and I use it rarely, generally when visiting a location with loud mental traffic. We trade off, with one wearing the muffler to recover while the other keeps her mind open and alert for threats to both of us.”

“You two sound like you made a pretty good team.” Carter smiled. “So have you traveled to a lot of planets?”

“Many,” Allison said wistfully. “Other than traveling with you, traveling to new planets and sharing experiences with my twin sister is one of my greatest joys. It is why I cannot bear the thought of being separated from her, even if it would makes things easier.”

“We’re going to get her away from the Tharons,” Carter assured her firmly.

He was flattered that Allison loved being with him as much as she loved being with her sister. That meant a lot to him. He wasn’t going to let her lose Larika.

She gripped his hand and squeezed. “You truly wish to help me free her, but you are not completely convinced we will succeed.”

“Yeah.” He sighed. “I mean, I believe we can do it. I’m determined to try. But you’re right. Since I’m not yet sure how we’ll pull it off, I can’t completely believe it’ll work.”

“That is to be expected. Your desire to help us is all I could ever wish for, and if you did not have doubts, I would worry about your ability to adequately assess threats. But this demonstrates another reason that wearing a muffler can be both interesting and pleasant.”

“What reason?”

“When you reassured me just now, you were completely convincing. Your posture, your words, even your tone held no doubt. Had I not picked up on the trace of uncertainty that rose off your mind, I might have believed you were as confident we would succeed as you claim.”

“Is that good, or bad?”

“It is simply a reality of who I am. Being telepathic is wonderful, especially when I am proximity to those I care for. The presence of your mind warms me in ways I cannot fully describe. Even when you are asleep, I am aware you exist. This makes me feel safe.”

“I’m glad.”

“But it does not mean that I always desire to be intimately aware of your every intention and thought. To be clear, when you take me during sex, your care for me... your desire to take care of me... it pleasures my mind in the same way you pleasure my body.”

“I do my best.”

“You do wonderfully. I adore the way you think about me, but because we are now so closely connected, I can also sense everything you will do to me before you do it. Even when I purposely dull my telepathic sense, that awareness is always vaguely present.”

“Oh,” Carter said. “So... like, if I’m about to kiss you, you know before I do it.” That explained how she was so good at matching everything he did in bed.

“Yes,” Allison agreed. “And I love that, but also... sometimes, it can be fun to try things differently. Just like the different ways you enjoy having me. Some mornings, you let me suck you off in bed, and other mornings, you bend me over the couch, and sometimes, you allow me to gag on your cock while you pin me to the wall in the shower. And in the car—”

Carter laughed and squeezed her. “I get it, Allie. You’re saying you’d like to try having sex when you have no idea what I’m going to do to you next.”

“Yes.” She blinked. “That is precisely it.” She narrowed her eyes. “You did not pull that from my mind?” She looked almost hopeful he had.

“I’m not quite good enough to read your thoughts yet. But you’ve made this all clear enough. This muffler is like a blindfold.”

Her brow furrowed with obvious curiosity. “Do humans enjoy not being able to see?”

“Sometimes. In the right circumstances. Barb...” He hesitated, then decided he had nothing to hide from her. “You remember her. My girlfriend from back in Texas.”

Allison smiled fondly. “Your first love.”

“Yeah.” Carter grinned. “She liked that sometimes. When I blindfolded her during sex. Taking away one sense like that means all the other senses get more intense.”

“So you do understand.” Allison rubbed his thigh. “So, yes. I wish you blindfold me, but mentally. I wish you to fuck me however you like and with no idea of what you will do to me next. I love sharing my mind but you, but... being in the dark is also hot.”

“And we’ll be safe here?”

Allison nodded eagerly. “That is one reason I wished to bring you to my ship. This is one place I feel safe indulging in this particular fantasy. Venus will hide and protect us. No sapient can enter her without alerting me, and even with my mind closed, visual and audible signals will alert us both long before any sapient penetrates her defenses.”

“Odd choice of words, given I’m about to penetrate you.”

Allison snickered. “Now you are stealing my jokes.”

“So you want to put it on now, or show me something else cool about your ship?”

“I do not think further delay would be fair to you, given the intense desire I feel radiating off your mind right now. You truly want to have this body.”

“I want to have you,” Carter reminded her. “However you’re configured.”

“And I am eager for you to take me again. While I am ‘blindfolded.’” She pressed her lips together and touched his hand. “I would also like you to be firm with me today.”

So she was in a submissive mood. Her moods varied from day to day—sometimes, she wanted him to instruct her on everything, and other times, she took control—but for this purpose, submissive would work just great. “You got it, Allie.”

“Then... you may begin instructing me any time you wish.”

She raised the silvery tiara and settled it on her head, adjusting it with her hands. She settled it beneath her blond ponytail and adjusted that, and her sudden intake of breath told him it must be working. As she stared at him with her newly blue eyes, he immediately saw the difference the tiara made.

She was eager... and nervous. He could almost hear her heart pounding.

This didn’t look to be a bad nervous. It just seemed to him that she finally had no idea what was going to happen next. Given she must have sensed what he was going to do right before he did for as long as they’d been together, this change must be almost frightening.

And probably hot as hell.

“Close your eyes.” He was determined to indulge this desire of hers as intensely as he could. He suspected she’d like some of the same things Barb had liked. Things they’d both liked, if he was being honest with himself.

She immediately closed her eyes and pressed her lips together. She was still trembling, and he didn’t miss the way her thighs visibly rubbed against each other. She was intensely turned on right now. That explained why he was already almost painfully hard.

“If anything gets too weird, or something scares you, or isn’t what you like, tell me.”

“I will,” she whispered. “But I trust you implicitly. Do as you wish with me.”

She had just closed off every telepathic sense that kept her safe after showing him her most valuable possession. Her spaceship. Of course she trusted him, and so intimately it made him want to wrap his arms around her and kiss her until they couldn’t breathe.

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Still, that could wait a little while. For now, he was going to indulge this fantasy of hers every way he could. He gave her hand a squeeze, then silently slipped away.

She gasped as he rose off the bed and involuntarily reached out for him, but her fingers brushed only air. “Carter?”

“Hmm?” He spoke quietly.

She relaxed and stared ahead, eyes closed. “You stood up. You are watching me now.” She breathed deep. “What do you wish me to do first?”

“I’ll tell you soon. First, you want me to keep telling you where I am for now?”

“No,” she whispered. “No, I think it would be fine to be surprised.”

“Good. Now, unbutton that top for me. Just the top few buttons.”

She smiled wide. “Yes, sir.”

Eyes still closed, she reached up and fumbled with the small black buttons on her white knit-blouse, then slowly undid each one. Soon she’d revealed most of the firm breasts she’d shoved in that top. She wore no bra, and while her cleavage obviously wasn’t as deep as with her redheaded configuration, she was still sexy as hell.

When she went to pull her top off, however, Carter stopped her. “Not yet.”

She immediately dropped her hands. “What do you wish me to do next?”

“I want you to sit right there until I tell you different. Cross your wrists behind your back and push that chest out for me.”

She eagerly obeyed his instructions. “Yes, sir.”

With her wrists now crossed behind her back, he stood and ogled her newest body. He could stare down her now unbuttoned top at her pert and perfect breasts, along with nipples that were visibly hard. Her bare midriff remained as tight and athletic as in the car, and her tan skin glistened now. She was sweating. He liked the way she looked, all sweaty like that.

He moved close to get a better look down her now open top, intensely turned on by the sight of her new breasts. He leaned close and watched her tense. She knew he was close, but wasn’t sure exactly where he was.

As much as he wanted to slip his hands inside her top and grope, he’d wait on that for now. He knew she would expect that. Instead he traced one finger down her flat, firm stomach.

She jumped a whole inch off the bed, then giggled and flushed wildly. “Oh my!” She pushed her hands even more firmly behind her back. She really wanted his hands on her breasts, which was exactly why he wasn’t going to give her that just yet.

“Surprised you?”

“Yes, sir. Very much, sir.” She tilted her head up, eyes still tightly closed. “May I touch you now?”

“Not yet. For now, I want you to sit and think about all the ways you could please me. You can rub your tits if you want, but no touching anything below the waist. Not until I say so.”

She eagerly started playing with her own breasts, slipping one hand inside her top and squeezing the other over it. Her thighs rubbed together as well until Carter touched her knees, making her gasp again. “Keep your legs spread, Allie. Nothing down there until I tell you.”

She looked both disappointed and delighted as she spread her thighs wide. “Yes, sir.”

As she groped her own breasts, her spread and muscular legs looked amazing in those tight jeans. He wanted to run his hands up and down her calves and thighs right now, but he’d work up to that. For now, he simply traced one finger along her jawline before moving away.

With another quiet moan, she tilted her head toward where his hand had been. It wasn’t there any longer. Teasing her like this was so much fun. He already knew that she liked being submissive, but she obviously liked it even more when she couldn’t see.

As she continued to fondle herself, he walked over to the little stool she’d raised by the side wall, along with the desk there. He didn’t see a hair brush or a makeup kit or any of the things he’d expected, but at least he could sit. He settled and took off his shoes.

He probably should have done that as soon as he walked in, but she hadn’t asked. He slipped off his socks as well, then pressed his bare feet to the ship’s floor. It felt strange.

It was warm. It even tingled a little. The surface somehow felt like the best parts of warm hardwood on a sunny afternoon and thick carpet. If they spent more time in this ship, he was going to walk around barefoot all the time.

Once he had his shoes off, he stripped off his shirt, but not his pants. It’d be fun to let Allison fumble those open. Then, barefoot and shirtless, he rose and padded quietly back around to where she still sat on her bed, knees still wide. Her bare skin glistened with sweat, and with both hands inside her top, it was obvious she was aching for him.

He could imagine how hard she must be rolling and teasing her nipples. He stepped close and gripped each side of her top. She gasped at the sudden contact, then immediately raised both hands above her head.

He hadn’t told her to do that, but he wasn’t sure if she was ready for everything he’d thought about. He didn’t want to do anything involving discipline until they’d talked about it first, even if it might surprise and delight her. She seemed more than hot enough now.

He rewarded her eagerness by pulling her top off over her head, and was pleased when she didn’t lower her arms again. He settled before her bed and lightly pressed both hands to the sides of her knees. She rewarded him with another quiet gasp.

He eased her legs further apart as he scooted in at the edge of the bed, between her spread knees, and stared up at her topless form. “Hands behind your head now, Allie.”

She complied at once, which showed off her new muscles. Her shoulders were narrow but firm, and her taut biceps looked great. These were the arms of a woman who lifted weights and did pull ups on a regular basis, and while her breasts were both just about a perfect handful, he could also see the visible definition of her pectorals backing them up.

Her midriff was like an Amazon statue, with incredibly defined abs. With her hands behind her head and her thighs spread wide, she looked like she was ready to do crunches any moment. She could probably keeping doing them for hours. She was definitely still feminine, but in about the best shape any woman could get into.

Carter lightly trailed his fingers up the inside of her thighs. She fidgeted with delight, then gasped as his touch ended on her inner thighs. Before she could complain about him not doing anything more, he brushed his fingers along the back of her bare calves.

She smiled with obvious gratitude. He placed both hands firmly on the inside of her thighs and leaned forward, silent. There, he blew gently on one bare nipple.

That caused her to hop on the bed again, and she laughed as he pressed her down against it with firm hands on her thighs. She pushed her bare chest forward, obviously hoping for more. Her hopeful and desperate expression was just impossible cute. “Sir?”

“Not yet, Allie.”

Instead, he continued to teasingly brush her legs and calves through the thin denim. More brushes along her sides caused stifled giggles. He knew that tickled her, and he knew how much she liked being tickled. All the while her chest heaved and her muscles tensed, and soon enough, he reward her obedience by finally tracing his fingers around her breasts.

He rolled her nipples between his fingertips until she moaned, then released her. She’d just opened her mouth when he wrapped his tongue one nipple, and he suspected it took every ounce of her self control not to grab his head and press him against her tits. Still, she obeyed.

Though it all, through every teasing and unexpected touch, she kept her elbows out and her hands behind her head, pushing her chest forward. She remained eager to follow his every instruction, even if all she wanted right now was his cock deep inside her. That was obvious.

“Sir,” she whispered breathlessly.


“I need you. I need more.”

“Ask nice.”

“Please, sir. Please fuck me. This is wonderful but overwhelming. If you could you just tou—”

He kissed her so hard she fell over backward on the bed, but he caught her with two firm hands on her back. She giggled madly as she kissed him back and then shoved her tongue in his mouth. He finally closed his arms around her in the way he knew she loved, squeezing her tight as he eased her down on her impossibly soft alien bed.

He kissed her neck, her chin, and then her nose. “You can hug me now, Allie.”

Her spread legs snapped around him, and her calves pressed hard against his ankles as she clutched him hard enough he felt her new strength. Still, he was stronger. As he pinned her to the bed with his body weight, she eagerly ground herself against him.

Her muscular body felt great pinned beneath his own, as did those brand new tits. Given how good that felt even though their pants, it might be time to move on to more. He pondered making her wait a little longer, then decided that would be almost too cruel.

Allison was willing to remain submissive up to a point, but given how much she apparently liked what he’d done to her while she was “blindfolded”, he’d probably already teased her past the point where she could control herself. There seemed absolutely desperate to fuck, and he was too. No reason to keep either of them waiting any longer.

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